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Welcome to the wild remedies podcast Jesse I am so excited to be chatting with you today. How are you? yeah so looking forward to this I I think.

Jesse Chesnutt
I'm wonderful. Thank you so much for having me here. It's a real pleasure.

I've mentioned the gene keys on like 4 episodes now where I'm like I don't really know how this works yet. But I'm really interested and I've been doing my own cell study and I keep mentioning that I don't know I'm probably interpreting this wrong and so I'm really glad that you're here today so we can chat about it. But. Um I met somebody who kind of works in the gene keys a little bit and he's intuitive got into a conversation I was just telling him about some of the health challenge and health challenges that I've I've had in my life and that seems to be a theme for me and he he looks at me and he's like starts talking about this forty Seventh gene key and I'm like okay I have no idea what this means and I go home and I fill out my free profile on your guys's website and right at the top of my chart says is the Forty Seventh gene key and I'm like okay. Well I don't know what this means but it sounds bad and I'm probably just doomed and what does this all mean I don't know so that's kind of how I got started on my journey. And um I have a couple of books by Richard Red who's the founder of the gene keys correct. Um the most recent one I think it's the 64 ways is that right? The the white book. Yeah, and so reading his interpretation of the 47 gene came like oh okay, this isn't actually that bad. It was just.

Jesse Chesnutt
Um, yes.

Jesse Chesnutt

My own perceptions initially? Um, but yeah, it's really cool. It just seems like there is so much wisdom here and so I'm really excited to have you on today to explain more about what the gene keys are because I think this is something that can help a lot of people.

Jesse Chesnutt
Thanks yeah, that's um, such a funny introduction to it and and something I I think can be um, there can be some triggering things that are part of it. You know there's um, just a little context. There are these 64 different

Um, thing.

Jesse Chesnutt
Gene keys and they're connected to the 64 different codons of Dna. So the whole language of life is written in the language of Dna and there are 64 different letters that write up these you know all of the genetic codes and I'm not going to say a number. But. You know, maybe a million digits in these codes that live in every cell and um, but there's this language that it uses and it has these 64 different patterns and um so this system is based off of the genetics that everyone has. But also it's based on an ancient system called the iing which comes from China and they believed that there were these you know basic. Um, it's basically the interpretation of Yin and yang energies or a binary system. It's either ones or zeros on or off up or down left or right and. If you put these together you know. So if you stack multiple yins and Yang lines together. It creates eventually 64 fundamental blueprints of energy that the the ancient taoists believe could describe all motions and movements of the universe. So this is a very ancient system four thousand years ago and they they thought they cracked the code of life and flash forward Four thousand years later and we realized that there are 64 individual letters that make up all of life literally. It's come full circle in a lot of ways.

Jesse Chesnutt
And so the wisdom of the e ching is really old and really beautiful and very mystical. It connects to um, psychological expression in many ways but also worldly expressions of how energy moves and changes and so the gene keys has put a lot of this. Information together. A lot of this wisdom traditions together into a modern synthesis that combines many different um philosophies um, filters ways of looking at things into one you know. Synthesis is the word that Richard Rudd uses that is a really beautiful word that is um, all things coming together into oneness essentially and so what's what's really beautiful. Is you know there are these 64 different keynotes these 64 different fingerprints. That the universe creates in and um, you know you have this forty seventh at the top of your chart and what's really interesting and there are these 3 words that are um, that ah embody the frequencies of these. Um. Gene keys and one of them is a very low frequency which is known as the shadow There's ah a higher frequency emanation that's called the gift and then there's this very high frequency called the city. It's s I d dh I it's a term for like a special power or this.


Jesse Chesnutt
You know, magical gift of consciousness that comes from the east and so you know there's one genetic that's imprinted by this code. There's one um, sort of energetic imprint that's put in by this forty seventh code but it has very different meaning from a low frequency state to a hot to the higher states and so specifically this one is known as oppression and oppression in the shadow is it's a rough word you know it's a really It's a hard. Pill to swallow in many ways and and I feel like many people have felt oppressed by a system ah misunderstanding peers you know failure at sports or school. You know, like um then there's plenty of of. Racial oppression and cultural oppression and some of these bigger fields of oppression that are all over the world and it's it's really rough and what I love about this system is that it takes those really rough shadows that are seen in the world and. Definitely seen in our own experience. But we don't often like to think about those things right? The shadow it's filled with fear. It's filled with you know, really low frequency expressions and most people don't enjoy them.

Are in.

Jesse Chesnutt
They they'd like to pretend that they don't have them so being confronted by a shadow can be really jarring and really rough but the beautiful thing about all these gene keys is that that's just the lower frequency expression and by approaching and really facing and turning. This shadow in the shadow lies a hidden gift and this is the journey of this gift frequency that is um, the power of transmutation so whereas we feel really oppressed by things and. Feel like we have no voice and we have no movement through them by really facing that oppression and really standing our ground and really approaching it. There is an opportunity to take all of the worst parts of something and to transmute them like an alchemist into a higher frequency. And once we realize the power of our consciousness to really soften and approach shadows and turn them. This is the alchemist gift. This is really a profound journey that you can go on where one of my favorite lines that Richard uses is to become a shadow hunter. So now instead of running away from our shadows and running in fear of all the bad things that are part of ourselves or part of the world. We actually aren't afraid of the shadows anymore because we have this power to transmute them to literally like an alchemist would take the base materials.

Um, in man.

Jesse Chesnutt
And you know through these different processes to refine it into higher and higher elements this is where we take the salt and turn it to Mercury and eventually into gold and sulfur you know this this? um. This beautiful way of doing it but instead of doing it out in the World. We're doing that in our own experience in our own consciousness and this is the real gold of the alchemists. This is how we um, you know take take the The. The lump of coal and refine it into a diamond. You know how we really take all of those unrefined and unconscious fearful parts of ourselves and through hard work and loving kindness and diligent. Ah you know contemplation.


Jesse Chesnutt
Really have the power to um refine those unbecoming elements into things that are really endearing and really empowering and really resonate. Not just with yourself but with others and this eventually leads to the city of transfiguration which is very. Very cosmic principle of you know Jesus when he was crucified and then when he resurrected he became transfigured as an eternal spirit and so this is this kind of touches into that energy that if you spend a whole lifetime. Trans transmuting all of your shadows into gifts. You know at some point there's like the potential to really um, get in touch and in tune with this eternal divine spirit that lives in every being you know, but that's not the goal.


Jesse Chesnutt
The input or the the part I like to focus on I Really love to look right into the heart of the shadow and and seek the the gift and this gift something that you can use every day and something that takes.

Um, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
Ah, turns lemons into lemonade and I literally use this this notion of alchemy every day of my life I'm really grateful for the wisdom. So.

And that's so Beautiful. So What I'm kind of understanding is that there's a lot of power by learning and studying your profile right? because it's you know. I Think everybody can kind of identify with certain themes or yeah, just just certain things that come up in your life over and over again that can feel oppressive perhaps in a way. Um, whether it's in you know your. Prosperity or your love life or whatever that is we come across these challenges that can continue to present themselves and like am I interpreting this correctly that by learning how to work. With these Gene Keys or learning how to transmute these things or learning how to go deeper into some of these shadows we can kind of transform those into something that is more in line with a higher frequency of what we would rather experience rather than just having to play out. The same cycles over and over again.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah I mean from a psychological perspective I I think of it like um things that you know we we make a million choices every day or or more billion choices every day. This is the the realm of free will that we live in and. And we have to choose and it's you know for me the pattern is do we choose it consciously or do we choose it unconsciously and to me that's that's a huge shift and many of us myself included make a lot of these.


Jesse Chesnutt
Decisions subconsciously from things that I inherited from my parents and my childhood things that I inherited from my schooling and my culture my language you know the lens that I see things through these are all subconscious. Um, influences that are influencing the decisions that I'm making every day and so oftentimes when you're talking about. You know these patterns that repeat themselves over and over oftentimes what that is is a whole set of subconscious movements that are. That we keep making subconsciously and it keeps putting us down a road where we fall into the same hole over and over and over again and even if we are starting to recognize the pattern. It's amazing. How we so often sub. Consciously choose that which is comfortable for us that which we're used to and so it may not be what serves us which is something newer or higher or deeper oftentimes. It's what's comfortable what we naturally do and so we make the subconscious decision and oftentimes. It's It's innocent in the moment but 30 decisions later we fall into the same hole where we go why I thought I figured this out about this type of person that I chase in relationship or this way that I undermine my prosperity or this way.

Jesse Chesnutt
Fill in the Dots. We have so many different ways that you know we hold hopes for ourselves and then fall into a lot of the same patterns and so what's really beautiful about the Gene Keys to me is that um it isn't a system of Therapy. It's not here to fix you or change you. It's not, You're not sitting down with someone else Now. We do have guides I'm a jinky guide as well and they're here to help guide you through the wisdom but they're guiding you on your own journey of self-knowledge and that's what the Jenkys really are. Is. It's ah it's a living wisdom transmission based in the ancient and stretching into the future like it definitely spans many things it taps into the genetics it taps into the e-ching and this kind of oracular force of knowing that how nature moves and. The propensity of like if it's doing this.. It's probably going to do this next and it's probably going to do this after that. That's what the I ching is really good at um, kind of describing it helps us navigate a lot of the psychological traps and the psychological expressions that we hold. But it also connects into astrology and it's based off of your birth chart and so your profile is like the fingerprint of energy that was alive the moment you were born and so you know it connects these multiple fields together into this living synthesis.


Jesse Chesnutt
That no one can really tell you what is there for you but we can walk together along that path and so like you were asking about the forty seventh that's just my reflection of the forty seventh but sometimes I always feel like um in life. We've forgotten. A lot and the real trick is to wake up and to remember what our cells really know and what our true spirit actually knows and what our inconceivable mind really knows like the the wide mind that really is in touch and in tune with. Quantum universe you know there's there's a part of us that's connected to all that and we're just here helping each other remember this connection and so the gene keys is a system brought through by Richard Rudd who claims to be the first student of the gene keys which I think is such a.


Jesse Chesnutt
Humble and beautiful way of um, you know he's not the author he didn't create all this. This is a timeless wisdom that was created by and with the universe and I really um, love that humility from him. But um.

Um, a here.

Jesse Chesnutt
You know it's It's this amazing system of knowledge that is like a mirror that can reflect some of these patterns back to us so we can look into those shadows that most people I don't know about you but most people when a shadow comes up that. Is something that I hold inside of my psyche I don't really love looking at it and I don't love proclaiming it publicly and talking about it with my friends or on a podcast but I've come to know the power of owning and facing those shadows because when I do. That's when they can be transformed and now I'm not running from shadows anymore I say oh hi old friend. Oh man, you make me feel weird inside. But I'm here with you and I'm going to sit through that and on the other side once I'm no longer afraid of that shadow.

Um, in.

Jesse Chesnutt
It's amazing. The change that can happen and oftentimes. It's those small decisions that we make that now when I recognize the shadow where I normally would turn my head and walk left down the street and fall into that pothole now I'm able to see it for what it is. And say you know I'm going to make a harder choice right now in this moment but it's going to lead me to not fall into that same trap that I've done over and over and over in my life.

Um, yeah, that's really beautiful I Think there's so much power that this wisdom holds for people.

Jesse Chesnutt

But I think the 1 thing that can be a little bit challenging is just when you're like in my case when you're first introduced to it. It's like whoa. Okay, so like I said you go to the website you get your free profile and then you get this profile that you know it looks kind of like a human design profile and I think there are. You know some similarities that kind of tie in with human design as is that correct. Yeah right.

Jesse Chesnutt
Certainly yeah Richard worked with raw who was the first student of human design and Richard was um, an early student of of raw and they they worked together and developed a lot of the early integral human design systems.


Jesse Chesnutt
So They're They're very much wedded there but there are also systems that evolved separately too like they went their own ways and so where they're embedded in this similar ways of connecting genetics and astrology. And the e- ching. Um the Gene Keys has has really grown and evolved in in ah in an in a different way and so now they are you Knowceptter systems that are similarly sourced is how I would say it.

Yeah I mean I think there is definitely a lot of similarities there. Um I don't know a ton about human design other than just you know, pulling up. My profile on an app and it tells me certain things and some of the things seem really helpful but um, by no means an expert but I've been digging into astrology a little bit in particular looking at um North Node energy.

Jesse Chesnutt

After having an amazing karmic astrologer on the podcast for anybody who's listening with Vika Bradford I highly recommend listening to her podcast a few episodes prior but it's really interesting because I'm getting all of these little tidbits about. You know, um, not so much. Well yeah, like there's there's a lot of information about purpose in life and things that are really kind of you know, shocking to me right? like there's teaching for example which is not something that I would have ever. Considered to be like a path for me. Um, and this theme of community right? So like prosperity um coupled with community and partnership which. Intuitively to me always seemed like something that um, there was like a passion there but but but also a challenge and then when I look at the gene keys like of course I've had like this little profile. That's. Come up and I'm seeing these words of community and then kind of digging into and like doing these contemplations on some of the keys and like seeing a lot of these similar words and themes pop up I'm going like oh okay, like this is definitely all connected I'm still at like the very beginning of the journey. Um.

But it's pretty interesting because some of this information is actually guiding me with decisions that I'm currently making in my life right now and these aren't choices that I would normally make but it's been really helpful which. Is very cool. Yeah, so I started.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah, think that's really beautiful way of connecting with astrology is um, you know in my you know I guess I So I studied Yeah in transpersonal psychology and so that's really a lot of my where my. Studies root is in consciousness studies and the way I have come to see things is that you know we we tend to think that our mind and our brain is 95% of our personality in the world. It just seems like everything that we see and think.


Jesse Chesnutt
It's so much but I've come to see it that the ego and the mind is actually this tiny pinhole that we're looking through that it's actually the opposite. It's more like 1%. You know the ah in the whole frequency of energy of visible light. The eye sees. Point Zero zero zero zero one percent of all of the energy fields the ears hear slightly a bit more so it's point Zero zero zero zero one percent or something like that. It's literally a slice of the full frequency that's out there and so our mind that takes up so much space in our head.


Jesse Chesnutt
And so and you know takes up rent in our lives that really fills so much. It's actually a smaller part of our life and so to me some of these systems of knowing really help us expand outside of what we normally Think. You know what we think of as our reality and our personality and so these systems that you know there's so many, but there's these experts. You know that like vika in in Vedic astrology and you know everyone has their own kind of lens that they can can really look and help. Um, help you see deeper and further and I just think it's such ah, a beautiful mystery. Um and a reminder to get past what you think you know and to really be open and and what we think is.

Are A. In here.

Jesse Chesnutt
A small tiny blip on the big screen of life. You know my favorite is um, this notion of of the body and so the body is this collection of 26000000000000 cells and each cell is its own individual. With its own you know shell and its own purpose and it's going along in the body but it makes 1 body right? And so there's all of these separate pieces that all work in perfect coherence to make this vessel that I'm traveling in and I thank god don't have to think. About telling them what to do they know what to do I don't have to talk to the kidneys to make sure they're you know filtering my blood I don't have to talk to the cells to make sure they're dividing and replicating Dna perfectly like I don't even have to think about breathing now I can think about all these things. But the point is is I don't have to and they're all working in perfect coherence and to me this is that great reminder is that the mind sits on top and travels around inside this unbelievable body that is truly miraculous in nature like just the fact that we are. Coordinated that we can walk that we can stand that we can talk that we can listen to each other that we can sleep that we can drive and text and not even look at the road and somehow make it where we're going. You know there's so much on autopilot that to me is really honored.


Jesse Chesnutt
And really important to be remembered and so just like there are all of these cells that are in perfect coherence there too are the planets and the stars and the light of the sun and the magnetic field of the earth and all of the molecules that are supporting us. There are these. Bigger Worlds and smaller worlds that too are in perfect coherence but we don't think about them all the time but it's really beautiful to have these things like astrology and the Gene keys to help us in some of those decisions when.


Jesse Chesnutt
We are stretching a little bit beyond our self image and our comfort.

Totally and like and can you imagine being introduced to these tools as like a kid or at least having like parents who have these tools can you imagine like the trajectory our lives. Would take because a lot of what we think we should be doing is just programming from society right? Like I mean I I almost became a dental hygienist because my parents told me to right like I. Would have jumped off a bridge like that is definitely even if I had gone down that path I wouldn't have lasted very long for sure I ended up taking the path of art and design and then you know entrepreneurship but that was originally what I was going to University for and I think there was a lot of people that. End up making those choices and committing to them because it's the right thing to do or because they want to make somebody proud or because of you know, certain wounding and not enoughness in all of these things and like this it like instead of having a um. What what is it called like those counselors in high school. You know, um, a career counselor or whatever. Can you imagine if like this was the tool instead like how cool would that be. But.

Jesse Chesnutt
Guidance Counsel anymore.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah, so I have the great honor of becoming ah a new father in this past year and so I can really picture um, raising a child in in this wisdom of of knowledge and and reflection and.

On amazing.

Jesse Chesnutt
You know it's nothing I'm going to force on her but it informs my decisions in so many ways and it gives me ways of understanding those harder moments especially you know when when things don't go exactly to plan.

Um, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
How to really transmute those experiences and yeah, I'm so excited to think about, Um, you know because a lot of a lot of our way is that as you said you know interpreting what our parents said and what our society says and what our culture says that we should do. And some of it is you know deconditioning from that really learning and listening to what is it that I want to do like how do I want to spend my time what lights up the fire in that in my belly. What is it that I could do for free that you know just makes my mind crackle.

Um, yeah, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
And I want to study and I want to learn and I want to share and I want to talk about it and I've been really lucky that that the Gene Keys just sings to me in that way and um, so it lights me up to to talk about it and and to to share about it and then you know to raise my daughter and to to.

Um, he.

Jesse Chesnutt
Communicate with the Gene Keys with my wife too and it's helped in our relationships every relationship goes through bumps and bruises love expands and it contracts and it goes left and it goes right? and sometimes it's rough you know a committed long-term relationship is ah is a real teacher.

Me head.

Jesse Chesnutt
And it's not all roses and honeymoons. You know there there can be some really um tricky changes that happen and so um, this wisdom also helps to reflect how to really be in relationship with someone and how to take those.

Um, um.

Jesse Chesnutt
Ah, those bumps and those ah you know triggers and not just accuse Oh this is your fault you've done this to me but to really claim responsibility for our part in things and to eventually the goal is to return. Non-love with love.

Um, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
And that's the mission of the the venus sequence. So the the profile is this hologenetic profile. It's called and it's this amazing 11 or thirteen spheres that that are there which you're right when you first pull it up. It's numbers and letters and it can be a little.

And hit.

Jesse Chesnutt
Hard to digest but it's broken down into these Journeys of awakening your genius for prime gifts and then the love sequence or the venus sequence and this is how you know how to keep your heart open. And then there's the prosperity sequence. The Pearl sequence at the end that is um, you know how to how to return that. Love that's flowing through you now and how to give that to the world and how to really ring out your gifts into the world and and to receive abundance for that. So You know there's these it.


Jesse Chesnutt
Breaking it down into pieces is really important but it still can be a little overwhelming. There's these books that are sold. This is the venus book. Um, and so you can you can follow along by yourself and and that's how I studied most of it I got books and I just sort of studied but there are. These larger community experiences that are that happen called deep dive retreats and we go together collectively. Each person is studying their own individual chart. But we're on this journey together and ah it is unbelievable. How much easier it is to walk down the darker paths of your own shame and fear and guilt and these shadows you know to look at the wounding that we picked up in our childhood and the things where we didn't treat others the way that we wish that we had you know these regrets and. Guilt and and some of these things by looking at these with a collective group of people. It's so much Easier. You don't feel alone and so if people are interested in this wisdom I Really recommend joining one of these retreats and.

Um, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
Really,. It's so much easier like with all wisdom Systems. You are the only one that can do it like no one can do it for you? No one has all the answers. This is a journey for yourself, but to do it together is just really makes everything so much easier. And more pleasant. So.

Um, yeah I have been wanting to sign up for yeah one of the programs for sure. But I'm wondering.

Jesse Chesnutt
Like but.

Where to start because there are all of the sequences. But there's one that used to. It's like the golden path right? That's kind of where you want to jump in. Okay, okay, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
So the golden path is all of these put together. So the whole the golden path is the whole journey. Um, yeah, the first place to start is genekes dot com and you just sign up and opt in for. Um, we're not stealing your data or anything like that. It's all internal but you can go and get a free profile and then it will be connected to your account and um, there are a few free programs and we're developing 1 right now. Um, called new to the gene keys. And so it is going to be We're really filling this part out for exactly what you're saying like this seems amazing. It's super interesting. The book is so long and the profile is so like hard to get into like where do I start? How do I go and so. We're currently developing that right now and um, so I really look forward to that because there are a lot of um, beautiful questions and um, a lot of that confusion early on of of knowing where to start. But after that if you get a taste of your.


Jesse Chesnutt
So when you create your profile. You can download an audio. Um that is the audio of your life's work and your life's work is connected to the sun sign. So I was born in August and I'm a leo and so this is the part of my chart that represents that Leo energy that.


Jesse Chesnutt
Most people who know astrology think of first and foremost is as your your personality of of how the sun lights you up is is kind of how I talk about it and so this life's work is is connected to that and so you can download this audio of Richard Rudd who is. You know he's this amazing man. But he's also this amazing poet and amazing mystic and he just has this voice that um I could just listen to forever and so he has these audio contemplations. So there's the book. The big jinky book and you can read about.

Um, and then.

Jesse Chesnutt
Your life's work in there. But there's also this audio contemplation that to me having it's 1 thing to read something and it's another to listen to a poet or a bard you know muse on on these things and it really has a different way of hitting the heart. And and really syncing in so that's where you begin and then if you're interested the first sequence that we recommend is starting with that life's work and it's called the activation sequence and this is where you activate the parameters of your chart and so yeah.

Um, and.

Um, in.

Jesse Chesnutt
And you can start all find all this stuff at genekes.com and yeah it's a beautiful beautiful journey there are some really amazing things that I'm part of that are free as well and so you can also get a taste of the community. So um I hold. Ah.

Um, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
Public and free space twice a week on clubhouse which is an app. It's an audio app and there's some crazy stuff on clubhouse clubhouse can be a little wild but the gene keys has been on there for about a year and a half and maybe a little longer and it's the rooms that we.

Um, in.

Um, and today.

Jesse Chesnutt
Have are really beautiful. Um, a lot of very contemplative people who are really looking at their shadows and trying to do their best in the world and and there's some sharing and some information and wisdom being shared there that I think is really profound. So um. Would welcome you to look into clubhouse and the gene keys and look for me Jesse Chestnut I teach um not teach but share space and and share my my voice on a room called gene keys and parenting where we contemplate how to bring this wisdom into.

Um, him.

Jesse Chesnutt
The real nitty-gritty part of life raising children and also being a child. You know how to deal with parents and and a lot of that genealogy or or lineage kind of stuff and then also the weekly pulse where we contemplate the the weekly gene key. That is kind of connected to the astrological wheel. So instead of 12 seasons. There are 64 seasons because there's the 64 gene keys so each week we contemplate a different one and so that's called the weekly pulse room and yeah.

Um, and.

Cool. Wow Okay, well lots to dig in there. That's great. Thank you for that? Okay, well now that everybody kind of has you know I guess a little bit of insight into what the Gene Keys are.

Jesse Chesnutt
So anyway in.

I was wondering if you'd be open to just doing like a little mini I don't know decoding of my profile a little bit so just so people can get an idea of like the kinds of deeper insights that they can expect to receive by doing this this kind of work would that be okay.

Jesse Chesnutt
Sure Yeah I'd love to do that? Yeah, do you are you able to screen share your profile or um, what's the best way.

Yeah, okay.

Um I don't think we can screen share on here. Let's see oh I do have a link though. Oh but how would I Oh I can send it to you in the chat, let me see.

So this here. Okay, let's see. Do you see this message that link cool.

Jesse Chesnutt
I do.

Jesse Chesnutt
Oh no, that link's not going to work. No it. It looks like the yeah I can't I can't load that unfortunately.

That's not going to work.

Pay. Let's see what would be another way to do it. Do you think.

Jesse Chesnutt
So if you have that you can download it as a Pdf and you could email it to me and I could just open it in my email.

Oh yeah, Smart K Let's do that. Oh there you are.

Jesse Chesnutt
And so yeah I guess I would just start with what I know now like my favorite place to start is that forty seventh genen key of of the life's life's work and it's um, you know I I spoke onto it.


Jesse Chesnutt
Before and and and won't go into it too much, but this is um, this is a really beautiful key. That's also very difficult so in the ancient e ching. It's known as oppression and you know one of the one of the ways that the e ching has been used for 4000 years is


Jesse Chesnutt
Someone says I'm starting this new adventure ah dow tell me how this venture is going to go and you roll these coins you throw these sticks. You do you? You shake the bones. It's kind of like a tarot system and there's a way of of divining. What.

And here.

Jesse Chesnutt
What happens with the eaching and so if you're asking. How's this new relationship going to go and you roll the 47 it's not it's not looking up right? it's it's it's oppression you are

That's not the 1 you want ah right.

Jesse Chesnutt
Forsing something into a place that is in between a rock and a hard place and so that can feel really rough and and it's like you said you like read the book and you're just like oh my God I'm doomed forever and this is the this is the beautiful thing about the jinkys.

Um, okay I um hidden.

Jesse Chesnutt
Is it says no actually you hold something so powerful that even oppression cannot stop you that you have the power to transmute all of the Ill in the world. All of the the rough stuff the things that no one else wants to deal with. You have the ability to to um you know to do to do to transform them into something else and so to me that's that's one of the most powerful gifts that um that this wisdom.


Jesse Chesnutt
Tradition like really allows for and um so it's debugging it making sure that there we go.

You can.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah, so here's your profile. Let me get a glimpse into your blueprint. yeah beautiful cool so um yeah I wish I could screenshare it to make it a little bit more clear. But um, I'll just describe maybe just the the activation sequence these first. The first steps that we go through and um, what's really beautiful in this wisdom is that.

Um, hey.

Jesse Chesnutt
You know in astrology we think about where the sun was where we were born. So for me, it's a leo and but what is taken into account and the gene keys is also where the earth was when you were born and this is the second sphere. This is the first journey that we go on so there's this matching pair.

Um, in.

Jesse Chesnutt
Of the life's work and the evolution and this is where the sun was when you were born and where the earth was where you were born and this is really the mission of the taoists is to bring heaven to earth and to offer our gifts from earth up to heaven to send our prayers. Up and and this is really the embodiment that that the eastern philosophy really speaks of and I think it's it's beautiful I spent most of my early years looking out in the world for what made me happy and what was successful and it's been a much more pleasant journey. To really take all of that deep inside of my body and to really embody those gifts in in a new way and and therefore offer you know the the deepest passions that I have for the benefit of all beings. You know to return some of that. And so this journey in many ways of our incarnation is is encapsulated in the snapshot of the moment that we were born of where the light of the sun was coming in and informing our soul and and it's to bring the the power of that light. All the way down and to fully incarnate it on the earth and this is the great challenge of our incarnation and so these 2 keys the first 2 keys really act as Opposites. So in the iing they're made from Yin and Yang lines.

Jesse Chesnutt
And if you change all of the Yin lines yang and all the yang lines Yin so you just make them into opposites literally these are known as programming partners and so these are those opposite expressions and they live across the calendar from each other so whereas my son is in Leo that means the earth is an aquarius.


Jesse Chesnutt
For me specifically and so it's really this challenge to embody these 2 opposite archetypes to really bring heaven to earth to bring Yin to yang to find this middle way that I think has so much wisdom to gain you know. Taking it into the modern world. Everything seems divided and everything seems really confusing and I think somewhere in between is there is a real truth. You know there's so much confusion in the separateness and that somewhere in between this integration of paths is really. Part of it and so and the journey of your specific one is to move from this oppression into what's known as Grace and it's the twenty second gene key and this is another beautiful journey. But it's really deep and it's really powerful.


Jesse Chesnutt
And this is the this will be the challenge of your incarnation is to transform the feelings of dishonor which is in the shadow and to find how to face into dishonor and to move with graciousness and this is the gift is graciousness and. Graciousness is um, you know it's a kind it's a kind sentiment it's returning um with compassion things. It's it's a soft way and it eventually moves into the city of Grace which. Um, you know I like to think of a dancer has grace and a certain piece of music has grace that can open our heart and make us cry. But you know Grace is also there's like this notion of Divine Grace you know these moments where the divine. Comes down and like I think of a beautiful sunset when you're having a hard moment. You maybe go through a breakup or you're in a in a fight or something and you go outside and all of a sudden the clouds part an array of sun comes down and it lights up this perfect stone on the ground in front of you and you feel like this moment where in the. In the pit of sorrow in the pit of sadness there is this this light you know this this kind of divine moment and so this to me is is Grace. It's connected with um like the angels or something like that. You know this this notion of.

Jesse Chesnutt
Ah, feeling seen by the unseen elements of of the universe and Richard in this in this twenty second Jinki has a really beautiful statement that is suffering is grace and this is often misunderstood. Out of context and it's something that really flips things on its head but it's like this notion of being a shadow hunter once you know that suffering is actually how you can crack your heart open how you can. You know sometimes it is our suffering that makes us more humble and more open to receive the benefits of heaven or the Angels or the divine. However, we want to see that and so there's a really profound journey in this that between oppression. And dishonor. It doesn't mean that it's necessarily a smooth and and comfortable road. But it means that eventually you know there can be so much learning and so much wisdom so much empowerment that can come from those rough moments. From that suffering and from that confusion and oppression and dishonor that that it's not all you know destined to be terrible that there is a profound journey and now once you.

Jesse Chesnutt
Are able to heal your own heart a little bit and to turn your dishonor and and keep your heart open with graciousness Now. You can spread that to others around you you know it's this notion of of the wounded healer that sometimes those who have gone through the most pain and the most trauma. Are the most approachable because they too know what it feels like to be lost or alone or dishonored or to be oppressed and so there's like such a depth of wisdom and and power that can come from that.


This honestly reflects so much with you know the the podcast that we did with vika. She said the exact same words. The wounded healer at um.

Jesse Chesnutt

So for anybody listening you can see how all of these things are connected like literally we have proof they're recorded on podcasts now which is crazy and again for everybody listening mine has been a challenging life for sure, right? Like. Definitely have the archetype of the wounded Healer. There's been a lot of pain a lot of suffering a lot of health challenges and just choosing you know, ah a more challenging path with entrepreneurship. It's not.. It's not an easy path. Um, so don't. Don't freak yourself out thinking like oh my gosh you know diving into the Gene Keys is going to be like this that that this is my special flavor and like my ah my journey that my soul has chosen for some super special reason to experience. It's in most lifetime. Because I tell you it's definitely hasn't been sunshine and roses all the time. But um I do definitely get that and that this is a conversation that I've had many times. It's like this. Um this you know that this theme of suffering that comes up so often.

Because it's something that I'm used to at this point. It's also something that I feel that I can transform more quickly or that I have become much stronger for um, it has made me more resilient. In many ways and so those are you know some of the gifts that that come through these these hardships. There's you know a depth and a richness that can be brought through the personality. Um, that comes from suffering.

And those are some of the lessons that you know I've I've had so far.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah, um.

Jesse Chesnutt
Well beautiful I'm I'm glad that resonates and and yeah, not not all charts are this way and not all all things are this way. But and I'm glad that it resonates and that to hear some of your journey. You know like I had a similar.


Jesse Chesnutt
You know, but different journey with my my childhood. My my parents split up at um, like 1 years old or something like that. You know, really young and it it left my own set of hardships and traumas to deal with these things but through my life. It's really pushed me. To have to deal with mommy and daddy issues and to deal with how do I find real true lasting love in the midst of what was modeled to me wasn't lasting love and so I think that everyone has this journey um of hardship.


Jesse Chesnutt
You know that that that's just we get bumps and bruises and when there's twists and turns along the road but we can become victims to it and really get stuck in those patterns and make endless subconscious decisions about it. But this this system of of awareness.

Um, yeah, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
Really allows for um, transmuting those transforming those into more conscious and more joyful and more empowered kind of Journeys and I've really come to see that all of those.

Jesse Chesnutt
Shadows or Traumas or hardships in my early life really led me to be who I am now which is a much more um, free individual. You know I think sometimes some people will say oh I'm so sorry your childhood was so difficult and.


Jesse Chesnutt
You didn't get this certain thing and I said no, it's okay, it taught me how to really look at the shadows and how to really um, believe in myself and you know how to and my journey is is my journey but I think we all have these these places it's It's like um.


Jesse Chesnutt
Keep thinking of herbs you know and and and plants as they grow that if there wasn't a breeze. They wouldn't develop the strength to really stand you know and sometimes um.


Jesse Chesnutt
A little bit of of trauma on the on the stock of a plant actually makes it stronger. It's what allows the the tomato plant to really stand up and and hold all of the fruit and and so if it didn't have any of the the stresses. Then it. It wouldn't be quite as strong and it wouldn't be able to support the fruit in the end and so it's it's just ah, a reminder that things aren't good and bad. They're they're like a Yin Yang and they're all nested inside of each other like things just are the way they are.

Hey hey.

Jesse Chesnutt
And sometimes they exert at a low frequency and they can be really frustrating and fearful and sometimes they exert at a high frequency and they can seem much more easy and and beautiful. But they're all part of the same thing that you know oscillates from high to low and. Yn to yon Good and bad. All those things.

Um, and so some of the um, the words that you had mentioned like the the grace right? So finding the grace Um, like are these would these be. The tools or the things to look for in the times when the challenges arrive is like does that help transmute the challenges faster or like what what are the tips that you can have.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah, it's interesting and I think everyone's journey is is different. Um, but the way that I like to think of it is when a shadow comes up to kind of pause and to not just respond or react to it because. That's so often what happens is we either collapse in fear which would be known as the repressive part or the overly yin part where we just try to disappear or we just collapse and freeze or reactive which would be overly Yang where we say get out of here. You know I don't. Don't want to do this or or whatever it is. We kind of explode and that's overly Yang and so when this shadow arises. You just say okay I'm gonna pause I'm gonna take a minute I'm gonna breathe I'm gonna feel into this and. To me this is where the gift comes in is is right in the the shadow right in the moment when the shadow is triggered I like to say okay I'm feeling dishonored right now and I either want to tell someone off or I want to. Collapse and cry and hide and not go to work for the next week you know these are the the 2 yin and yang expressions of that instead I'm going to sit with this I'm going to feel it I'm not going to do anything with it yet.


Jesse Chesnutt
But when I do I'm going to try to use the energy of graciousness I'm going to try to see that Oh and that graciousness to me is like a salve like ah a soothing balm that just like softens that that.

Are in.

Jesse Chesnutt
Pain or that wounds that the shadow brings up and then what it often does is I start to recognize they're dishonoring me has nothing to do with me this has to do with their own wounding that they're projecting out or. Something I've I've just come to see through psychology that we're all a bunch of mirrors and and it's hard to pick apart at first because we're very good at hiding it you know and having these complex psyches and and all of this stuff but oftentimes I think that the thing that. Pisses you off that you point out away from yourself is really something that we hold inside ourselves so oftentimes when someone has dishonored us. They're actually dishonoring themselves and so this compassion or this graciousness can can.

Um, in.

Jesse Chesnutt
Take this dishonor and just really um, transform it in in a very real way that um, you know because if you say you're dishonoring me because you're dishonoring yourself and you know you you fight fire with fire or Yang with yang oftentimes.

Is he.

Jesse Chesnutt
That doesn't go so well and so in in some ways this graciousness. This gift is is what I focus on to really when I do start to move after pausing and just sort of feeling into that shadow then I try to move and act with this gift and. That's really what the gift is is. It's the city and Action. So The city is grace and you move with graciousness and so you're in acting and you're moving with graciousness because these cities can be wild and really far out and they're.


Jesse Chesnutt
They're all about the future evolution of humanity and what what happens when we become enlightened what that looks like you know and it can be hard, especially when you're in a triggered shadow space to really move all the way to that city. But if we take that pause.

Um, Hidden and.

Jesse Chesnutt
And drop that grace into our contemplation and then move with graciousness to me that's been the way that has really come alive in my life and um I don't get lost in the cities or I don't get swallowed into the shadows. But I I walk the gift daily. You know, really, It's like my walking meditation where I bring that energy out into my life and I try to embody it when I'm washing the dishes and when I'm talking to my friends and when I'm at work and when someone cuts me off in traffic. You know all of.



Jesse Chesnutt
All of these places. Um, there's this opportunity there. So you know I know I was speaking about the twenty second gene key in dishonor and graciousness and grace. But it really represents for all of the gene keys when you're feeling or all of these states when you're feeling really low frequency, fearful and survivalistic and.

Um, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
Triggered and hurt pause take a moment think about how you would like to respond or how how Buddha would respond what would buddha do what would Jesus do what would Mary Magdalene do what would fill in the the gaps. What would an angel do in this moment. And then just work on doing the smallest parts of that energy and just practicing that that mindfulness and that can be represented in in any of the gene keys in any psychological state and to me this is really the the power of. Claiming responsibility over your own feelings and actions and being able to move from a deeper more resource place of wisdom and love.

Um, yeah, well that is a really good reminder right? like there. It really is. It's like a daily meditation and a daily practice.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah, and we're all human and we're all going to totally throw it out the out the window every once in a while you know like it's not about being perfect and and this is so much So my life's work is has the city of forgiveness and so I'm just trying to.



Jesse Chesnutt
Forgive myself from all of my shortcomings and all the wrongs I've done and forgive everyone around me, you know it's and it's something that I'll it's never finished but you know it's it's we're all works in process and um, it's.


And he.

Jesse Chesnutt
You know, sometimes this contemplation especially the shadows can feel so heavy. But it's also a reminder that it's not about being Perfect. It's not about healing all the shadows so that we become enlightened and live in the cities like we're here to fill our space with. With joy and with lightness you know and and um, oftentimes we do that by looking right into the shadows you know and look right into the the pain and the wound and bring love there because then it it just it just transforms it you know, not in a perfect way.


Um, yeah I love that well gosh we're already at time but we I don't want to leave people on that kind of like 47 gene key

Jesse Chesnutt
But in a very real way. Yeah.

Little bit depressing note is there anything? okay because what? what I think would be enticing for folks is like learning about like say the prosperity aspect right? Like what are things that show up in the profile that can lead us to prosperity like is there something. In my profile that we can just kind of quickly look at to kind of give people an idea of what that looks like.

Jesse Chesnutt
Sure. Yeah, So um, you know I spoke about these 3 sequences going in order and um, there's a really beautiful sequence that is the end of the venus sequence or the end of the Love Sequence. Is the same sphere that begins the prosperity sequence and so it's known as the vocation and this is what is really your calling in the world and um is so much about.


Um, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
You know what calls you out Vocation is connected to the throat and the voice and so it's like a vocal thing that you call out to the world. But it's also being called out you know is how is the world calling you into your purpose and your prosperity to to offer your gifts. And so you have this as the 40 fourth Gene key in the line 6 and so this is a really beautiful key that moves from the shadow of interference. It is the gift of teamwork and the city of.


Jesse Chesnutt
Synarchy and synarchy I don't know if it's a made up word but it's at least ah a hybridized word that um is taken from um, hierarchy and so hierarchy. We're very well aware is the you know the.

And then.

Jesse Chesnutt
The pyramid and there's the power that it's on the top and then the second rung and third rung and everyone below serves everyone that's up up high and it takes away a lot of our autonomy and a lot of our freedom and and so there's a bridge between hierarchy which is an old. More masculine model like of the patriarchy and things like that that um I think we're evolving as a society to become a bit more sovereign and it's moving towards what's known as heerarchy and heerarchy instead of being this ah top-down structure. Heerarchy. Is is much more equal and it's on a same plane and everyone has their own um special gifts to offer. But no one is above or below anyone else. There is a much more natural system that exists similar to the way that the biosphere. Operates and and ecosystems you know all of life. There's not a ton of hierarchies now. There is a food chain and certain things like that. But these ecosystems exist in in self-autonomous systems and synarchy is like the highest expression of that. And so sin means within syn and so it means within an organization and it's it's totally enmeshed. It's much more like a holographic system rather than a hierarchical system and so this this.

Jesse Chesnutt
Journey from the the lower frequency to the high frequency is that of interference and it's these patterns that people use oftentime to control each other and so if you're doing something and you're along your way someone wants to compete with you and they come in and they kind of interfere with your business. They interfere with your flow or your direction or steal your idea or whatever it may be the the energy is not Collaborative. It's it's interfering and this has many ways of of showing up but in sake of time like. The way Beyond that is really you know to look at the interference patterns that you have with your own self and your own prosperity and purpose but also to look at those around you that are interfering and kind of put some boundaries up there. You know, not not working with the same.


Jesse Chesnutt
Discordant energies not falling the same line and falling in the same pothole or having the same relationship the same agreement it's it's finding those that are part of your soul family or your fractal family. You know finding those that are truly aligned with your gifts.


Jesse Chesnutt
And your vision in the world and it can be something that you recognize right away but it can almost be like a whiff that you get of someone where you go Oh man I'm feeling what they're putting up. You know, like this this feels like a harmony and this is the gift of teamwork.


Jesse Chesnutt
in in business it's really knowing who are your allies and who are not and no ill will but you're just very clear. This is an ally then we're on the same team and we're going to vibe and it's going to go great and you know at the highest expression. It's offering your gifts. And allowing others to offer their gifts for the benefit of all beings so literally like there's no interference patterns here like you're operating at very high level frequency totally sovereign and whole unto yourself but offering by working for the benefit of all. Service to the whole it opens these fields of synarchy this coordination that again all of these cities are connected to kind of the the divine emanation. It almost feels like you. You may not even know who you're working with but you're all working on the similar vibe. The similar frequency. And this is really the power of of synarchy and so I'll just mention. There's these lines and they move from the first line second line Third line Fifth line sixth line. The sixth line is the last one to emerge and so patience is the huge keynote.


Yeah I was curious about that.

Jesse Chesnutt
Of this of this line and so if there's any advice which we don't give advice really in the gene keys. But if there was any you know just reading the pattern of energy. It's patience that you hold a vision of the future that is very powerful. And it's not time for it to fully manifest here on earth you're like seeding the next the next era you know the next system that is here to serve humanity and so there can be a bit of impatience in there when we're like oh. Why aren't people doing this new way. Everyone's stuck in the old way like let's go you know and there can be this kind of impatience that if you're able to really embody that that patience and to keep on with your vision but not be. Frustrated when it doesn't happen right now or today or um, maybe even tomorrow that that you're actually seeding the future that all of humanity is waiting for like you know we we all need people that look forward and the sixth line is known as the visionary and the teacher. And it takes time to really have those visions come all the way down to earth and the teacher takes time to really become fully embodied. Um, so so give yourself some of that patience but never give up on your dreams.

Um, that was like everything that I needed to hear right now. Thank you.

Jesse Chesnutt
My pleasure my pleasure.

Ah, and just to give you know everybody listening a little bit of context as to like why this is why why? this is so helpful like why this kind of information. Um is so helpful I find is this is reflecting a lot of what I'm going through right now. You know building a company and having challenges and there there has been a lot of impatience like this should be working a certain way and it's not working this certain way and it's taking a lot longer then. I want it to um, but this aspect of bringing in other people that's just always kind of something that I've really loved I've I've never worked in um you know a way that like in a hierarchical way I I'm just I I really despise that. Whenever I talk about you know, anything to do with the business. It's never me. It's always we. It's never my thing even though yes I did create it from the ground up with blood sweat tears but it wasn't just me. It was so many other people along the way and. There's a million different ways to build a business and it's interesting because this ties in with you know what? I've been learning about the north node and that you know my prosperity through business needs to come through teamwork and this synarchy and partnership and you know i've.

Played with partnership and things in the past and there has been a lot of interference and it has not worked out well in the past mostly because I didn't have clear boundaries and I was not I literally had this conversation yesterday with someone. Because I'm now at a point where I know the path forward in this business is actually to bring on a partner of some sort so I'm getting clear about that right now. Um, but it's just something that's come up honestly in the past week and it's something that I probably wouldn't have. Considered or it would have been a lot more trepiditious if I hadn't been doing all of this other work but there have been things that I've pulled out of say astrology or the gene keys that you know I've made little shifts in my life and noticed a lot more flow right away with things you know mentioned this before but just with the podcast. It was something that. You know we just started because there's that teaching aspect that I always thought like that's strange and you know I'm not really directly teaching I think people are learning just through the platform by having amazing people like yourself come on but it's just it's been easy. You know like there hasn't been any resistance. We get really amazing guests without. You know, having to push really hard. There's not a lot of resistance there and so I think that's where you know there's there's so much power for for people to discover more ease and flow in their life by um, you know, just looking at some of this stuff. So.

Thank you so much for that because that's yeah that that's very helpful and makes a lot of sense with what's happening in my life right now.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah, I'm so glad I love when the wisdom speaks for itself. You know and and in many ways Gene Keys guides are just interpreters of of the patterns that are already there and and I've um, really come to just trust it. You know it's it's.

Um, and he yeah.

And then.

Jesse Chesnutt
It sings and even the way that you were talking about that your next sphere in the in the um pearl sequence is the culture sphere and it has the keynote of partnership and so I think you just use the word partnership or partnering you know 5 or 6 times in the last

Um, and.

Jesse Chesnutt
Couple minutes, you know, really that that's where your focus lies and and you work well in Partnership. So Even just our partnership here. This is your podcast but we're we're having ah ah a relationship right now a partnership where we're we're coming together and. And sharing and so um from the Gene Keys perspective. That's a really powerful place for you to to look into it and so the partnership of your guest and the host but also perhaps in other aspects of your business to do too. You're you're comfortable. In those those partnerships. So yeah, it's It's just amazing. How this is big. Well, That's the issue right? That's the issue that we need to learn in relationship is how to create a healthy partnership with boundaries that aren't made of concrete.

Um, with boundaries this time though.

Um, yeah, you stay up.

Jesse Chesnutt
But aren't made of Kelp either. You know, like we really need flex like I like to think of a cell wall as the perfect model of a boundary.. It's not something like rigid it breathes and you know food comes in water goes out. Waste come goes Out. You know it's very porous, but it's real and there's a clear inside and a clear outside.. There's an agreement of what comes in what goes out but it's not a castle wall. It's ah it's a porous and living intelligence.

Um, isn't it.

Jesse Chesnutt
And to me that's the best model of of a boundary and you're right? they're They're very crucial and oftentimes. We didn't receive them from our parents. We didn't learn how to develop them in school and so we really need to work on making ah instead of subconscious boundaries.


And then.

Jesse Chesnutt
More conscious boundaries so will be.

Absolutely ah, wonderful. Well we'll leave it here for this evening but thank you so so much for all of this wisdom. It certainly helped me today and. I'm hoping it gets other people excited to start exploring the gene keys. Um, so I know you mentioned where to find all of the things kind of in the middle of the podcast. But do you want to just kind of reiterate a little bit in case people want to jump right into it after this.

Jesse Chesnutt
Yeah, Absolutely yeah and I can leave some links behind but Genekes.com is where you connect with Gene Keys and um, all of that wisdom I also have a website where I um put my spin on the. You know, translating the ancient eching and how it relates to the Gene Keys and that's known as um, Keys of theeching dot com and so that's how you can connect with me personally I offer Gene Keys guide sessions and I'm really open to collaboration and answering questions I'm. Kind of in the deep end of the transmission I've really explored a lot of behind the scenes like what why things are I just I have ah an inquisitive mind. So um, yeah I look forward to anyone connecting on there helping make the deep end a little more shallow and approachable.


Jesse Chesnutt
Um, you know you don't have to be afraid of the transmission and then yeah clubhouse follow the gene keys app and follow myself Jesse Chessman on clubhouse and um, really amazing stuff and it doesn't cost anything. There's plenty that can come for free and then if you're ready for more. Um. Yeah, welcome and it I've been in many different spiritual communities different transmissions and I've never found anything that gives me as much self-knowledge and as much ah self- empowerment as well as like spiritual connection. But then honestly meeting people that are just. Um, really here to to live their gifts into the world and to really bring about positive change for the benefit of all and so on so many so many levels. There's some really amazing community. So welcome to explore that and.


Jesse Chesnutt
Thank you so much. It's been a real honor and pleasure to be here with you and I look forward to more.

Yeah, thanks so much Jesse and for anybody listening if you found this episode. You know, extra inspiring. Please give it a screenshot and share it. On your Instagram stories or wherever you like to hang out and let us know your thoughts. We'd love to hear what what you think and we'll catch you all on the next episode.

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