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Welcome everyone to another episode of the world remedies podcast Today. It's just me I'm doing a solo sode. It's been a while I've been meaning to do more of these and I have a little bit more time to do them now. So I'm gonna be doing more of them and I'd actually love some feedback and some suggestions on things. You guys would like to hear more of on the podcast we're on Instagram. To Underscore Remedies you can also follow me personally on Instagram my handle is magic m a g I c k dot maven and connect with me there I would really really love to hear from you today. I'm going to be talking about plant communication learning to talk to plants and let me just preface this that I might sound kind of low energy today I have been going through it lately. We're entering eclip season and it's been a lot of up and downs lot of up and downs and today I don't really fucking feel like showing up.
But I thought about it and I was like you know what? I think there's some good medicine in telling you guys this story today. So I'm just doing it just showing up even though I I don't particularly feel like it but I was kind of going through my old notes and stuff I have a bit of a funny memory. And don't like to say that I have a bad memory because I feel like that kind of prophesizes it but I have a bit of a funny memory and um, part of the story that I wanted to tell you guys today I needed to go look back into my journal to kind of remember. All of the points. So I didn't miss anything and yeah, it's it's it's really made me feel. Um, kind of the medicine in this moment I feel like reviewing actually what I found most interesting is that. Um I landed at a point in my journal almost twelve months ago which was eclipse season back then too and some really wild stuff was happening in my life and I'm reading about like you know. Feelings and the things that I was experiencing at that point and I was like oh fuck yeah feeling that again real hard right now. Um, you know it can be tough to move through some of those lower or more dense energies. But um.
Ultimately, it gets us to the other side where we're meant to be to feel a little bit more liberated or bring clarity I think that's a really big thing for me right now is just clarity I'm feeling kind of like at the end of my rope. With a few things I have just been craving ease and stillness and fuck I want to move on to some land. So bad y'all I don't want to hear traffic anymore I mean. Um, in the middle of cologna which um I don't know for anybody. That's not familiar with the area. It's a beautiful place in British Columbia canada and it's just becoming more and more busy I've lived in this area most in my life and it's changed a lot. And it's kind of like one of those situations like Austin Texas right? where people discover that it's a cool place to be and then everybody moves here and the real estate prices get driven up and all of the things and traffic and this used to be a quiet retirement town. And it certainly is not that anymore and more and more I'm feeling that really weigh on me as well as just like having stuff I feel like I am burdened with a lot of.
Duff right now I don't know if I've really talked about this story much. But when I kind of started my healing journey or my initial awakening about a decade ago I guess around like seven or eight years ago um was when I sold all of my shit and moved to the other side of the planet. Yeah, it was kind of one of the most liberating things I'd ever done and it was interesting because I've been going through. A lot of stuff in that past year so I used to own an ad agency I'm a designer creative person by trade and um I had an ad agency in camloops where I used to live and had this crazy tumultuous year of. Ah, falling out with a business partner and getting well a former crazy client attempting to sue me ah over like the most ridiculous thing like it was just like so many dramatic things. Was actually during my saturn return for anybody that is familiar with astrology. Um, when you're around Twenty Eight Twenty Nine years old. Generally some really tumultuous things happen in your life in order to help you grow up and that was definitely.
My experience at that time is so much drama so much drama. Um, but it ended up in a lot of realizations and I yeah ended up just literally selling everything like gave my business away to another ad agency. Sold my car sold pretty much all of my belongings got on a plane and moved to Malaysia to go work for a company called Mine Valley and I don't even know where Malaysia was on the Map. It's like I think it's somewhere by thailed and then I know matted for years. After that and lived out of a suitcase and I'm kind of craving that again sort of kind of a hybrid of that you know I want a home base someplace that just feels calm and nurturing and you know. Like where I can just walk outside and be in nature without having to drive to it or whatever I don't even want to have to walk across the road I just want it there I want to be living in the fucking forest and. But also still have the ability to do some traveling I haven't traveled in so long you guys you know I wasn't able I'm still technically not allowed in the us being you know an un jabbed individual and so the last time I traveled was literally right before.
The shit show happened and that was a huge part of my life for a while and kind of missing it for sure so we'll see what this fateful next month or so brings with eclipses and I'll have to have vika back on. The podcast maybe to chat about that she does a monthly report and a monthly newm moon report for us over on the wild remedies Instagram and Tiktok if you guys haven't tuned in yet. You should check it out and maybe she'll mention eclipses. But basically doorways of fate. Opening and closing big stuff happening. So yeah, kind of looking forward to that I need need a big change. So this podcast today is to kind of share the experience that I've had in the past year on deepening my relationship with plants one really cool thing about this business wild remedies is that it has taught me more about who I am and my purpose than anything. I've ever experienced before it has not been easy I built this entire business based on following the signs following the universal signs so this entire business is a spiritual practice.
For me which seems kind of crazy right? like who builds a fucking business to because God told you to or spirit or whatever you want to call it right? It's really what it feels like for me and at a really pivotal point right? now you know. Something needs to change in the business in order for it to continue. Um in the direction that I thought I wanted it to go in but at a moment where things are uncertain. You know, um. But not necessarily a bad thing and yeah, a big part of what I'm really grateful for with this business because a lot of times you know, especially with business. It's like we feel that the purpose of it is to bring a level of physical. You know, success of some sort purpose legacy that whole thing and you know I Still hope that that is part of the story of this business but it could also be. And I know it is a big part for me is Self-discovery and I've always had a love and a passion for the natural world I Definitely lost that connection for a while.
Quite a while actually I remember being really young actually a lot of the memories that I have It's really interesting. A lot of the memories that I have of being a child are tied to a plant or something of some sort like I remember. You know I spent a lot of time growing up I'm originally from Northern Bc for its St John and we didn't move down south until I was 10 and my grandparents had a farm and my sister and I spent a lot of time there when we were little. Had a pony just like the best thing ever and loved the farm like it was just such a magical place because it was huge and there was so much to play and explore and all the things and back then you didn't have helicopter parents and you could just run around and do whatever the hell you wanted when you were 5 you know like my grandparents didn't care. And I remember the teeny tiny wild pansies and the teeny tiny wild strawberries that we would pick and my grandma's huge well to me at that time anyway. So I was little her garden and picking carrots. Um, had really strong visions of that lately too and had really interesting recurring dreams about the forest that was behind where the horses were penned so it's very very interesting revelations to have um.
Realizing what a big part that nature and plants have played in my life I recently took a course by Camie Mcbride who she's coming on her podcast but not till like next year because she's like so busy and sought after. She's a really big name in the herbalist world and I took her plant communication course recently and it was just like so ah, there were so many ahas so many aha moments and a lot of it was like recalling memories. Right? There's a lot of us plant people out there who have had really deep connections to nature and it just kind of seems normal to us. Um, and maybe something that we don't even consider and. When it's talked about and you recall some of these memories. It's like oh wait wow like that is actually quite significant and not a lot of people do this like I'm the type of weirdo that like well. Literally run across a field or something because I see a flowering tree and I'm just like oh my god like I just get so excited I have to run over and like touch the flowers and smell the flowers or at a pretty much crash I've almost crashed my car like stopping on the side of the road because I see some fucking golden seal.
Growing and I'm like is that golden seal like I'm still kind of learning and I need to go touch it and check it out and it's just such an exciting thing for me which could be really maybe weird for some people but I think folks that are. Kind of attracted to this podcast might be those types of people. So I thought I would share this information with you guys and if it resonates use it because this is part of our healing getting back in touch. With nature. We we are nature and there's so many different ways to heal. Not only ourselves but the planet as well. So about a year ago ah gosh I can't remember what episode it is I'm gonna pull it up so that I can reference it and you guys can. Go back and check it out. But um I had one of my intuitive mentors Heather Crow on the podcast was it about a year ago let me see let me just pull it up so I can.
Let you guys and know. Okay so was episode 11 the 1 about psychic coaching light language and star seeds with Heather I had started working. Check check out that episode First of all, it's amazing she's amazing I highly recommend working with her. She's such a beautiful soul and has helped me in so many ways. Um, but yeah I started working with her about a year ago and right away when we first chatted she was like oh man like you you and you and the plants you and the plants and I was like I don't know I guess yeah I love the forest I love she's like no no like it's it's it's a really big thing for you like this is this is a big part of your purpose and I kind of felt a lot of relief when she said that I was like oh I like that. Like that that feels really good and at that point you know I had had this company wild remedies for several years and huge passion for being outdoors and whatever but I hadn't really explored. Herbalism and all of these things like I love plants and there are so many different botanicals and things that I use in my own healing and at that point though, my my research was not superficial I knew a lot about.
Well to give a little bit more context in human design I'm a one 3 which is the establisher of knowledge and truth it means that I like to research a lot and I like like to experiment and I think my health challenges have been a big container for that and it's. Kind of how I developed the products that we currently sell right? like we use these water soluble plant extracts because with my research and because of my health issues and all the things I learned that this is the best way to consume some of these medicinal botanicals in a form. That is easy to use right? And anyway I Totally just went on a tangent Heather was telling me I was very connected to plans and. She essentially said the plants are talking to you are you listening and I was like what what do you mean? she's like the plants are talking to you are you listening and I'm like. I I don't know like I've never had a plant say hello or like I don't like what the fuck are you talking about crazy lady like I have no idea what you're talking about. But I thought it was really interesting and kind of left it at that hey.
And not long after meeting Heather um I got connected with and oh my gosh I want to have him on the podcast. He's super hard to nail down but I ended up signing up for forced school. It's with this wonderful teacher dawn. Um, not far from where I live here in Cologna. They have a beautiful sanctuary and a few pieces of property that are just absolutely beautiful and they teach all kinds of really cool mystical stuff. So they teach about. Plant communication in a sense and wild crafting and how to heal within nature and one really amazing concept that I just think is so amazing is the fact that we're all suffering from something called nature deficit disorder. Um, not gonna go too much into that because I feel like dawn's gonna come on the podcast soon and we will talk more about that I'll let him explain it but it is honestly like 1 of the biggest things health issues I think that we are dealing with right now is. That lack of connection to the natural world just the frequencies and the turpenes and things that are released from the forest from the trees from the plants being grounded right? like the the ground that.
Frequencies that we should be absorbing through our feet while we are in the natural environment that we're meant to be in all of that stuff is highly medicinal and we are really disconnected from all of that and even myself like you know I'm a busy entrepreneur. Um, on my laptop all the time I'm managing a bajillion things all the time and I probably get out into the forest more often than most people. But it's still not enough. It's not enough and I'm really really feeling that and that's why I'm just so so so.
Desperate at this point it feels to just fuck leave go get on to land right? be immersed in it I was just in Vancouver for a week doing this huge trade show and doing demos out whole foods every single day. But it was staying in this airbnb that backed right onto the forest and for anybody that's been to Vancouver we know how magical those rainforests are and there was a creek that was running that you could hear through the window in the bedroom and man did I sleep good. Even though it was such a busy time and I talked to like six bajillion people throughout that week and had so much running around and stuff like I felt really good and I came back to cologna and I was just like no but this isn't it for me anymore I need to make a change. Um, but yeah, that's literally the medicine in in the forest right? Just taking like breathing in those chemicals that are released. Um, even just you know one one form of plant communication is just. That aspect of being fascinated when you go into the forest or you look at a lake or whatever it is but when you get like that feeling of awe that is communication.
So that was one of the things that I started to recognize at forced school. We were introduced to some of these concepts but that was also when I kind of got my first big communications so we spent a few days. You know doing some stuff at one of dawn's properties learning about different meditations that you can do to connect with plants and you know for healing and all sorts of stuff but it was a lot of like indoors learning stuff. It was raining a lot. But then on like the third or fourth day we went to a place called the claim and it was one of the most magical places experiences that I've ever had. It was so potent. There was a group of us. And we got into a few few vehicles. So this place was further up the road up into the mountains a little bit and it's a location that is just a beautiful sanctuary. And the plan for the day was to go to this location and do some ceremonial work with a few different plants. So we all got piled into a couple of vehicles in the morning and drove up to the claim and.
Was interesting because we kind of experienced something like a rite of Passage. So as we were driving up the um, forced. What do they call it forced service Road a tree had fallen and luckily. 1 of the people in our group had like an intuitive hit that she needed to bring a saw with her that morning she hadn't had it. We wouldn't have been able to enter and so we had to hand saw this tree that had fallen. Ah, into the middle of the road and that's actually quite an ordeal. So a handsaw isn't really that efficient. Luckily we had like very wild crafty people that have done like you know survival skill courses and all of those things and so they knew to make like a lever and we had to like shove another log underneath this. Tree and jump on it while we were sawing. It was like a whole thing but we managed to cut it and move it enough out of the way that we could drive through and it really did feel like this this thing that we had to do as a group in order to like pass this boundary. To get to this magical space which was really cool and I'm just referring to my journal my notes by the way because I don't want to miss any of these little details because it's all really Interesting. Um.
1 thing that I had mentioned too. So as we were starting to drive to this location. My throat chakra like my throat area was starting to feel really weird and again this is about a year ago when we just started the podcast and. I through my work with Heather. We kind of identified that there was this blockage in my throat chakra area and having a podcast like this using my voice was actually a really medicinal thing for me to be doing. Um. But this was kind of at the beginning so I was still feeling for years and actually this hasn't happened in a really long time but for many many many years I would notice when trying to express myself or having long conversations almost felt like I had a lump in my throat. You know, like when you're about to cry almost like that emotional sort of thing and it made it really uncomfortable for me to speak I don't get that anymore which is really cool. But anyway on this day as we're driving up to this magical place. The claim I started feeling my throat chakra. Kind of like wigging out and the woman Cindy who was driving. She just happened to have a crystal a ball of hematite and she's like here roll roll this around on your neck so like okay like holding this crystal up to to my neck and yeah.
That was super funny. But I'm gonna that part ties into the story. A little bit later once we got close to the claim some really cool auspicious things started happening so we managed to make it through. The rite of passage we're driving up the road and we're just about to enter the claim which oh my gosh. It was so cool like it's just so hidden in the forest. It's just like a very small little road. That's off of the fsr. The forest service road just nestled in the trees. But there was a clear cut. So there's a lot of logging that goes on around that area. Unfortunately, but in that logging clearing. We saw 2 bears. There was a black bear and a cinnamon bear and so we stopped to to watch the bears and there was a lot of talk about animal totems. And bears in particular um some of the people that we were studying with have worked closely with the local first nations and their traditions and stories with bears or that bear bears brother right? so It's not It's not an animal to be feared. It's not an animal that is even hunted. It's it's brother so that was that was a really really cool experience and as we drove into the claim.
This land we're driving through like this tight little road with trees everywhere. It's just so enveloped and then it kind of opens up and there's this cabin and then these 2 huge huge huge beautiful cedar trees that they've named the sisters. And the vibes there y'all oh my gosh you get out. There's there's a river that runs through the property and it was quite flooded last year so as we kind of explored the property. It was this very surreal kind of landscape because the river had flooded all through the forest. And the forests in this area. it's like the it's um it looks kind of similar to the rainforests on the coast but they're the interior rainforests of Bc so a lot of cedar trees and things like that moss a lot of ah Devil's club and some ferns and so it's like quite quite lush but with the water flooded everywhere. It was just such a cool surreal experience and the frequency was just like so calming I almost fell asleep like 5 times. Well. Um, for there is just so beautiful. But those trees they were just so so so beautiful and after hanging out there for a little bit. We started our first ceremony.
So we did 3 different ceremonies one was with tobacco one was with cannabis and then the third which technically isn't a plant but it was with vodka so spirits and. Really interesting. So these were kind of different traditional ceremonies 2 that were more indigenous to North America and the third was more indigenous to Europe right? so. I have european and ancestry I'm half ukrainian half french and it's interesting. A lot of us european folks. You know we've lost a lot of our traditions. Um, a lot of that happened kind of. Through the witch trials like the witch burning all of these things. A lot of our traditions that allowed our people to connect with nature. A lot of this happened through women and with the nightmares the atrocities that happen through the rise of patriarchy a lot of those. Things have been lost for us and so we're kind of at this point where I know for myself I've been looking for connections to what my ancestors used to do to connect to the land.
And you know in in my case I've had to take from lots of different wisdom traditions and because of where I currently live right now you know the indigenous people here are the ones that are kind of closest to what I have access to and so there are definitely some. You know learnings and and things that that that have been borrowed and I think it's important to you know, still try to connect with what is part of your ancestry. But I think it's also really beautiful that we do have the ability to learn about the wisdom traditions from. Lots of different cultures anyway, I digress let me get back to the ceremony. So the first one is the tobacco ceremony now I have a very tumultuous relationship with tobacco started smoking at. Ah, fairly young age think I was 13 or 14 something like that and you know we have a lot of addiction in my family and it's been a tough tough 1 for me to quit or kick like I've had periods of time where I have. Quit and then I you know something really tumultuous happens and then I'll start again or I'm vaping instead of smoking and thinking then that's better for me, but it was just really kind of like this I think of it as like a pacifier you know wasn't even much of a physical addiction. It was more.
A mental thing. Um, you know I'm happy to say that I feel like I'm finally free from from that but it it was a process of me just like having to quit everything right? like I'm not drinking anymore. All of those things that were kind of like. Crutches in a sense had to go in order for me to be fully liberated from from that but tobacco you know is interesting. It's been used traditionally in a lot of ceremonial work. The plant itself as it was described to me in the ceremony has a really big ego as does Cannabis and you can see that in the aspects of addiction that get passed on to humans when they consume. Um, this this plant. You know we all know people that have relationships to tobacco and even Cannabis like Cannabis You don't see as many people being addicted. You think I mean there's a lot of information going on right now about like how great cannabis is for you. But. Honestly I feel like it can be detrimental, especially if you have an addictive relationship with it. So those plants really need to be respected and used more in a ceremonial sense I know for myself.
I use a little bit of Cannabis I can't handle a lot of it Actually I have a really high tolerance to most things but we fucks me up like I'm like a one who like and that's that's all I can handle kind of person. Um, but I do really enjoy it for connecting to to Nature. So I feel it can be an ally in that sense. But if it's used to numb out and all of those things might be. You know the type of relationship that needs to be reexamined but back to the Tobacco Ceremony. My gosh you guys I'm like a squirrel today. The tobacco ceremony was really really beautiful and we worked with traditional well with real tobacco leaves that one of our facilitators grew in her Garden. And we really just spent time connecting with it. So like touching the plant smelling the plant thanking the plant and then with all ceremonial work intention is so so potent right? and you know if you study anything to do with. Quantum Physics or the law of attraction. All that stuff like we know that intention is everything right? It creates our circumstances in life and the body even cannot tell the difference between a thought and something actually happening in.
In in the physical reality. So. It's incredibly important and we also learned about a new way to consume this plant in ceremony. So traditionally first nations and at least in the context that we learned it in. You didn't actually smoke the tobacco you gulped it. So like you you swallowed it in a sense so you would bring the smoke into your mouth and then you would swallow it and in this ceremony we were asking for something. Specific and for me I was asking that plant the spirit and that plant to provide connection and integration. So we rolled up a little tobacco cigarette and I lit it. And as I kind of took my first gulp. A little fly came and landed right on the very tip of that cigarette and just stayed there and like was buzzing and vibrating the whole thing and I was like what the fuck like how is this thing not on fire like what. What is it like it was right on like the fiery part but it was just it. It was such like it was a sign you know and this is one of the ways that we can have communication with with nature right? So this wasn't.
I mean it was directly through a plant but the sign and the symbolism came in another way and to me it just felt like very profound I was like Wow Okay, like somebody's listening. You know so that was a really cool experience and. Not long after we embarked on our Cannabis ceremony. So again sitting in circle and just having reverence for that plant understanding the ego aspects of it and Asking. You know to to have more connection again. My intention was connection. Communication. So inhaling those things and then exhaling doubt and fear and I wasn't really sure what to Expect. Um, but in this case, we inhaled um the smoke from the cannabis we had a joint that we passed around or no, we all had our own joints I think anyway I went past my one my rule of one toke.
And I took a couple and started to get that feeling right? You know when you smoke too much weed and you start feeling like a little bit anxious and oh my god okay am I gonna make an asset of myself am I Goingnna have a freak out so and I really started noticing these thoughts spinning and I was like. Fuck like I'm too high dah-da dah I'm also used to smoking weed like by myself I don't usually do it in front of other people and so that was making my mind go and I really noticed I was like okay, there's the ego right? There's the ego of that plant trying to kybosh this beautiful spiritual fucking experience. It's that i' try to have here and as I was starting to freak out the the smoke from the fire that we were sitting around wafted it into my face and it made me have to get up and move and then kind of that you know anxiety started dissipating. And then the leaders of our group asked us to go out into the forest and go commune. Go see what happens and then at that point I was like a kid in the candy star I was like yay. Okay, awesome I can move now like I can go I can run around in the forest. So. We struck out into the Bush and just kind of each did our own little thing and you know there was no specific instructions. It was just see see what happens and I have a special relationship with with Cedar.
There's just something about cedar for me for me I feel like it's a huge ally every time I'm in a cedar forest. It's just I don't know feels like home. Um, so I ended up approaching a big beautiful cedar tree. There's so many.
And I didn't really know what to expect like I was kind of hoping like I don't know like I wanted to receive a message of some sort but I was like I don't know it was this kind of silly like I don't I don't I don't think this is really gonna happen or whatever. But anyway I just kind of. Put my hands against the trunk of this tree and it was the craziest thing I just had this this message or this overwhelming feeling. It was like a word. It was like a word. Just popped into my head and it was initiated. The word was initiated and I just started sobbing because I knew it wasn't me and it's a really funny thing to describe. Try to describe because trying to distinguish a thought or a feeling that isn't your own even though it's coming to you in the way that thought or feeling normally would like it just there's there's a different texture or quality to it. And it was just it was just so profound and I was just filled with so much gratitude and emotion like it was it was it was like I was just welcomed into a family and I just sobbed and I was in complete disbelief that I was having this experience I was like Wow. Okay.
This is why Heather was talking. But. This is how you talk to flats. Oh my god and this is how messages come like they don't physically fucking talk to you. You know there's messages that can just enter your mind or feeling emotion intuition. Um, all of those things those are different ways that the natural world can communicate with us. So at that point I was just like oh you know I'm great. Okay, that this is an awesome experience and I just kind of use some more time to kind of just explore and play and then I kind of walked up to another cedar tree and I was like I want to see if it'll happen again. You know, not really thinking that it would I was already so grateful for the experience that I had but I walked up to another cedar tree and I put my hands on the trunk and then I got another message and it was welcome home and again I was just like bye. Like crying. Oh my god what just happened like this is so majestic. Ah, and it was just such a beautiful experience. We ended up going back to the campfire after we had our little adventure.
And we're sharing our experiences and this is where that whole throat Chakra thing comes comes back into Play. So as I was coming close to my time to share my experience I noticed my throat starting to act up. And it was kind of like scratchy and I was honestly having a hard time talking which was really weird. It was like some kind of demon or something I don't I was just like no I don't want you to share your experience and but I did I pushed through it. And I started crying and I'm not the type of person like in human design I'm a non-emotional. So like I have a lot of emotions I'm Piy's moon like there's a lot of shit going on underneath but like I don't like expressing emotions in public very often. Um, so crying in front of people that like I just met wasn't really a comfortable experience for me, but it felt really good and you know as I shared my experience and I saw like other people crying when I was. Talking about my experience. It was just that to me was was such a big part of my healing right? So with this throat Chakra Center I feel like I have a lot of trauma in the past from being silenced and.
Anytime I'm able to express my truth or my experience and it's received. It's a way to heal that part. So I Thought that was such such a beautiful, beautiful thing. And just funny little things started happening too I Just I'm looking at my notes here and I was trying to note my experience right? because again with my funny funny memory I I can lose details and I didn't want to lose any of these details because I knew I was going to share the story at some Point. So I grabbed my phone. That's all I had it and have my notebook and I just wanted to write down little notes but my phone was freaking out like it was jumping to apps and closing things and whatever and I was like whoa like the energy is thick here. Man. It was very very cool and then the final ceremony with Vodka. So This was a traditional um Slavic Russian Tradition. So The Russians would use vodka as a way to. Commune with spirit and what they would do is kind of drink into a frenzy right? They would get everybody kind of into this this frenzy and they would have a person that was wrapped in a buffalo hide in the middle of a circle while everybody else was.
Working up into a frenzy and yelling calling out to spirit and then there would be a person that was walking around inside the circle with a drum and people would shout out to them. Um, different things that they would want to communicate with spirit and then that person would shout out.
To communicate with spirit and then the person in the buffalo skin would receive the messages or the healing or whatever it is that that they were focusing on and so that was really cool I got to participate and be wrapped up in a legit buffalo skin which was really neat. Um, but a really cool experience that happened was one one of the participants and the group had a tumultuous relationship with with alcohol and so we we just took like 1 1 small shot to have the energy of that spirit in us but she was really. Leery to do so you know granted that she clearly had an issue with with with that substance at some point and so she's kind of like oh I don't want to do it and you know the leaders were like totally understand if if you don't want to have it like it is kind of important but like totally get it and she was like yeah I don't I just. I feel not great about it and she was one of the first people to kind of go into the buffalo hide and she kind of popped up at 1 point was like no I want it like like like like I do I want to participate I'm I'm gonna take it um and the shots had been poured kind of before we had started the ceremony.
And they were in the middle of the the circle so dawn went to go and grab that the remaining shot glass and he picked it up and he looked at her and he's like it's empty. He say I I don't know if I just didn't fill it or whatever's like it's empty. Right? Like it's just it's not for you. So just so many cool magical experiences and even on the drive home so wild so it was like a good 45 minute drive from you know, Don's place to the claim and it's a busy highway. That entire drive home. We didn't pass a single vehicle. Not one not a single vehicle that's almost like we were in some sort of like portal. So cool. So so so cool. Yeah, so that's that's my story of how I kind of started on that that journey of communicating with with plants and since then I've had so many wonderful experiences and that have really led me to create some really beautiful potent products. That I'm hoping to launch here soon. One day I've been working with cacao recently and it's really interesting. Cacao is such a heart opening um plant spirit substance and I can tell the difference.
From like the region that this medicine comes from just by a sip I can be brought almost to tears and feel it immediately. So that's kind of the sensitivity that's been opened which is really cool, really really cool and since then too you know chatting with Heather. She's like man you you have so much fairy energy now and we talked a lot about this at forest school I'm so excited to have dawn on because he talks about Sasquatch and you know elementals and fairies and bortexes and like all of this cool shit. Um, it's interesting like there's there's there's definitely something to it. Um, but yeah, she's been telling me I have all this very energy lately and I was like oh okay, cool. She's like yeah you need to start working with fairies I'm like again, what the fuck are you talking about? how does that work and I'll probably figure that out at some point and share that with you guys. But. Um, I actually had another really interesting kind of I don't know contact with with somebody recently that connected with me to do some creative work for them and happened to be a medium and we had a call and. You know we were just talking business the the whole time but at the end of the call she was like oh by the way I just wanted to let you know, um, you have like dragonflies and shit flying around you like you have such big fairy energy and I was like okay, cool like I don't I don't know what.
That means but like it's a neat like fuck. Yeah fairies I've always loved you know, fantasy and sci-fi stories and just stories in general I think are really potent and beautiful and yeah. I don't know what that means yet. But I'm here for it I've I'll take all the fucking fairy energy. Ah yeah, okay, well I've rambled on a lot about my experience and I just wanted to share that with you guys because I think it's important. For us to build a deeper relationship with nature and not just kind of use use her right mother nature. We've been using her and we need to learn to commune right? and it really is just. More stillness and listening and feeling right tapping into our intuition a little bit more so before I wrap up I'll just share a couple of tips that you can do to start start. More of an intentional relationship and for me trees are something that I really love connecting with I mean also flowers and herbs and all the things but trees are a really good way to start and 1 thing that you can start to do right away and it's really easy is a.
Resin meditation so you know how some trees you can see kind of like this amber crystal and oozy stuff come out of them so this is the part of the tree. It's kind of like it's almost like tree blood. Right? So when there's a wound of some sort resin will flow from the tree and so what you can do is to create a deeper connection and also healing for yourself is to find a resin tree and you want to approach the tree with reverence. And touch the tree talk to the tree I talk to plants and shit all the time like this was another thing that I never realized until I actually realized it but like when I'm out in the forest like I'm talking to everybody I'm touching everything I'm like oh hi. You know, whatever tree plant what I I have to touch everything and smell everything and like I did I didn't even notice that that was a weird thing or like a thing that probably a lot of people don't do and it's something that I've always done and now I realize why because. Um, a plant person. Um, but anyway letting the tree know your intention I do believe that there is a consciousness to trees. Oh gosh. There's another really phenomenal person that I'm reaching out to to hopefully have on the podcast. She is a Forest researcher.
Here in British Columbia Canada and has decades and decades of work and research into how forests actually work and through her research she discovered that oh my god everything is interconnected and they. Plants communicate and trees communicate and they help each other and they have families and like it's a whole ass thing based on science. So. It's legit have reverence be cool to the trees talk to them. They're listening. But anyway you want to approach and connect. Either the top or the back your head to the resin that is dripping down if it's dried. It's probably going to be a little bit more comfortable for you because that wet sticky resin when it gets into your hair. It's kind of hard to get out but whatever. It's good. It's medicine and you just want to rest. Your head against that resin and connect with the tree so you can do that just with your imagination you can imagine what it's like maybe to be at the top of the tree and seeing the viewpoint or the roots. Especially the roots. So much medicine there connecting your feet if you can be barefoot even better connecting your feet your bare feet to the roots of a tree is so so so medicinal and just merge and try to find stillness.
And see what messages come through and it could be a thought it could be a feeling could be a realization emotion could come out. There's so many different ways that communication can happen. But that's a really simple way to get started. So if you're still listening at the end of this podcast. Thank you listening to my crazy rants on my very emotional weird day. Um, let me know what you think about this episode I get to do more weird shit like this I have a bunch of really cool stories I want to tell more stories for you guys. And share more about some of the crazy stuff that I'm going through at this point because I feel like it's relatable and can maybe help you all. So thank you for listening and yeah, I'm excited next week's episode that I'm recording is with Vata Austin she has such a beautiful relationship with water and how water communicates so make sure you subscribe so that you don't miss that one. It's gonna be so so dope. And yeah, connect with me, let me know which thing more more. Let me know what other stories you want me to tell you. And we'll catch you on the next episode.
The One About healing the Masculine through Men’s Work with Mike Elliott
The One About Leading with Soul to Save our Species with Kerri Hummingbird
The One About Spirit Babies & Starseeds with Deanne Crewe