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Hello corine I'm so excited to have you on the wild remedies podcast. How are you this morning I'm great. Well actually I mean I feel pretty great but I have been awake since three thirty this morning

Corinne Angelica
Um, hi I'm good. How are you? Thank you.

So smoke I don't know I just woke up and I was like oh okay, it must be like 6 a m or whatever and I called out to Alexa and I was like what time is it and she's like it's 4 A m and I was like pardon me.

Corinne Angelica
Gosh why.

No well and it's funny I think it might relate to the conversation we're having today because I think it has something to do with hormones. But what yeah I know we're kind of at the mercy of them sometimes aren't we yeah well um.

Corinne Angelica
Oh my gosh, you're like that's not what I wanted to hear. Ah.

Really excited to chat with you today I saw one of your posts recently when you're talking about using cycle strategy to stay consistent with your health and I love that as a topic of conversation for this podcast. Um.

Corinne Angelica
It always does.

Corinne Angelica

Corinne Angelica
Um, who.

For multitudes of reasons one just for being for my own information. Um I recently got off of all the hormonal stuff. Not that long ago. So birth control maybe year and a half two years ago and spearon a lactone I got off of this.

Brain I've never been formally diagnosed but I have a lot of the symptoms. Um, totally well I was put on it for another reason for something called Hyperalosteroneism So my body medrenals produce.

Corinne Angelica

Corinne Angelica
Um, do you have Pc os.

Corinne Angelica
Okay, okay, just because most people who do are are put on that. So that's why I was asking.

Corinne Angelica
Um, okay.

A ton of alldosterone which like wa my kidneys and my blood pressure and swelling and all of this weird stuff. So I've been focused on a different style of healing right now. But in the meantime I have these hormonal symptoms and stuff kind of rushing back I'm trying to be patient with it. But I'm sure you can imagine the.

Corinne Angelica

Hormonal acne the weight gain all of the things very very frustrating so it'd be really great to have a conversation today for because I know a lot of women. There's such a big conversation around birth control right now and I think a lot of women are wanting to get off of it. And a lot of us have been on it for a very very long time and so getting used to your cycle again right? and realizing that there's actually a lot of potential in working with it.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah.

Have ebbs and flows and all of these things and yeah I've been learning so much So I'm excited to dive into this topic with you.

Corinne Angelica
Yeah, I'm so excited I love talking about all these things and you know you said you you have to be patient which is true. It does take your hormones time to balance out but at the same time if it's something that's persistent. It's just because it's not getting what it needs so there's a balance between being patient and acknowledging that there's. Something you either are are not doing that's not addressing the root cause of where these symptoms are coming from because once you do it will balance out within about like three months if you are you know, doing targeted protocols so there is a balance of. You know, being patient but also recognizing if it's going on for a really long time It's for a reason.

Amazing. Okay, well before we dive into all that I want to hear about your background because it used to be a former high school teacher and now you're sort of nutritionist. How how did that come to to be.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, yes, yes, yeah, so I was a teacher for 9 years um I taught spanish and eml mostly at the high school. Um I pretty much taught every grade over the years um but I never really like loved it. Loved it. I always knew I was going to leave at some point I didn't even know why or when or what was going to happen I just like had that feeling. Um and then I started struggling with my own health issues and that's kind of how I got into this world.

Um, that's insane 3 year totally my um yeah.

Corinne Angelica
I always had an irregular period since I got I got my peer when I was 15 it was irregular always for a full decade I would get it maybe 3 times a year max um and my gynecologist would always just tell me that as long as you're getting through a year that's fine like it's not a big deal as you know you're not trying to get pregnant. Yeah I know um I'm like okay. Yeah, 3 a year I'm like okay like I didn't know any better. No one ever taught us differently so and I was young. So I'm like okay, cool like that's fine. Um, and then it went totally missing for 2 years and in the midst of it I also was experiencing a lot of digestive issues I was really bloated and constipated and I had monthly migraines. Had body rashes I was getting weight had facial hair growth like all these things were going on. Um and I was going to all the different doctors neurologists gastroenterologists dermatologists the gyno like nothing. No one was putting any of the dots together all my blood work always came back. Normal.

Um, you.

Corinne Angelica
Um, long story short I do have pcs like what we just mentioned polycystic ovarianance. Syndrome I was misdiagnosed without it for a really long time. Um, because my blood work wasn't off enough quote unquote for the doctor to diagnose me so anyway. Um I was not interested in going on birth control I wasn't interested in any of the medications. So I just took it upon myself to do research and dive into it and start changing my nutrition and once I did I saw like insane results and that's what sparked me for going back to school to become certified and holistic nutrition while I was still teaching. Um, and then in August of 2020 s when I fully left. Um the pandemic happened obviously in March and that's when all of us like teachers were teaching from home which was a joke that first year no one knew what was going on like we barely were doing anything so I had so much time. Um, that's when I built the business up and then finally left in August of 2020? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have to these days. Ah.

Wow, That's amazing. Well I love that story about just taking your health into your own hands and being like like this you do you do? Yeah, it's really hard about on the podcast all the time.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah.

Have a similar experience. My process has just been like much more drawn out How how long did this process take from you like figuring out and then like yeah I did okay totally yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Oh a long time. Um, well because I was doing it on my own So when you're doing it on your own. It takes a really long time ah because you are just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks and you know you don't really know what's going on so I started.


Corinne Angelica
Diving into my health really like kind of dabbling maybe in 2014 um but 2016 is when I really started like going after it went back to school and stuff like that and then ah it was two years later that I finally got my period back? Um, things were slowly improving as I was doing that. Um.


Corinne Angelica
But you know when you're trying to do stuff on your own and you're just like picking up pieces of the puzzle and seeing what works what doesn't work like obviously I was learning stuff through school so I was doing it through that but it was a 2 year program so anyway yeah it did it. It took a little bit longer than it a lot longer than it definitely needs to take if you're know what you're actually doing.

For sure. Why don't we chat about what Pc Os is because I know that it's like the term for it is kind of outdated because it stands for.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Um, very outdated. Yeah correct.

Inflyndrome right? But you don't necessarily have to have cyst on your ovaries. It's one of those things that's kind of like a blanket diagnoses I feel like fibromyalgia right? which is actually widespread inflammation.

Um, and.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, yeah, it's it what it actually is is a metabolic disorder um so it's a metabolic disorder and the name is it's misleading like you said because you don't actually. Need to have Sys on your ovaries to have polycysic ovarianance. Syndrome. There are different forms of criteria but um, the rotter dam criteria which is like more well-known and most people follow that is you have to have 2 out of the 3 series of symptoms to be diagnosed with it because again, it's a syndrome so it's diagnosed based off of symptoms. So you have to have an an ovulatory cycle which means that you are not ovulating. You're not getting a regular period. Um, it could present itself as you know like me it was getting through periods a year. It could some people are just bleeding all the time but not actually ovulating like there's so many different things that it looks like because a period is not actually a sign that you're ovulating you have to track your ovulation. So. That's one criteria that you are not ovulating. You're not getting a regular period. The second criteria is um, high levels of male testosterone high androgen levels that could be high testosterone levels on blood work high um Dta um, and symptom wise that could present itself as acne cystic acne on like your face on your whole body. Um, excess facial hair excess body hair um losing hair on your head hair loss things like that. That's that's like systematically what that would look like and or um syst on your ovaries. Um, and it's it's a lot of tiny little cysts because it's follicles that are not actually forming enough to burst to actually ovulate.

Corinne Angelica
So it's not the same as having like a cyst on your ovary like a big Cis that's ah, that's a problem. It's different. Um, but that's the third criteria so you just have to have two out of those 3 to be diagnosed.

Interesting see I find this frustrating because I would say I have one of those but just 1 right? So I'm getting the acne right? I have hair around my temple that I have hair but it just. Grow like it's short It's very strange so to me. It seems like there's an androgen issue but it might be related to something else. It's so strange. It's like it's all kind of integrated. Yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, well the thing is that the. All of those symptoms come from a root cause um, usually it's either It's multiple things. It's usually inflammation insulin resistance are the 2 major ones. Um, it could also be Hpi access dysregulation which is what the like commonly known term is um, adrenal fatigue.

And I.

Corinne Angelica
So You probably have some because the inflammation is what causes the ovaries to produce more testosterone and things like that so you probably have a root cause of Inflammation. It could be a thyroid thing which also inflammation affects that um so it's always getting back down to the root cause so obviously getting diagnosed with something is like really important and it feels validating to know what's going on. But when you really look at the body as the whole as a whole. My approach is always just addressing the major root causes of all hormonal imbalances. So Whatever is going On. It's going to get healed because everything in your body is connected and if you're working on the major systems that need to be optimized for your hormones to function properly. Whether you have PCS whether you have low thyroid which is a lot of times. Go hand in hand whether you have endometriosis Whatever it is Obviously there's nuances. Um, but as like a blanket statement.. There are so many things that you could do just overall in your body that's going to support all of those imbalances.

Yeah I remember going down the rabbit hole and researching about the hpa access dysregulation. Pretty much everything that you stated seems to be going on in my body but there wasn't just like 1 thing that I could pinpoint so what I have been focused on. No.

Corinne Angelica
It's never just 1 thing that's the thing because everything in your body's connected, especially your hormones.

Yeah, it is yeah so totally absolutely and so that's why we need to look for root causes. How do you do that with your clients.

Corinne Angelica
So I focus on the five major root causes of all hormonal imbalances which is nutrient deficiencies blood sugar dysregulation inflammation and gut issues. Liver stagnation and um, nervous system dysfunction. So like Hpa access is function like we talked about and when you obviously there's like you know, an ideal order that you're doing things so it helps maximize your healing process. Um, but those are the major things that you want to look at. Your liver your gut your inflammation your blood sugar your nutrient deficiencies and your nervous system. Um, and once all of those are on Board. You're like smooth sale and you're ready to go because what happens is say your root causes inflammation right? It doesn't just stop there because if it goes unaddressed for a really long time. That's going to then affect your nervous system and then that's going to then affect your blood sugar and your gut and your liver. It just is a domino effect. So It's like if you have a line of dominoes if you hit one. They're all eventually going to fall down right? So It's not like we could just like spot treat and think that like oh I just have inflammation.


Corinne Angelica
Um, because if it's gone. You could start off with that and if you know right away and you heal it like you're good to go. But if it's been years and years which a lot of people. It has especially if you've been on birth control for a long time. It affects every single area of your body so it just becomes this thing where we have to now address everything as a whole.

Yep yep, that makes sense and then so how do you pinpoint which one it is and like where to get started.

Corinne Angelica
Ah, so it depends on the symptoms. Obviously you could get blood work done. But that again I don't put all the weight on that because so many of my clients as well as myself. It comes back normal because people don't know how to read the optimal ranges. It also depends on when you're getting tested in your cycle. But. Um I look at it based off of symptoms but most of the time when my clients come to me. They have symptoms of all of the above right? like there's a mix of symptoms from each root cause so how to get started is obviously I have like programs and courses around this and stuff but we could talk about that at the end but how you get started. Is. You. The 2 hormones that you want to focus the most on first are your cortisol levels and your insulin levels. Um, which is your nervous system and your blood sugar because those are the top 2 like they're like top-tier hormones. So if your cortisol level is off. It's like that first domino it's going to affect everything else, including your estrogen your testosterone your progesterone everything else same with insulin. So if you want to just like get started I would start focusing on balancing out your blood sugar and supporting your nervous system. Those are like the 2 areas to start with. Because that's going to have a positive effect on everything else and if those are off everything's going to be off.

And then what would be like your top tips to balance blood sugar. We've talked about this before on the podcast but I'm curious to see what what you work on.

Corinne Angelica
Um, so yeah, um, definitely not intermittent fasting for a long period of time which I know is huge. Um, so that's always one that I talk about because this 16 hour intermittent fasting all the. Stuff like most of these studies that are done are done on men or postmenopausal women not reproductive age women. Um, so that's also stress on your nervous system as well. Which is really cool when you do something that benefits one area benefits everything so it's not like. This only benefits my blood sugar. This only benefits my cortisol it's like all in 1 so number 1 is eating breakfast within an hour 90 minutes max of waking up um to stabilize your blood sugar and when you are having that breakfast making sure and really with every meal. It's a protein fiber and a healthy fat. Combination so that you are stabilizing your blood sugar and with that um, making sure that you're eating before you're having any form of caffeine. A lot of people will wake up. They'll go 2 3 hours without eating. They'll have a cup of coffee in the morning.


Corinne Angelica
That is like the worst thing you could do for your blood sugar and for your cortisol levels. So the tip of eating within sixty ninety minutes of waking up having your caffeine after breakfast having a protein fiber and healthy fat with breakfast. That's not only going to support your blood sugar but it's also going to support your cortisol levels because it's a stress on the body when you're going that long. Without food. Um, so it's going to cause your cortisol to raise up and to have to work harder. Um, same thing with caffeine. It's a spike in your cortisol level. You didn't even balance your blood sugar yet. So those tips support both your insulin levels and your cortisol levels.

I Love that tip about eating before the caffeine I think yeah I think that I've been focusing on recently I read this thing that I just really resonated with where it was like.

Corinne Angelica
Yeah, that's huge.

Because I generally have energy when I wake up in the morning right? So like your cortisol level should be naturally high. So why are you having the coffee then right like wait a little bit later in the day to have the coffee when maybe you're having a bit of an energy slump I don't consume a whole lot I'm sensitive to caffeine. So it's like it's like a one shot.

You know americano with all the herbs and stuff that I put in my morning coffees. Um, but still like it. It makes a huge difference the eating in the morning can be really difficult. But 1 thing that I've been doing recently that I absolutely love is I've been making these waffles out of protein powder.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yes.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah.

And they're kind of amazing. Well just to get like all of the different macros and stuff in there right? It can just seem a little overwhelming and I'm also not hungry in the morning so that you know.

Corinne Angelica
Um, how come it's difficult for eating in the morning.

Corinne Angelica
That's a sign of a hormone imbalance though. That's what I was I was waiting to see if you're going to say that I want to put that on you. So I'm like let me just see if that's what she says why? Um, we should naturally be hungry in the morning. Um, because we haven't had food like if we're not That's that's some type of an imbalance. So once you get back.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and and.

Corinne Angelica
Like you and like not saying force yourself to eat but like wait an hour. Whatever and then eat you. You should naturally wake up with hunger. Um, so that is something that can you know work itself out and it doesn't have to be super complicated like it could just be something as easy as um, you know. Rolled oats with a protein powder two tablespoons of hemp seeds and some berries like you got your protein your fibery healthy fats like you're done. It could be a smoothie with mixed greens and berries and a protein powder and some ah seeds or avocados. Whatever and that's it like it doesn't have to be super complicated. Um, we don't have to have like a ton of different ingredients in it.


Totally yes I am practicing I'm working on it and I'm going to share for anybody listening I'm going to share the recipe for these protein waffles because they're literally all the things that you just said it's just like protein powder but Chia hemp. Um, what else do I put in there.

Corinne Angelica
And just making things Simpler is you know and you could even like prep them beforehand like overnight oats or whatever if you don't want to cook it in the morning things like that like there's simpler ways to do it? Um, but it's like the most and one of the most important things you could do for your hormones.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yes, love it.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, perfect.

It's super simple but it has pretty much all the macros and it's awesome I Do a whole bunch of them on a weekend and I freeze them and then you just pop them in your toaster oven like and and go but it's like healthy. Yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Um, amazing.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, super easy, Amazing great tops and berries on there like you're good to go.

Totally yeah I do like a nice little. Yeah I put my bears because I'm also trying not to have as much cold stuff during the wintertime too. Yep yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yes, same That's why I'm doing oatmeal a lot because I am also in I'm on long Island So it's freezing. Um, so I try and do warm things as well. Yeah.

Take the frozen berries heat them up make up make make a nice compot. Love it. So good. Okay, great tips and the fasting thing too like I swear I destroyed my body doing intermittent fasting like destroying it. It's crazy.

Corinne Angelica

Corinne Angelica
Well, that's what's recommended though, like that's all you see. So of course people are going to try it. Um, and we think that it's going to work and we're like why isn't it this happening. Why are things going wrong, but no one ever talks about it. So yeah, it's It's huge.


Well and like you can see results but I remember looking back to the time where I was fasting all the time and working out like crazy and all of the things like I was running on fumes I was yeah I was a basket case.

Corinne Angelica
Um, it's not sustainable. Yeah yeah.

Yeah, the like the anxiety and stuff was just off the charts. It was crazy. Yeah, okay, amazing tips for everyone there. Okay, well let's talk about Let's talk about the the cycle strategy I would love to hear.

Corinne Angelica
Um, okay.

What this means and how we can start working in this way.

Corinne Angelica
Yeah, so to start we have to start with like our cycle in general is it's our fifth vital sign. So a lot of times we think it's just like our period like we think about our periods of time that we're bleeding and like that's it. But there's actually 3 other phases within our cycle because our hormones are constantly fluctuating. We don't have hormone levels that are the same every single day like men do right? We have a um. Ah, menstrual cycle clock where hormones change throughout the month as well as during the day during a 24 hour period men just have the 24 hour period shift not a shift throughout the month which is why a lot of the advice. That's that's given for nutrition is great for men but not for women. Um or you know females at birth.


Corinne Angelica
So ah, for our cycle. It's our fifth vital sign meaning that the whole kit and goboodle every single phase of recycle which we're going to talk about is just as important as your blood pressure your body temperature your breathing rate and your heart rate. So if something is off with your period if it's irregular if it's missing if it's painful if it's super heavy if it's super light if you have a lot of Pms like whatever symptoms are going on that means like that's just like getting a sign that your blood pressure is high um or that your but you have a fever. It's it's letting you know there's something deeper going on. Um, so that's just like a little tidbit on that and when we're talking about our cycle. What's most important is first having it regulated out before diving into like every single phase of our cycle because if you don't have a regular cycle right now you're not going through all the phases all the time. So when I say a regular cycle that means that from the day that you start bleeding that's day one of your period of your cycle until the day before you bleed again that amount of time should be between about 21 and thirty five days long I personally prefer my clients to be in the 25 to thirty five day range but what's most important is that it's pretty consistent give or take a couple days so it's like you always get it um day 35 or day thirty two day 33 around there or you always get it day 25 doing it 26 21

Corinne Angelica
Um, it's not like sometimes it's day 25 sometimes it's 40 sometimes it's 26 sometimes it's 30 you're like all over the map like that's what we don't want to see um so that's just the cycle in general and then as far as the phases of it. So then you can use this cycle strategy because our hormones affect. Literally everything in our body. They're chemical messengers that are flowing through our bloodstream so they affect everything from your energy to your metabolism to your skin your hair your immune system your digestion. Everything. Um, there are different things that are affected depending on which phase of your cycle you're at based off of where your hormones are. Um, that's going to shift how your metabolism's working. It's going to shift how balance out your blood sugar is it's going to shift your cortisol levels. So if we're just constantly working out the same if we're constantly eating the same and we're doing the same thing every day and we're not honoring where our hormone levels are at it's going to be a lot harder to. Consistent with what we're doing because we're not going to feel the same and we're going to wonder like well I had this salad last week and it filled me up. But now I'm starving after I eat it or I was able to do this really intense workout two weeks ago and now I'm dying like what is going on. It's your hormones. So. Well so we'll go through every phase. So the first phase like I said day one of your cycle is your period when you're actually bleeding that's your menstrual phase that should be about 3 to seven days long um and that is if we're thinking about it like seasons that's like winter so that's like when your hormones are at their absolute lowest levels.

Corinne Angelica
So your energy is going to be naturally lower. You're gonna want to go more inward. This is a great time for you to slow down you want to not overexcise. You don't want to do anything like that. It is like a really energy intensive process that we don't take into consideration because it's just like so devalued in our society. But.


Corinne Angelica
Um, in other parts of the world like women like they don't go to work like it's like intense like they like simply rest on their like ah when they have their period. Um, so anyway this when your hormones are at their lowest level your estrogen your testosterone your progesterone are all low. So you're going to feel different in your body. This doesn't mean that you should be totally wiped out and exhausted. Um, that is a sign of an imbalance but you will notice that your energy is different I'm pretty sure everybody who's ever gone. A period will know that their energy feels a little different when you have it and it's for a reason. Um, and then you move into the follicular phase.


Corinne Angelica
Um, and this is like spring this is when your hormones start increasing. So your estrogen and your testosterone levels start increasing to prepare for ovulation. Um, and because these are increasing you're going to feel a drastic difference in your energy and again this is if your hormones are pretty balanced out that that you'll feel these differences more um. So you'll feel your energy is increasing. You're going to be able to handle more intense workouts your um appetite is actually going to be a little bit lower and your blood sugar is naturally more regulated. So you can go a little bit longer in between meals. Um, you might be able to eat lighter foods and not and be fine and not feel like oh my god I'm starving after that. Um because of the effect your hormones have on your blood sugar. So your follicular phase is the most variable time of your cycle because everybody ovulates on a different day. It's. Total myth that everyone has a twenty eight day cycle and that everyone ah it's on day 14 that's complete bullshit. That's not true at all. Oh yeah, that's not true at all. Um, most people don't have a twenty eight day cycle um ah like I personally always I'm pregnant at the moment but I always ovulated on day 21.

Really interesting.

Corinne Angelica
Um, not everybody ovates on day 14 you have to actually track it which we can get into if you want to at a certain point to know when you're actually ovulating so the follicular phase is the most variable time because again everyone ovulates at a different time and also your ovulation date can change each month because it's. Very affected by your stress levels if you get sick if you're traveling if you're under eating if you're under just a lot of stress. It will your body will naturally want to keep you safe and feel like oh this isn't a good time to get pregnant because. She's sick or she's traveling or she just got a shot or whatever so like I'm going to delay the ovulation because it doesn't seem like it's a good time for her to get pregnant. Even if you don't want to get pregnant your body doesn't know that so that's like why it can shift like that. So the amount of time for folicco phase is going to depend. Um, but after that it goes into ovulation. Um, ovulation the actual act of ovulation is just a 24 hour situation but the phase of it could be about 3 to five days long um and the fertile window is up to six days long so your only fertile 5 to 6 days out of the month um it's impossible for you to get pregnant outside of that window. Which is a whole nother situation. Why people don't need to be on birth control to track when they're fertile to only 5 to 6 days men are fertile literally 24 7 so why don't they go on birth control. But anyway, um, so ovulation is when your hormones are at their highest. So your estrogen is peaking. Your testosterone is peaking. You're going to feel such a surge of energy.


New a.

Corinne Angelica
You're going to be able to do a harder workout if you want to like you're just going to feel more magnetic. More excited your mood's going to be better. You're going to have more cervical mucus present. Um I mean there's so many details I can go into but we'll just keep it basic right now and then you could ask me questions once I wrap this up. Um, and then after you ah Ovulate. You produce the hormone progesterone. So now we have a whole new hormone on the scene. Um, and this is your luteal phase which is the 10 to fourteen days before you get your period and this is like fall so your progesterone levels are going to be naturally higher. Your estrogen is going to be slowly decreasing. And this is where a lot of people can experience Pms if they have an imbalanced level of estrogen to progesterone levels. Um, so your cortisol levels are naturally higher in your luteal phase and your blood sugar is more naturally dysregulated so this is why it's really important to slow down your workouts. So not do doing cardio to be adding in an extra snack to reduce your caffeine all of this um the 10 to 14 days before your period because of how your cortisol and your um blood sugar changes and then we go back to your menstrual phase.


Interesting I literally just took notes because I'm in my luteal phase right now and I'm like oh okay, interesting I woke up at 3 am and cortisol and the blood sugar dysregulation that I'm feeling a little bit right now. Um.

Corinne Angelica
Um, this is perfect.

Corinne Angelica
Yes, yeah, because also if you have low progesterone levels or just regulated blood sugar. It can affect your sleep so that makes sense.

A fish.

Yeah, it does oh my gosh. Yeah, this is super powerful stuff. You guys anybody that is listening and what I like about this the most I for years.

Corinne Angelica
Um, is a lot.

Have been so hard on myself because I'm like why can't I produce like a man right? like why can't I just be normal every single day like I feel um I guess but when you're running a business and you're doing all these things you know like I've been a high performer and it's just.

Corinne Angelica
Um, but how boring. Ah.

Corinne Angelica
Ah, oh I get it.

Have days where I just feel like it can't function and it can feel really frustrating but when you realize these things about yourself and there's a lot of magic in these phases too.

Corinne Angelica

Corinne Angelica
Um, oh my God Yeah, it's amazing when you tap into it. We didn't get into how your brain changes and with like syncing with your business. It's like the best thing.

It is right and it's so frustrating that this knowledge has been kept from us for so long right? like this reclamation is so important for women. So so so important and it's funny too like when you mention how? um.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah.

And during some periods of the cycle. You're really hungry and others. You're not like I noticed that a lot. So since I started you know going off of all of the things I started period tracking which I had never done so soon as I stopped birth control and in the beginning it was.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Um, he um.

Wildly all over the place and I think this had a lot to do with spal loconee too. So I was missing periods where I was bleeding like at the end like 4 times a month. It was getting really crazy. Yeah, went off the spiro and it only took a couple of months

And I started bouncing back and then I got super regular like I'm the twenty eight day fourteen day ah like the textbook all of the things which I ah well I can tell from like the cervical mucus and I can like just yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Um, oof.

Corinne Angelica

Corinne Angelica
Are you tracking your ovulation or is it just the app telling you that Oh okay, so okay, so there's a little caveat to that. Um, so.

Like feel within my body and all the things I think or is there something else I use for rest. Okay.

Ah, hamas.

Corinne Angelica
Cervical mucus is not confirming ovulation. It's letting you know that you're approaching ovulation. Um, the reason why we get the cervical mucus increase is to because your estrogen levels are what produces cervical mucus. So that's why it increases and also for fertility purposes. That's what sperm.

And yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Travels to the egg in it's what keeps sperm alive. All of that. Um, but people could have this increase in cervical mucus but never actually reach ovulation people who have Pc this happens too often. Um, so in order to confirm because bleeding is not a sign of ovulation. Um, you could be having enough estrogen levels where your uterine lining is now shedding and you're bleeding. Um, So maybe it could be like if you're like really heavy bleeding or clotting or maybe spotting Beforehand or light brown or whatever like some excess Estrogen symptoms. So you want to? Also in addition to tracking your cervical mucus. You want to track your basal body temperature. Um, because that's what actually confirms that you ovulated cervical mucus doesn't confirm. It. It's letting know that you're approaching it. But it doesn't mean that you actually did ovulate. Um, so.

And maybe enough.

Corinne Angelica
And also the day that you ovulate is important to know so you know how long your luteal phase is because you want to make sure it's at least like the 11 to fourteen days if it's anything shorter than that then you you are going to have some low progesterone level so tracking your basal body temperature is really important I have a whole podcast episode on that.


Corinne Angelica
Um, if you want to direct your um community to that. It's episode 24 of the mind your hormones podcast I dive into how to track your basil by temperature what it's supposed to look like like it gets a little confusing for people so I wanted to have that resource there so it could reiterate what we're talking about.

Amazing I mean can we touch on that a little bit because I'm I'm totally new Im like I didn't think that I would ever ah that I would have to worry about something like this unless I wanted to get pregnant which I don't at this point. But yeah, so how does this work? um.

Corinne Angelica
Um, oh yeah, oh yeah, I'll talk about it right now. Yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Ah, okay, so let me start with that. So the reason why we need to worry about that. Even if you never want to get pregnant is because when you ovulate you produce the hormone progesterone like we've been talking Progesterone is what holds on to and nourishes a pregnancy. But.


Corinne Angelica
It also supports your metabolism your thyroid your hair your skin your nails your stress response your bones. It helps reduce your chances of getting osteoposis and heart disease and endometrial cancer later in life. So it's extremely important to be ovulating as regularly as possible. Even if you never want to have a baby. Um, so. Tracking and the reason why we can actually see that your basal body temperature changes is because of progesterone so progesterone actually increases your body temperature. So what we want to look for is a spike in your basal body temperature and we can't just use a regular thermometer for this. We have to get a specific basal body thermometer. Um. Because it goes to like the tenth of a degree so you have to make sure it's it's a specific one so you take your temperature every single day in the morning before you get out of bed ideally around the same time every day. Because your body temperature will slowly begin to increase you know the later in the day as it goes so you want to make sure that's around the same time every day if you're someone that doesn't wake up around the same time every day if you're a new mom if you are a shift worker if you're just don't wake up around the same time. There are temperatures like thermometers like temp drop that it's ah. It's an arm band that goes on your arm. It's comfortable. It's like a cloth or whatever and it it will track it for you. So it's more consistent because the timing is really really important because it's so specific. So anyway, you take it soon as you wake up before you get out of bed before you do anything you roll over you take your temperature.

Corinne Angelica
Temperature should be about 97 to ninety seven point seven degrees before you ovulate now some people generally have a lower temperature and that could be like 96 to 90 you know 6 point 7 range before ovulation if it's. Any lower than the 96 range. You really want to get your thyroid checked out because your thyroid also um supports your body temperature. So ideally, you want your temperatures to be around the 97 to 97.7 range in from the day that you get your period day 1 of your cycle until the day before you ovulate.


Corinne Angelica
After ovulation you want to see the temperature increase about point ° so if you are have the 97 times 7 point 7 it'll increase to about 98 to 98.8, but that temperature has to stay that higher 98 to 98.8 at least three days in a row if. You just have one spike of it and then it goes back down that doesn't confirm ovulation. It has to be three days in a row ideally it'll stay higher until you get your period. Um, if it goes up and it stays high for three days and then it drops down you still ovulated but you have low progesterone levels and it wasn't really a strong ovulation. Um, so you want to see that shift and that's what's confirming your ovulation. So if you don't ever see that spike in your temperature then you didn't actually ovulate.

Okay, is there an app for that.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yes, so when you get the temperature it the thermometer it connects to an app. Yeah, so there's like temp drop you could use. You could use natural cycles. You could just get one that's on Amazon they all come with an app.

Yeah, cool on the.

Corinne Angelica
Um, and it will track it for you So you don't have to remember it Obviously it just logs it all for you in there and everything like that. Yeah.

Okay, what does it mean if you are breaking out during ovulation.

Corinne Angelica
Um, so that could be from really high levels of either estrogen or testosterone because your estroous testosterone levels are naturally at their peak during that time. So if you have them in excess amounts that it could cause that acne to come out. So usually it's probably ah excess Estrogen which.


Corinne Angelica
Other symptoms that could be related with to that could be migraines. Um, it could be breast tenderness in your luteal phase. It could be water retention. Um the mood swings. It could look like a clots during your period Really heavy bleeding cramping. Those are some other symptoms that could be associated with that as well.

Okay, oh it's so complicated. Our bodies are so complicated aren't they like and it's just.

Corinne Angelica
It's not though it's really not that complicated when you look at what is most important to focus on and when you make tiny shifts that are improving that root cause right? So like there's all these symptoms and all these things and it looks like there's so many different things that are wrong.


Um, we hit me.

Corinne Angelica
But it's going back down to 1 root cause it doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't have to be this like huge crazy thing. It's just taking it one step at a time and it's the major things that we're doing that we don't realize are harming our hormones like not getting enough sleep overexercising undereating overcaffeinating being you know, bombarded by toxins.

You need.

Corinne Angelica
Skipping meals like it's simple things that you can change that make such a huge difference. Um, so just like they can easily go out of balance. You can get them back into balance by just making like strategic changes obviously.

Is it.

Corinne Angelica
You know that involves you changing your habits which isn't always easiest thing but it's also not easy to live in a body that has imbalances you know feel good. So it's just like choose your hard kind of a situation. Yeah.

Like yeah, absolutely so why do you feel that because you were quite young when you discovered that you had all of these hormonal imbalances for you was it like nutrition. Yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Oh it's everything. It's nutrition Lifestyle supplementation mental most of the time it's people get into it with nutrition. That's how I like entered the world. Um, because it's tangible. You could hold it see it taste it touch it. It's easy to change.

Yeah, yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Personally I think it's easier to change what you're eating than it is to change how you're thinking how you're living your life like those types of things. Um, so it's it's all of it. It's again, it's holistic nutrition and my philosophy. So yes, nutrition supplementation Lifestyle your mental and emotional well-being. It's it's everything is connected.

Go ahead.

Corinne Angelica
Um, so we have to look at the body as a whole because if you just focus on nutrition. It's only going to get you so far. You'll make great strides and you'll see results for sure. Um, but it won't get you as far as you can If you're also you know when you're also looking at supplementation and your lifestyle and your mental health and all of that.

Yeah, for sure. Yeah, and I feel like this is something that so maybe like and especially young girls are dealing with right off the bat right? like yourself.

Corinne Angelica

Same for me like I I think I started my period when I was 11 I was quite young by 14 it was like horrible cystic acne. The cramps were so bad like it would just affect my entire body and but right away it was like put on birth control. Yeah.

Corinne Angelica

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, birth control. Yes.

Yeah for So so so long and it was really really hard to get off of it really hard. Yeah, so I get that for sure. What do you recommend for support for women getting off of birth control.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, yeah, okay I love this question. It's extremely important to prep your body before stopping. Um, because a lot of people once they hear about the negative effects of it of how it depletes you have nutrients it negatively impacts your gut and your liver could could cause anxiety and um, low sex drive and depression. All these things. Everyone's like get me off of it like I don't want to be on it like you know your body's not actually ovulating. It's just turning off the communication from your brain to your ovaries like all these things. Um, which I'm with you like I want you to get off if that's what's in alignment with you as well. But if you don't prepare your body First. It's just like with any medication but people don't talk about it with birth control if you are on like anti-anxiety medication for 10 years you would never just stop it without any type of preparation right? You can. But you're going to notice that it's not going to feel great. So if you just stop taking birth control and you don't prepare your body with proper supplementation with making strategic changes to support your blood sugar in your gut like we'll talk. Well I'll give you some specifics then your body's just going to be like what is happening I don't.

Um, teaching.

Corinne Angelica
It's just been damaged from the birth control and now it also has to learn how to operate on its own without synthetic hormones. So what's really important is making sure that you're on a supplement protocol for at least four weeks minimum before stopping. Um, obviously I have a training on this but the most. Important nutrients to focus on are b vitamins vitamin d um, a probiotic a multivitamin you want to make sure Zinc your multivitamin should have zinc in it. Um, but you want to make sure that those are the nutrients. You're really focusing on that are part of your supplement protocol because the the pill specifically. Depletes you of B Vitamins Zinc um and it affects your gut like we just talked about a second ago as well. So being on a supplement protocol is huge and then making changes like we talked about not intermittent fasting having the protein fiber healthy fat with um every single meal making these types of changes before you stop. And you know not just completely stopping is going to greatly increase your chances of regularly ovulating on your own quickly after stopping it's going to reduce the amount of hormonal acne that can come back from stopping because it's a withdraw from the ah the medication that you've been on so I mean there's obviously I could talk with this for a whole another hour


Corinne Angelica
Um, but that's just just for someone who's thinking about this a book if you want a book on it. The book beyond the pill by Dr. Jolene Brighton is really awesome I have a lot of episodes on this on my podcast too I have a whole course around it as well. But if you want to just start like diving into some information on it. You could definitely check out her book about it because there's there's a lot that. Goes into it if you want to make sure that you are preparing your body as best as you can before you stop.

Okay, amazing. I'm just thinking like so there's different types of birth control that a lot of women are doing right now like the most detriment the ones that I've noticed are and I don't think do a lot of people take the Depot shot anymore is that even a thing because I remember that like.

Like I remember my girlfriends in high school just getting fucked up from that thing like oh God I can't believe they still do that that it's even allowed that it's even legal. It's crazy. Ah yeah, really frustrating.

Corinne Angelica
This is.

Corinne Angelica
Yeah, yeah I have clients that have taken it.

Corinne Angelica
Um, oh yeah, people still take it know I know any of it really? but I know well I believe in people having a choice obviously like I.


Corinne Angelica
I'm not like totally against birth control I think that there's a time and place I think that we should have a right to choose birth control. But I believe in having informed consent and going into it and knowing like hey this could increase anxiety and depression. So if you notice these changes.

You know.

Corinne Angelica
You know that it could be due to this if you already suffer with anxiety and depression. You maybe want to you know, think about going on something else or thinking about naturally tracking your cycle for whatever like there's just not a conversation around it. So I really feel like informed consent is is what needs to happen.

Totally yeah I Absolutely agree. So then what types of birth control natural birth control. Do you recommend? So obviously there's tracking recycle is there anything else I mean you know we have confidence in all those things. But yeah.

Corinne Angelica
Yeah that's that's really the only like natural way to track to way to prevent birth control obviously condoms. But again, you're only fertile 5 to 6 days out of the month because um, you only ovulate one day and sperm can only stay alive in your cervical mucus for up to five days so you literally cannot that's why tracking is so important which is why again, go to episode 24 of the podcast because I go into more details about it so you can get more like comfortable with how to track it and again natural cycles is an awesome app for it as well to help support you in that.


Corinne Angelica
It takes time It's not something that you could just like get off birth control star tracking once and then like you're good to go and not take your risk of getting pregnant. It takes time for you to understand your cervical mucus patterns to understand when you ovulate to regulate your period out. But once you do and once you are able to track it. It's extremely easy to know when you're fertile and when you're not fertile. Pretty much the easiest way is if you see cervical mucus like that raw egg white consistency cervical mucus before ovulation. You're potentially fertile because the sperm could again stay alive in that for up to five days so when you see cervical mucus present either abstain from having sex or use a condom like it's just as simple as that. Um.



Corinne Angelica
Obviously you know the nuances of tracking and stuff. But that's what I recommend I did it for years and years. Um, and then obviously once I knew the other the good thing about it too is it helps you prevent pregnancy when you don't want to get pregnant and when you do want to get pregnant. You know exactly when to have sex and if everything is balanced out. You'll get pregnant right away because you know when to have sex to get pregnant. Um, if you're just using an app that tells you okay, now you're ovulating or using Lh strips like those are not accurate. They're not confirming ovulation. They're not telling you when you're actually fertile so you can miss the window. Um, when you do actually want to get pregnant. So knowing how to track it is just so powerful in so many ways.

Amazing I've learned so much from you and sets a short period of time. Yeah, oh my God I trick your appearance. It's great I Love it. There's so much for people to you know and tape.

Corinne Angelica
Um, yeah, ah, good good I know it was a lot of information.

There's a lot that people can take from this and take a next step. Okay, so speaking of that if people want to connect with you. Let's talk about your programs and all the things that you're doing to so support women right now.

Corinne Angelica

Corinne Angelica
Yes, amazing. Okay, so like I said I have my podcast There's so much information over there if you just want to start like binging and learning and just like getting into this world. It's cold mind your hormones anywhere you get your podcast. You could find it I'm always on Instagram at k crinangica that's like my favorite social media platform. Um, and then as far as working together. Obviously I do see clients 1 on 1 um, but my like signature course that is really applicable to pretty much anybody who's listening who has a hormone I balance if you want to safely stop birth control if you have an irregular period if you have pc s if you have a painful period. Um, if you have low energy acne. All these things that we've been talking about. It's called the mind your hormones method and it goes through all the 5 major root causes that we talked about blood sugar regulation your nervous system inflammation your liver um nutrient deficiencies as a module for each one and it's pretty much your roadmap of living a hormone healthy lifestyle. So if you're like I don't know where to start. This is where you start. It's just step by step by step of how you can slowly make changes in your life to positively support your hormones um and address the root cause of them. So it's called the mind hormones method. There's an option you could get it self-paced. You could do it with coaching calls. You could join at any time. Um, I'm going to give your community a discount code so you could put it in the show notes. Um, you'll get two hundred and twenty two dollars off when you use code wild. So if you want you could put that in the show notes. But I just want to offer that for your anyone who's interested in your community. Yeah yeah.

The son get well.

We will absolutely amazing. Well thank you cran I feel like we flew through that at we're not even totally at an hour but yeah

Corinne Angelica
Yeah I it web that oh good. Yeah no I also have free resources to um on my Websiteron Angelgelica Wellness for anyone who wants to check those out too.

You answered all of my questions but I still feel like there's lots to learn I'm so excited about this in you. Okay, amazing.

Corinne Angelica

Right? So for everybody who's listening you know the next steps if this all feels a line for you and thank you so much corine for coming on this morning I was so great chatting with you and I learned a lot and I think everybody else did as well. All right.

Corinne Angelica
Um, thank you. Thank you so much for having me oh good I Hope So thank you so much you too.

Have an amazing rest of your day.

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