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All right everybody we have Dr Kevin Preston on the wild remedies podcast for round 2 So excited to talk to you again tonight. My friend how are you.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yes I'm doing lovely today. Great day in the office and so I feel all primed to talk about all things like health and Medicine or wherever you want to go.

Yay! Love to hear it good good. Well okay so today what I would love to chat with you about? Okay, so as everybody knows I swear to god I talk about you on like every podcast now like I'm always I'm always talking about Kevin and like.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

This healing process that I'm going through because it's such a divergence in terms of like stuff that I've done in the past and I really feel like I'm actually on the path to healing all of my shit right now. But it's in a way that is so different from anything that I've ever done before um and now that I've kind of.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.

Gone down this path I'm finding so much incredible information about the stuff that we're doing together 1 of those things being homeopathy. Um, so I'd love to chat with you a little bit about that the last interview that I did was with the homeopathic doctor and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

It was just it was completely fascinating and what I'm learning more about it is that even practitioners don't know a lot about how it works like it's this really interesting tool that. Is like it's kind of like magic and so it's no wonder that it gets called Pseudoscience and all this stuff right? But I'm sure there's lots of different perspectives. Um, and I'm sure you've seen it work in lots of different ways. So I Just want to keep.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Asking more and more people about it so that we can learn more about it because I think there's something really magical and special here that we need to draw attention to um so we'll get into that but the biggest thing that I kind of wanted to have as a theme for this episode is. The healing process and yeah because I'm in the middle of it right now I mean we'll fuck I've been on it for like a decade at this point but I've been working with you now for I'm about to pick up What is it remedy number 4 tomorrow.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah I think that's where we are. Yeah.

Yeah, so just entering month four and it's been really interesting like every single time I pick up one of these remedies with the quote unquote Pseudoscience Bullshit homeopathic stuff.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

In these tinctures that you give me and again it's not like you know I'm not a full on skeptic I'm like this is something that I want to have work but I don't feel like this is a placebo effect but every time I pick up one of these remedies for the first two weeks I am like on my ass I've had.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

So Many strange things happening to my body and like what is going on. You know it's like I've had everything from you know the lymph nodes in my armpits swelling to like. Debilitating back pain. You know we've talked about issues with my Kidneys I feel like it's something's in flame there? Um I even had this really interesting experience where I had like a big emotional ah release I I felt like someone was just trying to come up like emotionally almost like like. Vomit this one day I was going for a walk and kind of felt like this thing I just wanted to come up and ended up having a bath this is where I have all of like my emotional breakdowns is always in the bathub and just started yes exactly well Literally. So I just started sobbing and usually I can identify why.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, breakthroughs.

You know, like why I'm feeling so emotional but it was just just coming and I didn't know why and when I ended up getting out of the tub I noticed that I had like um, like hives right over my heart. It was almost like stuff was coming. Right? from my heart out through the skin and it's just it's totally wild like what what is going on here. But.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Well, yeah, I'm happy to dive into all of this because you're describing I think what a lot of my patients feel and people I've worked with over the years that this process that we're in together. It is a process together and you know it's your body. Needing to do this work and wanting to come to a space of health and what I like to call a higher frequency and higher vibration and so essentially if we distill everything down That's what I believe is happening when people are really going through healing and you know they're coming in at a. Ah, particular frequency and they want to get to a higher frequency. There's a journey between those 2 spaces and there's a lot of debris obstructions blockages call it. Whatever you want between you know point a and point b so generally what we're doing. Is I'm helping you chart a path as you know a bit of a navigator and then I'm giving you resources and tools and you're still the one driving the ship you're the one that's driving the process your organs your tissues like your detox pathways in the body. But I'm helping illuminate the pathway ahead so that you can see more clearly what it is. That's going on inside you and then the body can actually take steps through that. So this is sometimes why I'll I'll name things and I'll I'll share.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Bits of information that I observe with your body or that I see in terms of patterning whether that's like bacterial patterns or viral stuff or parasites but also life patterning um behavioral and like belief systems that we've adopted that maybe don't service anymore because what I've noticed is if we. Create awareness around a particular pattern then that's half of the battle right? There is just being aware of something if you're not aware of something nothing moves. There's no,, There's no light coming into that area.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And what I've also discovered just life in general but especially with working on like deepset chronic illness or chronic patterns that are really stubborn or stuck the areas that are the most dense and the most dark are hiding the most amount of energy hiding the most amount of light and so typically. I'm going there with patients on multiple levels and so areas that have had like chronic latent infections deep in the cellular tissue. Then we're identifying those things and then I'm creating these pseudoscience remedies to. Root that stuff out and it's such an interesting thing and you know if we want to segue into homeopathy a little bit a lot of my training was in homotoxicology which is kind of a fancy way of saying like organ toxicity.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
So I kind of think along those lines a little bit more in terms of environmental toxins and pathogens that we come across things that we you know pick up just from being human and when we find pockets of those as a blockage. Then I want to understand a whole bunch of things about that one of them being like why did this happen in the first place you know why does somebody keep getting recurrent infections in their in their throat or their gut or you know, maybe it's colitis or it's any kind of inflammatory bowel conditions.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
There is something that has like triggered an inflammatory response in the body and I want to get down to the root of that and so years ago I thought oh this is always pathogen related like they got a parasite but in addition to that then I thought well we can clear that but like what. Allowed that into the system in the first place just you know do we want to chalk it up to bad luck or they you know they traveled and you could say any number of things and the deeper I went and the longer I've been practicing the more I realized there's always more layers to these things and especially if I saw recurrent patterns in patients. Whether it was mental emotional physical all of the above. There's something in that deeper structure of the energetics of the body that acts like a magnet that keeps pulling these things in because it wants to be seen so you know maybe ten years ago I would help clear. All kinds of things viruses and and bacteria and parasites and sometimes that would sort somebody out totally and they they were super happy. They had better health than they had experienced in. You know a decade or or sometimes longer many decades and they were blown away and sometimes I was blown away of like this is this is amazing like they're they're sortid. Some of them though. It'd be like a year later they'd be hey I'm getting some of this stuff back I need some more treatment and I would think I wish it didn't come back. So what is that and part of it can be the healing process. You can't clear everything in one go maybe but that's where I started being curious is like.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Trauma um ancestral wounds family patterning behaviors values like all these different things that maybe we got taught that we are resonating with in previous times of life. But that don't service anymore then I would see these bits of material coming to the surface to be cleared, but there was always something underneath. It. So you mentioned like having a big emotional clearing and purging from the system. Those are often what I'm talking about where sometimes we know and I tell patients this when we're doing this deeper work If You feel an emotion coming up or a whole bunch of emotions.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
You might know what it's about you might not know what it's about and I always trust if you need to know more you will like your intelligence your memories anything that's in the system. It'll show you and if we don't need to know more about it because I believe sometimes we don't always have to go into.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Every single little detail everything that that sort of created some hurt sometimes we need to illuminate it more and those naturally come forward like the wisdom of our body. The wisdom of our soul. It'll bring those pieces forward and then you get to work on them. But where we don't have to know exactly what that was. We can just release it and clear and then feel the opening after and sometimes there's a few layers to 1 particular element and it can take a bit of time for that to come forward and surface and then the body's got to work with it because it doesn't just magically evaporate.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
In some cases I've seen that happen and I love when that happens I don't always know why that happens like these miracle healings where somebody's just different within an hour or two and I can't speak necessarily to like what all the elements are that create that but I do think it comes back to frequency that.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
If I'm by it vibrating at a certain frequency that creates a healing response on other people then it is the words that I say it is the energy. Sometimes it's just me sitting there and being present. You know with you or anybody else that's in the clinic with me that creates like a resonance field in the body and anything that is not. Supportive to your growth and your life and your health it starts to move and so people tell me all the time just even talking or I'll ask questions especially when we're doing some of the toxicity testing and we're diving in there. They get hot. They get sweaty. They start feeling uncomfortable and they're like what the hell is going on man.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And it's it's those pieces in the system starting to move because the resonance field is changing just from that space together. So this is not ah, a process that is taught typically as we're growing up. You know our parents didn't really learn about a lot of this process our grandparents and. Maybe if you go back far enough they knew because they knew how the body actually worked with nature and worked with how it could heal and somehow we got this notion in the last you know 4050 years that the body doesn't know better.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And that we can't heal ourselves and that we need lots of chemical interventions to tell the body. What's up and our body is like. Are you kidding me this evolutionary divine vehicle of light that we have on the planet.

Um, and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Doesn't have more intelligence than some of the synthetic chemicals that we we kind of force into it and then when we take a lot of that stuff on your body often has a lot to say and side effects galore starts surfacing and coming up because the body doesn't like it and it may get a particular Symptom relief.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, component for a certain period of time I'm not saying that that doesn't happen but most of the interventions in ah, a modern medicine way. They're temporary and they're not designed to treat the root cause and.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
That's just how things are are sort of set up in terms of the intention and so what we're doing and many other practitioners like me are doing is getting to the root issue. What is actually there but there can be multiple layers of a root issue in somebody's system. It's not just. Had a bad week and there's a bunch of stress going on I was like hey let's honor that that can be great too. But what else is further. What goes back to last year three years ago ten years ago 20 what about your ancestry and how vast we are as human beings of how many things we can actually carry. That often haven't never seen the light of day in the healing process.

You know it's interesting I feel like the story that we've been told is that you know before modern medicine people only live till thirty years old and everything was complete squalor and. You know we all lost our teeth and nutrition was really poor and you know like where where did that come from because like if you look at indigenous cultures like that doesn't so actually seem to be the case. Um.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Well what I've noticed with modern medicine. Let's say is again like the separation of self that like you Krista cannot heal yourself. You'd need all these other things outside of you.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
To maybe get to a place of like symptomatic relief some of the time and you should just be happy with that and this is something that I've been seeing for years I've been practicing 14 years now and that it definitely I'm human I feel frustrated sometimes of like that is not accurate that is actually bullshit. Our bodies are so capable. But what we need is resources and tools and time to have that integrated in the system. You know the right resources and the right tools and we need support. So if we look at indigenous cultures. That's one of the things I I see or.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Read about or talk to elders about community and support and even you know Pregnancy is ah a good one in Chinese Medicine They talk about women's health a lot in Chinese medicine and how to how to work with that and work with cycles and.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Support pregnancy in healthy ways and especially after pregnancy they had a lot of ideas and patterns and rules that they would kind of follow two thousand years ago that hey when a woman gives birth. It's a big deal and she will often be quite depleted in energy and blood and. In Chi like vital source essence because she just built a human being and then the community would build herbal tinctures soups really healthy nutritious food would really show up for her and help her regain the essence and the vitality and the the chi the energy. So that she could function really well and it was through that support and knowing what to take and when to take it and you know it wasn't just like three days okay you're good I brought you some herbal soup now you know, return to life. It would be months.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Months of building and nourishing and being supported and I think a lot of that support has been lost. You know it might be within a family but the work environment for example for a lot of yeah like get back at it. What's the big deal strap the kid on your back and go and then that's often championed.

Oh yeah, no back in two weeks oh

Dr_ Kevin Preston
And this is the the segue into modern medicine and and chemical interventions in pharmaceuticals. It's like if you're sicker or have the flu you're congested. You're not sleeping take tylenol. You know there's like 50 kinds of tylenol just suppress all those symptoms.

Um, and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Don't listen to what your body's doing soldier on get back to work. Get back to the gym. Do all those things and so we're completely ignoring like the intelligence of what what our body would say is like I need rest I need to have a fever for. You know the next day or 2 in order to clear and kick this stuff out of the system and then I'm going to be good. Just give me some time to work with this but we've been convinced that no fevers are bad. You don't need to rest you can still do everything that you want to do you can still work 50 hours a week and hit the gym and go to soccer practice.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Just medicate yourself so that you can do that and you'll be good and what that does is it just shoves all of this stuff in the body toxins included to deeper and deeper levels and then we wonder why illness happens later On. We Wonder why? the Immune system starts kind of rebelling in the body. It's because hey you've been shoving stuff in the the closet in my body for like 20 years. There's no room left and then it has a big response.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
It has an inflammatory reaction. It has allergies come up. It has sensitivities come up because it's responding to the environment because you haven't you've been depressing it and I you know I don't mean you pointing at you but the you know the collective us because we didn't know that's what we are told.

Here he.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
That's how I grew up too and and no offense to you know, anybody anywhere that didn't know any better. There's so many things that I didn't know when I was going through my medical training and there's still so many things I don't know and sometimes I cringe even at a lot of the stuff I'm saying now because 10 years from now I might look back and like that Kevin.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
On that podcast at that time he didn't know anything he thought he knew some stuff but he didn't then you know that's where there's a lot of humility that can come into this and so I like to say this term in medicine my current. Ah my current opinion is this. You know my current.


In rings.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Point is this because a month from now I'm not the same person I'm growing I'm changing I'm doing my work all the time as Well. Of course we're going to Evolve. Of course we're going to learn new Things. So I like to have fluidity that right now here's a lot of my thoughts on this subject here's a lot of what I've learned to date. And you know if we do a podcast down the road again I might have a whole bunch of new things to say but over time you know it's been more than a decade I've seen a lot of this stuff kind of bare fruit and be pretty consistent that I could rely on and count on and how the body's working and how it's healing. And guide people from that a to B and then they're so much better or they're what I would consider like almost all the way better. They don't have whatever the diagnosed illness was anymore and it's really cool to see that that definitely does happen and it can happen.



Dr_ Kevin Preston
But I think because a lot of people don't see that like I don't have my own reality show or anything and I'm not saying I want that I think that be maybe not as fun but that I get to see a lot of healing happening all the time and so it's actually built that neur pathway within my system that I kind of expect that to happen with everybody.



Dr_ Kevin Preston
And I think even my belief in them and my belief in you and your divinity your inherent body wisdom that you have I know that you have everything inside you to heal and we bring that alive and shine light on these areas that are stealing so much energy from your system and then as we uncover that. Yeah,, there's some clearing and there's some detoxing to do because you're revealing more and more light and that frequency change that'll shake a lot of stuff loose in people's systems and it can look like feeling shitty and tired and moody and Clearing. It's like what's going on in my body and it's like it's healing.

Are in.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
But we were never taught that's actually how healing can happen at times and it doesn't always have to be messy but it can be when we've had so many things suppress our body's natural intelligence for so long by the time it it's breathing and it has something to say that there's a bit of buildup there and it's like okay. Now. We're going to clear this and now we're going to clear this and we're going to clear this stuff out of the heart that was locked in there when we were 7 and any number of things is kind of fair game when we work together. So hopefully that's helpful.

It is and yeah, it's cool I mean like I think it's just really important for people to understand what the healing process looks like because what we're currently doing with you know the allopathic approach is. Covering up the symptoms. Let's not feel the pain and you know I like that you mention the suppressing of the symptoms because that's something that I want to talk about and just to give people like a little bit of context into everything that Kevin just shared and what that looks like in somebody. Um. You know I've I've mentioned this my personal process a little bit on previous podcasts. But for anybody who hasn't heard this yet the way that I pieced this together for myself just over the past few months was okay I think most people know who listen to the podcast. Everything for me started with these chronic throat infections. Um I'd been working with intuitive healers that told me that well my guide's telling them to me through them. Um, that they're these these throat infections were happening because of. Suppression of my voice at 1 point as a child and I can think back to many many times where that was true and you know a lot of tough emotions and stuff attached to some of those memories so that was kind of that energetic thing that kept happening that kept creating.

These situations of infection in the throat now these infections happen and then all my parents knew to do and this this is all anybody really knows at this point is to kill it with drugs right? take the antibiotics which I took. 101112 times a year for probably 20 years of my life so you can imagine right? which was so incredibly insane when all of that was validated and we did the testing during that first appointment that I had with you when you're like oh hey, Krista.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah, any people. Yeah.

Um I have found layers and layers and layers and layers of strap st stra in your body. Ah, and I'm like really you don't say and then now I'm piecing together all these things as to like how all of that. Is creating like this chronic illness that I've been dealing with for years that many of us are dealing with and I had a lot of illumination too with the last conversation that I had um on on the podcast when you know, ah Lisa who was interviewing.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.

Was talking about like the suppression right of like taking drugs to suppress symptoms and how that drives it further into the body. But what else do we do in some of those situations because when we're like this is a question that I have when it comes to like. Treating children or just like even when you are feeling like shit is like are we just supposed to like white knuckle through a flu right? and you know when I'm sick I want to be able to rest and when I'm really stuffed up or I have like a horrible cough and I can't sleep. Um, or like the fever pains are so bad that I'm like sobbing and you know maybe that's good to get it out, but it's just hours and hour hours and hour hours and hours of pain. You know is that just what we're supposed to do just like white knuckle and you know go through that process for days weeks however long it takes or like it's something else that we can be doing that's like not taking tylenol in advil um I don't know. Maybe it's homeopathy I don't know what it is but I would love to know that for my own personal toolkit moving forward.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah, so great. Well great comments and great questions. There are so many things that can be done where you don't have to white Knuckle it and this is the interesting thing is like.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Not many people that I know were taught a lot of what else to do when they were growing up and so it's almost been a hijacking of no, you need all these other outside interventions to control what your body is actually doing.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And that actually turns out to be quite counterproductive in many cases if somebody has a foot infection and it's getting into gangreen and things like that. That's an issue and that's where I'd say hey you got to get that sorted.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Go to the hospital get some antibiotics but then for sure I'd be diving into like why did this possibly happen in your body. Did you have an injury and you had exposure and didn't clean the wound or like you know there could be these things so in ancient China. They would treat that all with herbal medicine and they knew how to do that because that's what they had available. They do acupuncture. They'd put compraxes on it. They'd have herbal tinctures. They'd they'd have all these things available but in North America here a lot of that wisdom had been lost.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And even indigenous cultures in in Canada and first nations and things. It's probably difficult now to find some of the elders or or medicine women medicine men that still carry a lot of that knowledge and it's kind of cool. Actually I should say like I do see and even with you and your products it's like. Learning about herbal medicine and all these things that we actually have readily available pine needle tin shirts everywhere in the forest tier mushrooms that grow here. Yeah there's so many things that they're actually available but we haven't been taught.

I Know white pillow.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
It's not in school. It's not in their curriculum here's like the common Western herbals that are available in Central O Canogan bc for fever for pain for inflammation for actually for these 20 or 30 different conditions and so that's kind of been pulled off the table and replaced with. All the modern stuff on the pharmacy shelf that is actually quite toxic to the body and often doesn't clear the the source it just suppresses it. So when people use tylenol all the time they're like oh this fever just keeps coming back and I keep using Tylenol im like of course it does your body's trying to clear itself.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
So I think what you're talking about too if somebody has a really really high fever where they're starting to have convulsions or go delirious or seizures. Yeah, we want to avoid that. But again, there's many home remedies that used to be well known to pull the fever down cold cloths. Epsom salt like bath baking soda bath. Um because I'm an acupuncturist. There's a lot of acupuncture points andridians that I could do to drop a fever fairly quickly. But it doesn't suppress the body's healing ability. It actually enhances it and then you you manage it through that so instead of white knuckling it. You'd kind of like toggle on toggle off these different interventions to keep somebody in ah, a respectable zone where they're not getting into a dangerous territory but you're not stopping the body's ability to heal it because then later on you're going to have to go on do a whole bunch of work if you suppressed it very heavily. And that's pretty much what we've been doing in our society here in North America for decades. So when we look at autoimmune disorders now to me part of that is because we've been suppressing things for decades. It's going to eventually lead to an epidemic of the immune system and the nervous systems of many many people. Like full full on rebellion full on like no, we cannot suppress this any longer there's nowhere else to put this stuff but by that time the body's compromised and it's out of balance and then when they get sick. It's rough and they are white knuckling it and maybe the traditional.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Easy things that would normally work. They don't work anymore because the body's been messed with for so long it at respond normally like it would to a baking soda bath or pine needle tincture. Any of these things that would be very simple, very clear, very pristine and even what I've noticed with homeopathy.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Is that some of the remedies don't work the same anymore because there's so much toxicity and we've suppressed our natural innate response to heal that now the treatment is like treating the treatment.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
So when I'm working with patients especially in the beginning and autoimmune disorders are a big topic right now I've got a masterclass coming up this weekend specifically about that is that most of them that I'm seeing if they've had an autoimmune condition for a while they've been on such heavy duty potent toxic medication.

I Saw that.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
I have to like treat their treatment for months before we can even get into the condition of why this happened and then you know, maybe five six months in they're like hey my arthritis is not cured like I know I'm still treating the toxic treatment that you've been taking for years.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And your body cannot respond to what I'm doing until we bring some balance back into that and then we can start getting traction and the hard thing for me as a practitioner I want nothing more than to create Symptom relief for patients as quickly as possible. Nobody wants to be in pain I don't want to be in pain I don't want my patients to be in pain.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
But I also don't want to mask things or cover it up like and trading that for the deeper health of the system long-term and that's often what we're doing is like short-term gains of Symptom suppression for really big nasty consequences. A year from now 5 years from now 10 years from now when you suppress the immune system with a lot of the immunosuppressant drugs in my view, you're asking for big trouble but I know a lot of people feel stuck because they're like well what else do I do.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And this is something I'm grappling with as a practitioner that works 1 on one with a lot of people I can only see so many people that I am going to start training other doctors and other practitioners because I need to you know or at least that's how I feel right now kind of a responsibility to like I got to get this out there more. And more practitioners can think this way and game tools because other people want to get results as well. I'm not the only one that is kind of obsessed with helping people resolve what's going on but not just short-term long term so we're we're talking about stacks of toxins for decades.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Not only your own life. The things that built up in your parents. The things that were suppressed in them. The things that your grandparents were exposed to and that gets passed down the line so quite often and and I think you and I've talked about this and this happens in the spiritual communities. A lot of us like black sheep type personalities like.

Me I know but.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um I got to deal with all this shit through my like ancestral lines like why is it me can somebody else help out with this like why is it all coming through me and you know I say that with humility because I feel that way at times too and like I'm human and I have a wonderful family. But when you really go back through the lineages a lot of them did not have proper support. They didn't have safety they were in survival mode so that they could live and get food and find another meal and I have huge respect and reverence for that because I wouldn't be here without them. They survived so that I could be here.

Are he.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And that is really powerful for everybody to take a moment and just feel that gratitude and send it back through your lineage because you wouldn't be here without them So the struggles they had good bad ugly everything in between it allowed you to be here and so. That helps me look at some of this stuff a little bit better of like well I'd rather be here than not be here and yeah, maybe they had a lot of hard times and and a lot of toxic exposures and wartime and all these other things that were prevalent in humanity.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
That our generation I've often felt as a bridge generation because now we have support that maybe we didn't have before we're gaining tools. We're gaining understanding and there's this really beautiful intersection of indigenous wisdom coming back.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And herbal wisdom coming back because people are unhappy with a lot of the medications and prescriptions they're getting because it's not working So it's kind of out of necessity. But we also have access to more information than we've ever had at any point in history. So if you have that combined with some of the ancient.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Ah, like cultural knowledge of all kinds of different um all kinds of different cultures all across the planet that is a really powerful like combination. That's a really powerful time that we're in and probably the genesis of like wild remedies of It's herbals. It's mushrooms. It's these different things that are really healthy for the system because we know a lot about that stuff now and we've understood how we can actually use that in the body. So yeah, we're in a real age of synthesis of old and new. And we're starting to drop the things of like yeah we've tried that for 40 years it doesn't actually work very well antibiotics 12 times a year it might save you some infections but it will bring more and it brings more and people get stuck in that loop and then it turns into an autoimmune condition or something else.

Um, and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
But we haven't been taught that those are actually completely connected and there's a complete like causal chain and the research now even with Tylenol we're picking on tylenol a bit today that it causes liver damage it leads to asthma and leads to all these different things that then you would need puffers for and steroidals.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And that just compounds it even more meanwhile nobody knew so it wasn't their fault and I'm not even faulting doctors in this. They didn't know they were just trying to help their patients feel better and you up to your doc and you're like hey I got fever I got ear infection. Everything it's like hey here's the tools I've been given.


Here he.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Ah, been told that these tools work pretty well yep, it kind of cleared things up for a little bit. Oh 2 years from now you have thyroid issues. Oh all that bacteria and viral load got shoved into the thyroid and suppressed or into the lymph nodes. Actually it's disrupting your gut flora now now you kind of have ibs and the doctor is like well here's. Maybe a medication or an intervention for that and then it just compounds and then you're stuck yeah and of course your mood would be off of course yeah because the body's like whoa. What's what's going on in here. So.

Antidepressants for everything for every fucking thing.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
And know that was a long winded answer and just you know, kind of riff and that we have access to the older wisdom more now and we have wisdom of like new research and knowledge and.

Amazing. And.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
That's where I'm kind of going in my practice these days and working with people such as yourself too is finding that intersection of both and using like the best of what we have available with technology and kind of cutting edge techniques and things but still built on a foundation of.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
How the body actually works and for me that foundation's chinese medicine. You know there's Ayurvedic Philosophies there's constitutional philosophies. There's a lot of different ways to look at it different maps of the body they can all be effective if we're like listening to what the body actually needs. But first we got to get through like in your case. Layers of a lot of suppressed elements through medications and a lot of things that you've done through no fault of your own and so essentially even though you're not on a lot of those medications anymore. We've been still like treating the treatments.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And getting at some of the you know, bacterial or toxin layers and then bringing them to the surface and it's tough slugging sometimes so that's why I've been you know encouraging you and you're like Kevin what's happening man.

She reading me I like a message him audience. It's random im just like what the fuck I just gain like £5 overnight and I'm so swollen in my back hurts and all the sudden. He's just like kid just chill. That's fine. You're not dying. You're killing. Ah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Ah, but I can appreciate the the mental emotional challenge around that because it's new territory of like wait this means healing sometimes yes sometimes no.

Totally yeah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
But it depends on what we're doing. But if I know what I've given you and we know the stage of the process that we're in It's like Krista. The lymph tissue has been working really hard. You're going to retain a little bit of water you're going to have an increase in white blood cell count. You're going to have lymphocytes like moving through your system because they're trying to clean you out. They're approaching the toxins that are being pulled out of the cells and pulled out of the tissue of wherever it's been suppressed and so you can get a flood through the body which is why we support the lymph and you know Salt Bass and saunas and cold plunges to help like move that through as efficiently as we can. So you're not suffering too much. While the body is actually going in the right direction but because of what we've been taught immediately think I'm not going in the right direction. This can't be good. This remedy is is making things worse and it's like on the surface level. It does look like that. But if you peel back the layers and dive under the waterline.

Skin wars.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
If We could see that in realtime you'd see oh the body's really busy fixing this place up in here. It's renovating everything that has been damaged and yeah mid renovation on a home I've been lots of ah homes and rentals over the years Looks pretty ugly Sometimes you're like where's the kitchen sink I can't even cook in here. You know what's happening. There's drywall dust on everything but the finished product is so beautiful. Sometimes you're like okay. Depending on what stage you're in it doesn't look put together. But after a little while you start to see these new places of stability in the system where you can take on some imbalance but the core of the the bodies actually still stand in there solid and it will feel different and you know for me in this conversation with you directly.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
You'll start to feel that and it may take a little bit more time but there'll be like a deeper stability in your being that you start to rely on and you start to feel a little bit more confidence because I also want to speak to a lot of the patients that I've worked with you included. It's really easy to have lost confidence in your ability to heal.



Dr_ Kevin Preston
In in the trust of your system like my organs know what they're doing because it sure seemed like they didn't years ago and we got really off track and retuning is hard.

I've said so many times over the years like my body's abandoned me you know I I hate this vessel that I was given. Um, I'm always going to be sick because like that's that that's the experience right? like it was just 1 thing after the other like 1 symptom on top of the next on top of the next and so you feel betrayed at some point so that is for sure a practice for me on on this journey.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Well and that's that's really powerful and even with the the note of betrayal if we just kind of work with that for a minute.. It can definitely feel that way and then if we zoom out and we take a little bigger Viewpoint. We can often see that we've actually betrayed our natural rhythm somehow and our ancestors we lost track of how to tune in with nature and how to flow with the seasons and this is kind of our modern lives too is.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know we talked about human design a little bit before jumping on the call and like how do we interface with our design of our true unique blueprinting and it's going to be different for everybody and this is part of the thing with like modern school as well. If you put all the kids in a desk and you teach them all the same thing and you teach them the same way.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Some are going to thrive in that environment and many are not going to thrive in that environment because that doesn't actually match their blueprint of what they're here to to do or how they actually learn the best So we kind of homogenize so much of our life and you know this goes for lots of corporations and work and everything it's like cubicles.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Very a lot. Um a lot of structure that works really well for some but doesn't work well for others but you may have been convinced and taught. No, you need to fit in that structure and you might feel ill and bring an illness forward and express that in your body because it is so not in alignment with your blueprint. But you haven't been taught what your blueprint is you haven't been taught to follow the the cycles of the moon and the sun and astrology and the leaves on the trees and in in darkness in winter you should sleep more and in the summer you don't need as much and people feel that naturally but we have with modern technology and lights and everything else. We can bypass all of that stuff and then suddenly we're disconnected from our inherent wisdom again and so that's a lot of what I love teaching in the clinic and you know we get on podcasts like this of encouraging people to reconnect with what they feel inside.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And if we could and I have to bypass this in my own system and this is actually something I'm I'm kind of facing professionally right now is so much demand in the clinic I can't keep up and I'm perhaps losing touch with a little bit of like what I would actually do that day if I wasn't booked months in advance.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
maybe maybe I feel like taking a week off that week because I'm feeling burnt out or I'm feeling like I need four days in the mountains to restore my energy to its full vital capacity. But I've committed to seeing these patients 4 or five or six months ago I can't bail on them I can't abandon them. Can I and these are the questions that I'm looking at is like how do I put myself in a position to be vitally healthy so that I can show up in the best way while still being in the modern world of having schedules and commitments and and honoring and wanting to be of service and it's it's quite a dance and so I'm questioning a lot of things right now. In my own life of how do I want to keep moving forward because some of what I'm doing right now I can admit, it's not sustainable for me and then I see so many people that are struggling and suffering right now and it's like oh how can I not engage and help as much as they can so I am changing already.

So yeah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
How I'm going to be helping and this is where you know master classes and bigger events are coming in where I can reach a lot of people at once and be very effective and efficient with my energy and harness the energy energy of the group and have that energy propagate where it's not always 1 on 1 And so I don't think there's any perfect solution there other than having more people understand how to listen to their body and you know when to step forward and when to step back and some of this beautiful wisdom of the plants and nature around us that that actually becomes more every day and more commonplace and.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
It's slowly coming I can see it's you know it's infusing back into culture a little bit so that's encouraging and it still seems like we we have a little ways to go.

Yeah I mean we do, but it's accelerating right? So everything that we've been through for the past few years has really highlighted a lot of the issues and people are looking for answers where so many people are sick.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
It seems that way.

And enough's enough you know and it's really fascinating and inspiring to see the reclamation that's happening right now. So like even with myself like the catalyst for.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Business that I currently have with wild remedies. It was to make big impacts in the world like I wanted to create beautiful products but also be able to use that as a philanthropic way to plant more trees and help the environment and all this stuff I never thought along the way that I would. Discover the things that I've discovered through this platform right? So It's been a vehicle for my own healing to dive so much deeper into herbalism itself and understanding the wisdom that nature provides us because it's not just. You know chemicals that we're getting from plants that we ingest to fix ourselves with there's a whole energetic aspect and a spiritual aspect to it and people are hungry for this shit like they are waking up to it. You know everybody wants to know more about psychedelics and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Everybody's you know, jumping on the bandwagon of not drinking anymore and looking for healthier alternatives in so many different ways. Um, and then you know now we have this situation where we're going to have even more mass awakening. Of individuals who have had some major traumas over the past few years to taking medical interventions quote unquote um, that are just wreaking havoc even more right? and so now it's kind of prepared us to be in a place of. Needing to be able to help these people and it feels urgent right? It's like there's so much work to do and so I totally understand and I mean I had this conversation with you. The first time we met you know Ah, we were chatting and I was like well shit like we need like 40 more of you but you know.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, ah yeah.

And we need more people but the good news is is that as more people wake up I think we're going to have a lot of you know people who are in the medical profession who now need to completely switch gears or are realizing that what they originally signed up for is. Something that they don't want to do anymore and it's not in alignment. So I think we're going to see a really big shift in our healthcare especially in Canada as it just completely crumbles at this point. Um, and so there's a lot of opportunity but it is yeah it's wild and it's and it's so cool to also witness.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah, yeah.

The merging of spirit and science right? It's like it's becoming more mainstream people are more open to it when we talk about homeopathy like and again I still I want quickly your opinion on like how this works exactly and from what I understand it's a method of introducing. Um I was jokingly calling calling it like substance ghosts right? that come into the body and body to just do this innate healing right? It's like that's the other thing too is like just understanding once again I mean like the body is actually really miraculous like we cut her hand. And the shit just like glues itself back together like with so many different like if you actually think about how the body Works. It is absolutely miraculous and we are Nature. We come from nature when we watch the regeneration of just. Plants and force like you can try to decimate but it will always grow back and we have that ability the body wants to heal. But like you said with all the suppression all this toxicity but we're kind of at this pinnacle this point this choice that we're all presented with right now.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.

Are we going to heal. Are we going to stay stuck right and more and more people are ready to not be stuck anymore and so we got a lot of work to do and you know this work is important. It's and it's important for people to understand that this healing process.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.

Isn't fucking comfortable. It isn't overnight right? like I'm going into month four and I am seeing changes but it's still you know every every month I go in I get my tincture I feel like absolute shit for two weeks and then I kind of go back to like maybe baseline but it's like in incrementally getting better. But. I could be looking at an entire year before I'm seeing real results right? because for 20 years I have been suppressing all of this illness in my body so there is a lot to undo right? and so we kind of have to let go of this. Take a pill to fix it and just not be uncomfortable ever and just having patience through the process and you know our society is so geared towards immediate results I need to see it right now and I completely understand I get impatient with stuff. All the time but that is that is the practice and that's that's the lesson.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
While in timing wise a couple of things. Um I don't always see this to be true because sometimes people get better way faster than what I anticipate and sometimes it takes longer than what I anticipate for you know what? I'm seeing in their cases. But. 1 of the doctors I had worked with years ago said you can kind of count on at least a month of like deep treatment for every year that something's been going on in the body you know for something that's been suppressed. So if you said 20 years I'm not going to say it's going to take twenty months

Oh cool. Yeah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
But it also depends on what level of resolution somebody's looking for some people are only looking for symptomatic relief and they don't necessarily want to do the the deeper dive and deeper work or they're not ready or they're not in a space where they can put a lot of time and attention on that because they're. Raising kids or they're building a career or they're they're doing any number of things that they feel in their own life is is priority and important I've been very clear for many years that health is always number one for me and every once in a while I still notice like oh I chose something that.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Not exactly healthy for me. But maybe it was healthy for somebody else and maybe we can do that for a time but I always kind of return back to naming health as the the number one priority and so when it comes to timing some people accelerate through that. That timing curve and they'll heal faster. You know 8 months ten months some people it's going to be twenty months or twenty four months because of the 20 year track record but also I'm not aiming to just say oh that's symptom resolution and then you'll feel a bit better I'm aiming to help the complete like. Change of the cellular turnover of their entire body so that they don't need to see me again so that they don't need to keep coming back and be on remedies and be on detoxes forever.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
We shouldn't really need to do that and what we're noticing in modern society is the amount of toxins that we're exposed to a lot of people are kind of needing like regular detox all the time and some of the doctors saying you shouldn't need to do that. The body can do that. It's like well yeah, normally but when you're dealing with.

Um, a.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Higher than average levels of toxins coming at you from you know, a variety of Angles. You're probably going to need to do more than what you would previously to get the same results. So There's a lot of things that are different and changing. And yeah, we're in a. Arguably the biggest time of change I've ever seen in my life like individually collectively everyone's going through their own existential crisis in one way or another whether they're aware of it or not and we're all asking pretty big questions and that is actually something I've been seeing in the clinic a lot. Having conversations like this that people are questioning a lot of things I think that's really healthy of what they're doing for work What they're doing with their time are they spending enough time with their kids and really coming back to what's very important. You know? what's very valuable for them in their life and starting to kind of be more.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
I guess um, observant and taking a step back and taking a pause to see where do I want to be in a year or 5 or 10 and it's not okay for me to work. You know, 80 hours a week and not see my friends and my family and everything to then look back 20 years from now and be like oh shit i. I miss that because I've had that conversation with a lot of people too and it's painful. It can be very painful to look back when they have a lot of regrets or if they have a lot of I shouldn't have focused so much on these things that I just thought were important and it turns out they're not and I miss the things that were.

And a.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
So I think a lot of us are questioning and we don't always have to have the answers but even just asking The question is a really beautiful opening and so I love your tenacity and your curiosity and your desire to learn and then share what you're learning with everybody else so that they can actually benefit from that too and. I Think that's what's led to this beautiful conversation where we can get into it and we can get into the gritty bits of things that are working and things that aren't working and that healing doesn't look like maybe roses every day but you make progress.

He he.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
All the time the cells are going in the right direction and then pretty soon you get a bit of momentum behind your system and you have more good days than not good days and that ratio keeps getting better and then you notice if you do have a bad day your body like responds the next day and you're you're out of it.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And that's when you start feeling more confidence in the body again and you know just trusting tuning in you do lots of work on lots of Levels. So I can see it. It's it's coming good job and I know it's hard. So.

Um, oh yeah, ah, absolutely well and I mean this being hard to be honest and that this has been the easiest part. Of healing so far right? like meeting you having that alignment and then taking tctus every day has been a lot easier than my initial paradigm shift ten years ago and going through all of you know the crazy food stuff right? So like. My goodness. That's another big part of my healing too because for me, it was like I was quite overweight at 1 point and you know I'm sure a lot of that was inflammation. But also I had no understanding of nutrition and I was treating my body like a complete garbage dump at that time in my twenty s. And so I was eating junk food and I had packed on all this weight and so I started dieting a lot and you know it transformed my body in a certain way but it also damaged my body a lot and so this is.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.

I mean I message you not long, go freaking out being like Kevin I I don't know like I'm starting to have some thoughts and like some eating disorder stuff come up again because it did create a bit of an eating disorder for me because I was calorie counting for years. And you know I had all this underlying stuff I'm sure you know I've got blood sugar sensitivity and and all of these things from um, the inflammation and and stuff in my body and the thyroid from all of the things that we've been talking about with the suppression of symptoms and. To get my body to look a certain way I had to put just herculean amounts of effort of depriving myself of food and nutrients and exercising to the point of exhaustion all the time and so in the past couple of years. Maybe it's been a year and a half two years. But since I've kind of stepped back from all the pharmaceuticals the last couple that I've been on I've also stopped the calorie counting and so all, but that culmination has resulted in me gaining like £25 right? which.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, good.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.

Is tough for somebody who is a perfectionist and I'm in you know I'm the owner of a health company and sometimes I don't feel like I look the way the owner of a health company should look at this point in my life and I feel uncomfortable in my body sometimes and I get frustrated and I feel like. Again I'm being abandoned or like ah the body's never going to change or or look the way that that I want it to but it's interesting when I look back. There's this photo that I have of myself and I remember at one point I had it as like a before and after like part of social media somewhere and I'll look great. At that point. But when I think back to where I was like actually mentally and physically at that point I had just gone through like the super crazy 30 day ayurvedic cleanse that just oh my god. I don't know I must have I had 2 small bowls of kitchery a day so like very very small amount of food for over a month I lost a shit ton of weight I got completely obsessed with losing weight in the calorie counting and all that stuff all over again. It completely fucked out my gut. It. Activated like I think more gluten sensitivity. My depression was so bad at that point like I was actually a mess so you know I looked you know whatever.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

A certain way that I deem to be good at that point like I was a fucking wreck at that point and now I have a lot more common ease like there's still frustrations. But I'm understanding that that's part of the healing process and that you know I'm. Trusting that my body will just land at the place that it needs to be and to try to release the judgment around that.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, oh good work and you're speaking to really important elements that probably resonate with a lot of people that are going to be listening to this and you know when you rewind back with the original separation of self.

I think.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know with you know, food and dieting and needing to look a certain way and then kind of forcing the body to comply with dieting or all these other things that sometimes people do that are really extreme that doesn't have your body feel confident with you.

A yeah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Because it can almost be like a bit abusive and that might be a strong term. But then you know the body kind of pulls back and's like wait a minute I'm not getting treated with love and respect and given like resources and support that a need I'm being shoved into a corner and forced to comply and you know that.

Hit me.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
It turns out is not healthy for the Psyche. It's not healthy for the nervous system can put people in fight or flight cortisol spikes hormones get out of balance and then the paradox is then we come back and we're like Body. What's the matter with you. And the body's like. Are you kidding me look at what you've made me do and then it can be a journey that I think you're in right now where you're slowly coming back Together. You know you're slowly reintegrating the various versions of you The different parts of you.

Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And having love and compassion for all of the experiences that you've been through and then it can be hard if somebody's putting on some weight and you know nobody wants to not look well or feel well like we all want to feel healthy and strong and vital. But the way that we've been taught. Of ah, you know what health is in in society again, especially in North America is very different than like deep sense of of groundedness and vitality and those are things that I look for you know well before weight is.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
The mental emotional strength of somebody the spiritual strength of somebody and when those are in alignment the physical body often responds. It's like yeah I can show up to this I'm getting what I need I'm being honored I'm being served you know and people talk about you know my body is the temple. But we don't always embody that we don't always treat that and when I look back in my own system I asked a lot of my body over the years I pushed it so hard at times and it kept showing up for me and I'm always grateful that it it made it through a lot of these things that I kept putting it in scenarios to.


A meeting a.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
I abandoned myself you know several times in relationships in work environments and worked and worked and worked and my body saying hey dude like we can't sustain this and I'm like yes we can do as I stay Yeah, get get back to work I got to pay my rent I got to do this and.

Shut up shut up, but ah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know there's these these things that sometimes we need to get out there and you know it's like the lion. You know you got to get out and hunt and eat and then you got to rest but we're missing the rest part in society. We're always hunting. We're always like looking for these things that.

Evening move.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
We think our bodies need and most of the time our body just needs to chill and needs a bit of rest. But that's what we've been taught not to trust so I can really appreciate for many people and and what you're experiencing right now that that trust isn't there yet, but it's coming.

Yeah, he.

He he.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know it's coming a little bit at a time and yes weight can fluctuate up and down and that can be part of the healing process but you also have more support and more wisdom and more understanding at this phase of your life than you did ten years ago and twenty years ago and for me the same we're learning and then as these come forward. Mental emotional pieces with like eating disorders or any of these things that can actually show us hey. There's a little bit of healing to work on here. That's why that's coming forward and as you work on healing and integrating some of those pieces. The body comes a little bit closer together again. It's like oh you're listening to me.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
You're hearing me, you're honoring me I want some rest right now and that can be counterintuitive when somebody's gaining weight and they're like I got to go to the gym more and like drive this body harder and I'm often encouraging people to actually know it wants rest it wants kindness.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Wants compassion and when those things are met your body shows up for you and you can climb that mountain. You can you know do massive hikes and it'll perform because you're giving it what it needs and then it can show up for you even more. So if we're tuning in and listening that way. It gets better better better.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And then all those parts that kind of got separated and and kind of lost and you know in the forest somewhere else and you don't know where those parts of you went. They start coming back together because you're shining that light and. Like playing that resonance through the frequency of your body of you're saying hey over here come over here I'm here I'm listening I'm ready come closer. Keep coming back to me I Know we we maybe had some differences and you guys took off and I can appreciate that. But.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
It's time to come back together and and I'm going to segue that into homeopathy a little bit because I know you wanted to touch on that too that that is the way I see a lot of the remedies that I build whether you call them homeopathy or frequency or vibrational remedies or homotoxicology remedies. I'm giving the body information and I'm I'm often reestablishing information that sometimes had been lost or forgotten or the body stopped speaking the language of the body and I'm reminding it by dropping in this information saying hey over here.



Dr_ Kevin Preston
This is the direction and it's priming the system to be able to understand that and it starts coming alive again and you don't need a lot of substance for that. You don't need molecular weight for that. You just need frequency Information. So I will build in information for the liver for the kidneys for the lymphatic tissue for the endocrine system wherever the body needs reintroduction of information then it can start communicating again and it's like oh yeah I remember that I remember when we were functioning that way. But there's this stuff in the way and I'll give the body information to say hey there's actually parasite. You know, um, toxins going on over here Bacterial toxins Mold Fungal Toxins I'd like you to clear that away and then the system's like okay. Well, you gave me the the guidance the the map to do that. You gave me some resources to do that I'm going to get to work on that and then we'll check back in and I'll check back in with patients and how's your body doing with that and they'll say hey it was a little bit rough sorting that out but I got it sorted out now I'm feeling better. What's the next step and say well now let's move on to the other organ systems that need more work and sometimes we're doing a bit all at the same time and yeah, but it's all getting kind of put back in back in order.

Oh my God I want to work on a product line with you So badly. It's just I don't know Van frequencies the fucking future I'm just I'm so fired up about it. It's so so so cool and like in my because I have like this.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

And my human design I have the investigator right? So like I want to know how stuff works so the whole homeopathy thing I'm like how does it actually work and what I think is happening like it has to do with the structure of like water or something right? like there's the the substances are somehow. Amplified by the memory of water and what we're learning about water now is just like so friggin fascinating. He do you do you know Vita Austin have you seen her work.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
I I don't I was just going to mention the fourth phase of water that is a tremendous book because there is amazing information happening and research happening on water and that we don't even really understand the.

Okay, okay.

Yeah, it's.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know past the first few layers of what's actually there like the memory.

We don't understand the layers of anything like we're just figuring this shit out like it's it's happening now. But it's just like we got like a tsunami of like incredible information that's being revealed to us right now and it's like so cool.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, it is so cool because I'm a ah 5 one manifester. So I've got the investigator part and this is where you and I think a jam is like I want to understand everything and I understand that that's maybe not always going to be the case but I'm going to do my best to understand it. How does the body work.

So cool.


Um, and and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
And so if we circle back to water and homeopathy water Holds frequency It holds memory you know and a lot of people are familiar now with you know, Hidden messages in water. That's a great book as well with a lot of the the research that was done on ice crystals and how they form with like energy and words and frequency.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Our body is doing that all the time. So that's why like the words we say the words we hear what we expose ourselves to has a legit effect on the excuse me the the water molecules in our body and that then has a huge effect on our health. So if we build. Yeah yeah.

Um, literally.

And we are water. We're like what 80% water for water we water.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, and we have many phases of water at any given time within our system. It's not 1 state. It's many states and so when we come back to homeopathy if you build a homeopathic remedy.

Then and then was.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
It's frequency encoded in water or sometimes alcohol or there's a bit of a mix just so it's you know, preserved and it'll hold up well over the long term long term that that can deliver as a vehicle of information into the system. You know it's ah a transducer.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
So We can build information without a lot of molecular weight through hyper diluting particular substances and the way that I've always envisioned this and it changes over time in my own mind too. But let's say like you have a positive substance in the body and I don't mean positive as in good. Like you know when somebody says oh I tested positive for you know could be any number of things a nameless virus. For example that there's there's something present in the system. Oh I did a culture and it came back as strap like it tested positive to strap or my. Have a uti and yeah, they did find staph Bacteria or E Coli or something like it's there. It's It's a positive entity in the system if you imagine like a spectrum of maybe we'll just say on the left hand side. We got a positive charge in the system. When you build a remedy to match that in a homotoxicology Way. You're matching that frequency on the negative side and so when that happens it's like a battery you have a positive and a negative and then the current flows when you feed that very specific information.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Into the system as data then you can like pull that substance out of the system and essentially neutralize it and the body will release it and really virtually it could be in any tissue. It acts like a resonant magnet like an electromagnet. It'll pull that forward.

Um, and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Like iron filings and you have a charge. It'll suck all that stuff out and so that's how we detox everything.

Um, we're literally seeing it so my friend Maddie who has been working with you like should you know one morning she'll message me and be like um, hi um, can you take a look at this picture of all of like the hives and shit over my like all over my body. All over her body. It's crazy like I've heard who was it actually I believe it's vta awesome I mentioned her a couple of times she's coming on the podcast. She does really phenomenal stuff with studying water. Um, but like 1 of her experiences I believe had to do with. She was drinking like this amazing high frequency water and glass from an injury from an accident that she had years and years ago just pushed its way through her hand but it's like wow.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, the body is so capable and so I know sometimes when I talk about toxins and you know all the challenges of where we're at in society right now to always remember the body capability is mind blowing.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know we haven't even begin to understand what our capacity is and you know as a ah big fan of the gene keys Richard read the author talks about how like we are the technology that's untapped on this planet.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Our cells our Dna all of the vastness that we contain within this physical presence and our energetic vehicle. That's the technology that we're waking up and bring it online and it'll sort that stuff out if it has like tools and resources. But these tools are inside.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And that to me is what homeopathy and acupuncture in some of these things that we can utilize they enhance our ability to sort these things out. They they shine the light they provide a guide they provide like a tuning frequency for our body to resonate with to bring it back into alignment and then it does. And it'll offload and detox all kinds of things and you know for those that are Joe Dispensa fans a lot of people that have been to his events and I was actually planning to go to one and and I end up not but I know it's in my future and talking to friends of mine that have gone.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And there's this kind of you know, known thing of they call it now. The dispensa influenza is when you go to one of these events not for everybody but a lot of people will experience what they would imagine would be like a cold or flu type symptoms during or after.

You may.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Because your body is now detoxing all of the stuff that was at a lower frequency and when you go to a higher octave the system has to unload that stuff and it can feel you know, sinusy and congestive and. Maybe even a bit feverish as your body goes and cleans up all this garbage and then dumps it out and then you come out at the actual embodied higher frequency but we're not taught that we're taught the opposite but that's an ah interesting phenomenon right? and people are starting to understand hey wait This is okay I'm not sick in the traditional way.

Ahead. Is.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
My Body's going through a bit of a healing some people call it a healing crisis or an upgrade as I like to call things is like hey it's upgrade time and then we're reintegrating or integrating new material and different information and then we can come to a higher frequency that then gives us more capacity. More capabilities more gifting more intuition. All these things that we see coming online and you'll probably find that with like further work that we're doing together that you'll get more clear and more grounded and more tuned in to things that you didn't even notice before but it's it's heightened and that's kind of ah a fun outcome of.


Yeah, totally yeah well I've definitely noticed um more intuitive sensitivity to plants. So I know that is my gifting in this lifetime but it's.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Getting the body healthy too.

Definitely becoming more sensitive in the past I'd say like couple of months which is really Cool. So the way that I communicate with plans is just yeah I mean it's new for me. So I'm not sharing a lot about it yet. But it's yeah like I receive information in emotions and Sometimes. Um, just even like touching trees I've like received messages and stuff and it's just it's very.. It's very cool. But again, it's like yeah coming online figuring it out for myself right now I will share all of the stuff with people as I start to integrate it more., But yeah, it's um, it's very cool and. I Think that is a really cool thing for people to understand too is like a lot of time we we have a lot going on energetically right now on the planet. Um in so many different ways and so it can really knock us down in energy and so oftentimes if I'm having an off day. Yes I Know there's chronic illness stuff that I'm working through. But. Oftentimes feel like maybe it's something else. You know? Um I noticed for myself I get a lot of it's kind of like tuning I hear it So It's like my ear does this weird high frequency pitch thing and then it feels full and it releases and what I've been. Told through guidance is that it's literally like changing the channel you're changing the channel and sometimes you can really, you can feel sick. There's like all of these things that you know if we haven't been exposed to that spiritual side yet might seem like.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

You know a pathology of some sort but it's actually something else going on which is a little bit off topic. But I think it's really fascinating and I think more people are going to be a lot more receptive to this kind of information as as we move along on this.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, it is.

Crazy timeline that we're on right now. Ah.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Quite an adventure. Yeah, we're both showing up. It's yeah, powerful time.

Oh your gosh. Do you do you have a hard stop because I know we're a little bit over time right now. But there's still something else that I wanted to talk to you about you're good. Okay, we're dear, we're even Joe Joe Rogan style today so much.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah I'm happy to keep going and yeah dive in. However, however, we need to.

I love it. Um, okay, so 1 thing I wanted to bring up I think now is the time that we need to start having these conversations more? Um, so anybody who listens to the podcasts I'm pretty sure you know my stance. On. What's kind of gone on in the past three years so some of us just kind of knew that what was happening wasn't right and you are also one of those people. Um, and I think especially people who have just gone or have been in. The medical system and have come to these realizations and understand that there is a completely different. Um, there's a whole other realm and a whole universe out there. That is you know, largely unexplored becoming more explored but ignored a lot by the general society. And we just we saw a train wreck coming. You know a mile away and I know myself I've been screaming from the top of my lungs all over my social media probably look like tinfoil hat all of the things but like I knew that what we were about to do. To humanity was going to be very very bad. Um, and so now here we are at a point where I think more and more people every single day are starting to question what they signed up for.

And I mean the fact is is the majority of people took a medical intervention that maybe they did want to take and we're really excited about you know and for many reasons it seemed like a great thing to do I I know I even considered it at one point just due to social pressure and kind of just. Questioning my own intuition. You know, definitely glad that I didn't do that. It was the best you know decision I've ever made in my life. But the fact is that the majority of people did take this intervention and now we are seeing major side effects major major side effects and. I mean I don't most people have to know somebody if it's not them. It's somebody that they know that has either died suddenly or you know we're seeing heart attacks and strokes and these insane blood clots that are coming out of people and neurological issues and. Autoimmune and sudden aggressive cancers and like the list just goes on and on and on and on and I think now it's you know because for the past few months it's been a lot of like raising the alarm like hey guys maybe don't do this? Okay like. Really don't want to go down this road right? And then most people are like well no, we're really scared and this is what public health is telling us to do when we have trust in the system still because they haven't gone down the path that you know some of us have and have realized that there's a lot of corruption in that system. Um.

So I Think there's a lot of folks out there that are probably searching for some answers because now they may be in a predicament where their health has been compromised or they have people in their community that they're worried about and we need to start. Providing some solutions for folks because you know hearing over and over Again. You know you did it to Yourself. You signed up for this thing and now you have to deal with the consequences like that's not like we need to have unity and we need to figure this out together. So I Just I'd love to hear.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Kind of what you're seeing and if you're seeing like if what people can be doing who are looking to detox and heal and maybe pass on some information to somebody who may be looking for solutions or.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
So I am seeing pretty much everything you mentioned that I was really concerned that I would see and. Said this to many patients. You know we hate to be right about some of these things or or some of the predictions especially when it's not pretty. Yeah.

Nobody wanted to be right? It wasn't like hey I just want to totally ostracize myself and you know ruin my reputation or whatever it is. It's like we're genuinely concerned and we knew that this was gonna happen and it's not like a.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Pat ourselves on the back for being right? We didn't fucking want to be right? like this is this is this is a living nightmare right? like it's scary.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
No, yeah, it's It's pretty big and it's it's vast and even just to to tap into the edges of of these places you can feel how big this is and. I'm just seeing you know people in the clinic over and over again that are struggling with a variety of things and they're struggling with things. They've never had before and that narrative is happening pretty much daily with a lot of the patients that I'm working with that.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Weird stuff is going on. Weird symptoms is going on and they haven't been able to get any answers and when we get to some of these deeper levels. There's some common denominators here that a lot of people have been exposed to experimental um elements that have now been put into their bodies and. Yeah, it's It's a ah hard space to be in sometimes in medicine right now for you know, regardless of where you're at within it and and how you feel everything is New. Things are different. The. The things that you could count on and rely on are changing so rapidly now because we're in such a massive evolutionary spike that it's hard to keep up with at times of what does the body need. And what do people need and what is being effective and thankfully there's a lot more research coming out now with a lot of different doctors and other practitioners that are finding things that are effective. You know I've got a bunch of different things that I do that are fairly custom that I've seen to be quite effective with you know reversing and shifting damage that's occurred. And um, you know different symptoms that are are really stubborn and are not responding to other types of treatment then we get in there and and kind of roll our sleeves up a little bit more and try and clear some of this stuff and and admittedly like I don't know.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
What the outcome is going to be with different types of cases whereas in the past I felt like I could be more confident of hey we do this. We do that We follow these types of sequences you're going to get better and so it's not that I don't believe people can heal but there is a learning curve here. That's going to be.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Maybe taken a bit of time to really kind of wrap our heads around and increase frequency in somebody's system that's been pulled and incredibly low. So You know there's a lot of I actually mentioned it earlier on this this podcast Pine needle tincture. Has been shown to be pretty helpful for a variety of um, you know toxin exposures in the body. Um, you know natural and maybe not so natural and so a lot of people are experiencing some success with that and it's it's Pure. It's Beautiful. You can get a hold of it.

Um, he.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
We've got some at our clinic. Sometimes it's a little hard to get but it's um, it's quite helpful like just pine needle tea. Yeah.

What about tea like could people this yeah because I mean like that's so easy to make like I made a decoction of it for like cocktails over the holidays like it's not like we have so much amazing medicine just at our fingertips.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah,, that's I think that's a beautiful point is we do have so much available if we're willing to look and maybe do a bit of reading and research the information's there. It's not that the information's not available. I Know a lot of people have talked about using zeolite to help detoxify the body that's become more popular. It's like um, a structured clay and that's not even really the right way to say it. But um.

Yeah I was going to mention what the hell is that okay.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
It acts in a similar fashion even though I think the mechanism slightly different than activated Charcoal That's been popular for years were to help kind of bind toxins and like scrub the system out a little bit and help pull some of the things that have become lodged or stuck in the body and again we're still learning about some of the new.

Um, and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Elements of how our bodies are responding to to things that are different and things that our bodies have never seen before ever and I think some of the the old school way of looking at this still holds true that if you give your body what it needs when you feel that resonance or that pole whether it's time in Nature. Lake Waterfall fresh air that will always give the body tools for it to use. Its wisdom just like your friend that you know the the hand the skin push the push the glass out when she was coming into frequency that was higher the wisdom of the body will do it.



Dr_ Kevin Preston
And so I don't think we even need to understand necessarily um, some of the the deeper layers and the mechanisms behind what has happened for a lot of people in their their system. But what we can understand is the body can find a way if we're eating well. Taking in good quality water and doing things that can increase our frequency breathwork meditation inner child work all these different things that we often dive into going into the darker areas within our system and then liberating that it frees up a whole bunch of new energy for our healing and.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
There's other homeopathics that I think will be pretty helpful into the future. Um, some of this stuff I'm not really ready to name it yet because I'm doing my own research and I don't want to jump the gun on something that I think is promising and then it's not and so you you can believe that I'm always ah at the drawing board.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And in my own little version of a lab my my little space there where I'm trialing things and thinking about things and I am you know sitting up at night with you know a fire crackling just really thinking about the things I've seen in the clinic through the day and through the week and over the last six or eight months and asking myself these questions. What do we need? Now you know what is presenting itself in nature that could be really really useful because nature often provides a cure for everything and our bodies our nature and I've actually had dreams where i'm.

He is.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Working on building different remedies and things and wake up in the morning and jotting notes down and so I'm I'm working on it too. You know I'm working on it in my own way and I know a lot of other doctors are out there working on it other practitioners other you know soul coaches and things like that. There's many ah many ways to approach it.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And what I often tell people is if you feel the poll to work with somebody. You feel a call to explore something research something connect with somebody There's a reason for that and to trust that there may be a solution there because the other thing is. The solution that works for 1 person is not necessarily the one that works for somebody else. You know our cells behave differently. Our FFrequencyquenc is different and that's a beautiful thing so it's not always going to be across the board and even products that I may develop in the future.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
It doesn't mean that they're going to be for everybody and I think about that too of having slightly different nuanced versions of a similar product to really kind of meet as much as possible without seeing everybody in person that it'll still meet somebody where they're at with the way that they show up in the world with the way that their body's design and their blueprinting. That they need you know version 1 versus you know version 2 or version 3 and then that can actually meet them where they're at and it'll offload or clear detox what they need. So um, part of me feels like I didn't really answer that question.

He. C.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
As clearly as I'd like but I'm also just kind of hitting the the pause is I'm working on some things that I think will be really helpful but I'm not sure yet and again I know that's happening in many other places and many other.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Little pockets of the world in clinics and things that we're all, we're all working on it and I think this is actually the strength of humanity that there's a lot of solutions that are going to come forward even more. We're just at the tip of the iceberg like we're just getting started with understanding things at a new level. But it's it's coming so source the things that are around you.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
And it's often the things that are the the most simple can hold the most potency as well. So not to overlook that stuff.

Yeah, absolutely and you know I think it's also important to recognize too is that your frequency is important right? So you know if you did take the medical intervention and it's something that you're really stressed about being stressed. About it is not going to help. Um I don't think you know everyone necessarily has like a ticking time. Bomb and inside of them I think you know from. All of the research and all of the doctors and the thousands and thousands of hours I've spent researching all of this over the past three years what it seems like is there are so many different variables as to why some people are getting sick and why aren't there's you know, hot lots right? So just lots. Of products that went out that had like literal shit like shrapnels of metal and stuff because it was just made too quickly or quality control wasn't there. You know there's elements like that. Um, so many different variations between all of these different drugs like.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, me.

Do you remember at 1 point on the news they were just like oh it's totally fine to mix you know like a Pfizer with the Moderna and whatever and it's like what do you mean like it's okay to mix like first of all, you guys don't even know what the fuck this is and now you're just telling people to like mix the brands and like it was just. Um, my god it was just so absolutely mind blowing oh my god all of the trauma that we've experienced like I just it's insane. But yeah I mean what I'm trying to get at is that frequency is and important is important and you know for those who are.

In this process and now having to go through a healing experience. That's something that our higher cells have chosen and it's for a reason right? It's the same reason that I've been on this healing journey for my entire life which is very challenging. But.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.

Has also garnered a ton of wisdom and has a purpose. So yeah and I think it's all happening on multiple levels for lots of different reasons. But yeah I just really feel for humanity and I think so many of us want to be in a position to help. There's a. Lot of healing that that needs to to happen on lots of different levels because there's been so much trauma that's been created but more and more people are going to be needing help right? So I'm just so glad those folks like you that are looking for solutions fuck man. It was so funny like I literally message you the other deep Dave.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

About Pine needle. Do you remember I was just like I need I need to make this powder and I need a machine. Can you recommend wishing? That's that's really interesting.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, these things always come around I think the ah the image of a lighthouse comes to mind and I've had conversations with others about this too and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know the ships that are sailing around can decide if they want to heed the ah the advice of the light of you know saying hey there's a shore right here. There's rocks right here and and the lighthouse I don't think judges like who heeds that information and who doesn't.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
But they stay a lighthouse nonetheless and and that's ah, a vision that comes to mind for me to do my best to be a lighthouse and you know share things and you know be strong and stable in that and not judge the decisions that everybody else is is making and just kind of hold that energy and hold that compassion and.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Trust that? Yeah, we all have our own process here. Even if my mind doesn't understand that and even if my mind likes to to judge other things that there's always something bigger going on kind of beyond my own understanding and and knowing that that is there allows me to kind of stay as grounded as as possible in some of this stuff. So.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, and I do think like I said at the beginning. The darkest areas are often hiding the most amount of light and so as we go into some of these things and it looks really intense and it looks really nasty that the amount of light and progress that we are on the cusp.

Um, and.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Of revealing as humanity is immense and that's inspiring. You know a lot of us too to just you know keep on rolling. So.

Home. Amazing. Well so everyone listening just stay Tuned. There's more to come. Okay, the last thing that I want to talk about before I let you go is. The work that you're doing right now around the courses with Autoimmunity. Let's chat about that.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, so part of the I think the inspiration is because of what I've seen in the clinic over you know, many many years but especially increasing in frequency. Ah, ah, kind of an alarming rate.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
I want to get more information and teachings out there for giving people solutions and sharing ideas and um, wisdom hopefully on a lot of the things that I've learned over the years on how to sort this stuff out and to point people in directions.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Of things that maybe they've never thought of they'd never considered before things that haven't really been talked about things that I haven't really talked about publicly too much and you know maybe 1 on one in the clinic here and there that it it feels like it's time for me to share more and. Partly because of the demand I can't reach everybody in the the clinical setting that way and so how are other people faring with this and and giving more information and giving tools and resources I think will be really valuable so that's where building courses.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, creating more kind of group spaces for healing and making it more accessible both like timewise financially all the above if you can't get in to see me and you know I'm really really booked up in the clinic and again I'm so grateful for that. So there needs to be some other avenues to. You know, come into contact with healing and come into contact with some of the information and so I think that's a vehicle that I get to use into the future is more training and I'm going to be training like you said to other practitioners and things as well because I think it can happen on both sides like sharing with the public. And sharing with the people that are are treating the public as well and and have accessibility so kind of have both irons in the fire on on those fronts to bring a lot of this forward and um, this is where I Love Technology. You know it's It's easier to.

He he.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Connect with people um through vast distance and and time and you know record some of this stuff and make it available as courses courses for purchase in the future and live courses and q and a and so yeah, there's a lot of this stuff coming out the next few months going to have ah like paid workshops and things I'm going to have more free stuff available I'm going to be doing all of it really just because I want to get it out there and yeah, hopefully we can make an impact doing that and bring a lot of value to people and and ah you know in-person retreats and things and bigger events is the stuff that's in the future too. So.

Um, like this.


Dr_ Kevin Preston
Should be a big year I'm I'm excited to to show up and this is where I feel most inspired too. So yeah, thanks.

Yeah, no, That's wonderful. Yeah, and I'm glad that you chose autoimmune because I mean Autoimmunity is literally the body attacking itself right? which is not what the body wants to do or is designed to do so we have. A lot of things in the environment that are scrambling us and um, yeah, it's just it's really too bad to see because we're just seeing more and more complex conditions that just didn't even exist. You know a hundred years ago.

Dr_ Kevin Preston

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And it's touted as like just normal right? Like oh and all these things actually always did exist and here's another drug for it like it's just insane. It's insane.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, well, we're gonna bring a lot of this information forward in terms of that adaptation that we can kind of meet and you know really provide solutions for all these things that are new and are changing and. Yeah, the ingenuity and the inspiration of mankind were we're still here on the planet for a reason and I'd like to see it continue So gonna do my part as best I can yeah.

Seriously, yeah, awesome. Okay, so anybody who wants to sign up or connect with you where can they go.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Generally yeah website and Instagram are are probably 2 of the best places and it's just d r Kevin Preston Dr. Kevin Preston Dot Com and same handle on Instagram and I'm not on their tons but that is a way to track us down for sure and stay tuned with what we're creating and offering and. Yeah, we'll see everybody down the road.

Amazing. Ah, well thank you so much for being here today. You're just I don't know so glad I met you such a gift and I love that I get to have these conversations with you. And get this information out to people. It's exciting I don't know there's just so much synergy and all of the things I hope everybody who is listening right? now is inspired right to improve their health to. Look at a new way of healing and moving forward and share it with people share it guys. We need to get this information out. It's so so so important so make sure to connect with Kevin and yeah, we'll catch you all on the next episode.

Dr_ Kevin Preston
Thank you so much? Yeah, many blessings

Thank you so much for being here.

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