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All right everybody we have vika bradford back for round 2 on the wild remedies podcast and I'm so psyched to be talking to you again. Vika how are you.
Vika Bradford
So happy to be here. Thank you. Thank you for having me I'm um, recovering from some full Moon blues. But I'm doing good all around I'm excited to be here.
Yeah, we were just chatting about that. It was an intense full moon and it's funny. We had very different reactions like normally I am really down for the count too during a full moon but I was full of energy and which was strange too because I started. Menstruating during the full moon so you'd think that I would be flat on my back but I had a ton of energy and it was very strange but I feel like a lot of stuff is different in my life right now part of that has to do with you and. Astrology and all the things. So I'm really excited to chat about that today and let our listeners know what has been evolving.
Vika Bradford
I'm really excited because they're going to be able to see sort of like ah the the growth process or our first conversation. Whatever podcast you've recorded in the middle there and then like now.
Totally yeah, it's so cool. So for anybody listening like you've probably heard me mention on several episodes now I keep saying like oh you know Vika came on and she recommended this book. It's called astrology of the soul right? yes and we had talked about.
Vika Bradford
Ah, yeah, astrology for the soul.
North node stuff a little bit on that podcast I started diving in read that book and just had like like so many mind blowing realizations and I was like oh my gosh. Okay there's all of this information about like. Partnership and other people's money and business and teaching all of these life purpose type things that I had never really considered before but when I considered them I thought huh. Um, okay, there's something here and when I accepted that and started looking for opportunities in my life for those things to appear. They just did but in like a really big way that are that's now creating a lot of momentum in my life and I'm like whoa because it's only been like a couple of. How long has it been since we did that first episode. It's just been a few months. Okay, yeah, oh it is okay, yeah, yeah, it's wild.
Vika Bradford
I think we had it in September so it's been what are we in right now. February may god but it's almost six months we'll say almost six months
And I also feel like it has something to do too so we had a couple of months there where bunch planets were in retrograde right? So there was Mars and mercury mercury happens all the time. What's what was the deal with Mars.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
So we had so to explain it plainly like there is only a short period of time every year where all planets are direct and sometimes it never happens. So right now we're in that period where everything is direct but commonly it's it's common to have. Almost all the planets direct out 1 time so usually near like the fall winter um except venus and Mars so Venus and Mars are rare in their retrograde because um, they mars takes I think it's every two years at Retrogrades and then venus is like.
Um, even.
Vika Bradford
1.5 or something like that. So they're the rarer planets to actually retrograde where mercury retrogrades 3 times per year all the other planets retrograde 1 time per year almost six months for some of them so we're commonly in retrogrades and like people don't even realize that like half the year we are in a retrograde is just normal.
Vika Bradford
But with the Mars retrograde that one is more and I don't even want to say special. But yeah, we'll keep the word rare because it is the most uncommon retrograde. So it's like the least familiar feeling if that makes sense because we're.
We may get ahead.
Vika Bradford
Like everyone acts like berkee retrogrades the end of the the world but we are. We're so used to it happens 3 times per year we're we, we're used to it. Um, so whereas Mars is like an energy. We're not used to having go into retrogrades so when it does like all our inertia and our action goes inward and suddenly we're like I can't move.
Vika Bradford
Like I'm powerless I can't move forward and if you don't understand why that's happening. It's a really big frustration energy and a really big like rage energy because you're just like I can't move. Um, so that's like that why that energy like that energy force from I want to say it was like the end of october. Till January like Twelfth or something don't give it I'm not giving exact dates guys right now but somewhere around there where we felt that energy of like inward inertia with mercury going into ah retrograde in December. So we had this like layered energy and they both were going on with like mercury and energies too. So it was like even more mental focused than usual and then you know moving through January we started to feel the momentmento but it was very slow, very slow. It's only the last couple of weeks people have been able to like.
Vika Bradford
Talk to me but like I can move like I'm out of it.
No yeah, totally well and I had this conversation with um, was it somebody on the podcast. Oh Jeff from Sorenson from breath army we were chatting about that too. We we were saying how both of us felt.
Very pregnant with possibilities and ideas and all of these things that we really really wanted to birth and put out into the world but because of these retrogrades Mars in particular it was like this feeling of stuckness which I totally resonated with and.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
Very much.
You and I did a session I think during that time recently? yeah and I was just like what I'm looking forward to in this podcast is what I want to talk which which is what I wish that I had brought up with you during that session.
Vika Bradford
I Think we? yeah yeah.
Because I was just in such like this mind frame of stuckness and I was like I don't even know really what to talk about and so we started talking about some stuff which was great but then when I thought back to it I was like oh I Really wish that we had actually talked about finding purpose and power.
Vika Bradford
Um, now.
Vika Bradford
With her.
Which is what I would love for today's theme to be about um, but yeah, it was just you know it was almost like a cloud. It was hard to see and I knew that this energy was present. So for myself I thought okay well, how do i.
Go within during this time like when you that's the power that I find astrology can really provide for people so in instances where you're feeling frustrated because nothing's really working if you can kind of come to terms or find peace with that and do planning right. Ah, rest and relax a little bit during that period because no matter what you do? Nothing's really gonna move forward Anyway, still frustrating as hell. But if you can kind of just like chill out and be like okay you know rather than banging my head against the wall. Let's just maybe focus on.
Vika Bradford
Oh yeah.
Enjoying the holidays. You know, not trying to launch that project right now or whatever that is even though it might be something you really want to do the ego wants to do just allowing yourself to let let things unfold. It can be helpful.
Vika Bradford
Absolutely and like when you're saying that it makes me think about um the the correlation between how everything is cyclical like the the planets our bodies like especially as women. It's like a tuning into the astrology and then b how? ah. That is a mirror for turning tuning into your own body of right like slowing down where you're in certain points of your cycle is very similar to being able to slow down in certain parts of astrology like okay Mercuries and retrogrades so things are going to move differently or okay, Mars is and retrograde so things are going to like move differently so when you know. That and then compare it to being a woman, especially it's like okay you know when you're about to get your period. You're not gonna have as much energy. You're not going to have as much drive. You're not going to feel as inspired or energetic like you're gonna have to take a damn rest right? So you can go.
Vika Bradford
Compare the 2 for a second. It's like knowing what cycle you're in based on the astrology is like knowing what's part of your cycle you're in as a woman and you just have to respect it and honor it and maybe lay down or.
Vika Bradford
Maybe it's part of your cycle where you're like yep now I know I'm in this cycle and I can just rev forward I got all the energy so similar.
Absolutely And literally when people are listening to the this podcast you can refer to the one previously where we talk about women's cycles and the importance. Ah.
Vika Bradford
Of resting and relaxing in certain phases and when to exercise and all of the things because we really are cyclical and we're not meant to push and produce at the same level every single day throughout the month it changes.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
No no and it's the same with the the cosmos like all year we can look at it and be like okay this is maybe this is going to be a rest rest cycle and you might be pleasantly surprised that it's not ah but you know typically you can kind of.
Vika Bradford
Guessmate that Okay, that's going to be maybe a lower energy cycle there or okay maybe I'm going to experience some frustrations here, especially when it's hitting things in your chart particularly too. You can kind of get a feel for how that cycle is going to show up.
Yeah, and I think another important aspect is getting a chart reading done because some of these retrogrades and things that happen frequently can affect people.
Vika Bradford
Oh yeah.
Differently so when I when I had my chart read for the first time years ago I was told that I had a lot of venus in my chart and so that mercury retrogrades would actually affect me more than the regular person and I thought oh.
Vika Bradford
Okay, so she's like really really like make sure not to launch stuff during a retrograde I'm like well that's hard when you're business. Really oh good. Okay, great tell me.
Vika Bradford
See I disagree with that fullheartedly I'm gonna like yes oh my god um so I don't know what she was seeing in your chart I'm looking at her chart right now I don't know what she was seeing I'm not going to like say anything to that. You are a liber rising. You do a venus in your first house but I have no correlation as to what I'm seeing right now in relationship between them. But I will say your mercury is in virgo. So like you have and your son is in virgo too. So there's a high mercury and energy you might vibe with Mercury retrograde better than other people.
Vika Bradford
Um, just based on like people who have you know a little bit more mercurial energy and you have a stacked third house too. That's more mercury. Um, you've got placements in your sixth house too. That's more mercury so people who have high mercury signatures tend to feel mercury retrogrades heightened like it's like we we feel them a lot more on the same.
Students say hey.
Vika Bradford
Um, but also for people who have these signatures it might actually be like a great time and mercury retrograde's super fun if we can move with the understanding of oh my god mercury retrogrades its own podcast. But um, the thing about mercury retrograde is that it's this five week situation. The shadows at the beginning and the end. And in the middle. It's like the first week is for clearing. Okay, it's like get all the gunk out. We don't launch then you can but like that's when you're like clearing the shit out middle week is like getting clear on what you just cleared out. Okay, what did you just clear out and what are you left with and what are you like kind of. Um, learning about and then that last week of mercury retrograde in the three week without the shadows is manifestation period so short launch short create like um because that's the period when you like create a gestation phase and plant seed. So why? not? so.
Many many.
Vika Bradford
And some people that's go not feel right because they're going to sit here right now and be like no mercur retrograde is like a nightmare for me I run so many courses during Mercury retrograde. It's crazy. Always always and you know I might have 1 or 2 chat tech issues or we'll just laugh it off because we're in the astrology world. But.
Interesting. Okay.
Um, anyway.
Vika Bradford
I Like like it just happens to be that almost all my courses are either launched or ran emmer here retrograde and it's totally okay, totally.
Cool. Okay I love that So there's nuance there and it's not like well and there's also a cycle that happens through the retrograde too that I wasn't aware of ah.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
Totally yeah, that's like that's a whole thing a whole a whole master class in itself. Um I do have like a workshop that whenever a merger a Re retrograde comes up I will toss out that free masterclass because it is such a powerful thing to know that there is like a.
Vika Bradford
There's a plan Mercury has a plan. It's It's actually if you think about it Anyone who knows the cycle of the moon you know going from new to waxing to full to waning to balsamic and new again.
It may.
Vika Bradford
Mercury and every planet is doing the exact same thing and the retrograde is the moment when it's in its like death phase. So it's like the dark of the moon is like the retrograde. So it's it's dying. We go inward. We shed we release and then when it goes out of retrograde. That's it.
Vika Bradford
And it's New Moon phase of every planet so mercury when it goes direct is new in that moment. So we plant seeds and we like get everything ready for our next cycle.
Got it? Okay, yeah, that is really good to know. Um I mean I have definitely avoided signing contracts and like doing some of those whatever auspicious things during those times. But yeah, that makes me.
Vika Bradford
I Hope it helps everyone listening.
Vika Bradford
Total. It's more like read the fine print. Um, don't get into new contracts in those moments if you can avoid them. But if it's something that's been gestating sign them if it's like your house has been in like the works for.
But yeah.
You know you.
Vika Bradford
Months and those contracts happen on Mercury retrograde. It's confirmation. It's actually confirmation that it's good or like if you've been manifesting a dream and it happens on Mercury retrograde and the the person's like here's the contract. That's the gestation. That's the confirmation That's okay.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, read the fine print. Yeah double check everything like Triple check everything Mercury is a trickster but like those are actually confirmation moments in Mercury retrogrades that everything's okay.
Okay, yeah I love that and I had that feedback before too about if something had been happening prior then it's still okay to follow through with it if something comes up during that period.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, it's just like don't make like jump decisions in mercur at your rate right? like and that's like the whole bang thing is like don't cut your bangs because that's a that's a whim don't do things on a whim right? It's like.
So was aware of that you know there concern? Yeah yes.
Vika Bradford
Oh I so I'm in Murphy retrograde and I'm gonna go and chop my hair into like the weirdest haircut. That's a whim but if it's like we're here retrograde and you've been like I've been thinking about bangs for 8 years and I'm gonna go get bang. Okay, all right? yeah.
Yeah, okay, that's such a good analogy. But. Amazing. Okay I want to circle back quickly because I sort of just glazed over this north node stuff and how amazing it's been and transformative in my life. Let's just touch on that a little bit for maybe somebody that's diving into this podcast for the first time and hasn't listened to the first one I'm going to recommend for everybody who.
Vika Bradford
Didn't listen to our first episode together. it' to a few back I can't remember the episode the one about I don't know you guys just scroll through you'll see it. You'll see it. Um, but yeah, let's just talk about why? That's so potent.
Vika Bradford
I Don't remember either.
Vika Bradford
Gas of the north node is like what I call a shining star or like your north star. So it's one of your destiny points and when you're moving toward your north node. You're ah you're typically I'm not to say always, but you're typically in alignment with. You know why you incarnate it. It's like this is a very specific point and when you came down to earth came from ether wherever we came from. It's a very specific ah pathway or journey that you intended to make in this life and when you're on it. You're like. Yep, doors are opening. Everything's flowing. Yes, you're going to have hard times for human you have a million other trans happening at the same time but it's typically like it's it's your yes path of like this is your sole alignment versus. Um. The south node which is the opposite point which is more mastery that you're bringing in and something you've done many many lives and you are kind of taking it's like you think about like you've learned something for a Millennia it's like you're not necessarily going that way anymore. But you're taking all the mastery with you. Um, so we want to know that there are 2 points like 2 polarities to this of the masterier bringing in south node and that destiny point we're moving toward north node.
Okay, amazing and you guys like there's so much information here like I can't even explain accurately how much value this has brought my life like as an example, one of the things so there's 2 places where. We look for the north node right? So like there's the house and there's in the sign. Correct yeah and each one of those had different information for me in the book. Um, and all of it was amazing. Some of it was like you're meant to teach and then.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah.
What I've identified the most with or thought was the most interesting was the scorpio aspect for me and so I believe that was the help. Yes, Okay, but I'm definitely not an astrologer. Um, but this is where all of.
Vika Bradford
Um, the eighth house. Yeah.
Vika Bradford
That's okay.
These themes of partnership were coming up for me and it was kind of illuminating a path in business and even in just my personal life that I had not really considered before and a lot of it had to do. With Partnerships and I've struggled with that in the past especially in business mostly because I wasn't doing due diligence with the people that I was bringing in to the business. But when I read all of the advice and all of the things in the book like it literally said like your path is too.
Vika Bradford
And Sco.
Have partnership in business in life and all of these things but do your dilience. Oh and I was like oh okay because I was very closed off to the thought of partnerships. But when I read this I was like okay, no it just it almost like.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, careful with the fine print.
Switched a light on for me and I was like of course partnerships like way more partnerships. All the partnerships. So then I started structuring my business in a totally different way and energetically just open things up in. A way that has just brought so much new energy in life into my life and business almost I mean I don't want to say overnight because it's been a few months but it's something that I've been kind of thinking about and. Once we got through that Mars retrograde because that was a couple of months right where everything I was stuck and I was feeling a lot of frustration and I'm usually quite quick at manifesting things I was like frustrated and why why aren't some of these things showing up that I'm hoping to bring in and as soon as soon as we went through that portal. It was just like bo right now and like.
Vika Bradford
Um, and.
Big, big, big powerful transformative things where I mean I said this early before we jumped on but I feel like I've just recently walked through some sort of portal or jumped a timeline or something and it's like I went from 1 place to another and. Feel like my life is totally different. It's so strange I've never experienced something like this before. So. It's pretty powerful shit you guys like and I knew this was coming in a sense like I knew there were really potent things that were supposed to trans.
Vika Bradford
Um, well I love it.
Transpire in my life during this time period. But I didn't think it was gonna be like this cool in this bank. Oh man I was ready to fucking pull my hair I was just like I'm done like I'm tired.
Vika Bradford
And you are frustrated waiting for them if you were so frustrated you were like they're not coming. It's all a lie. Ah.
Bullshit Why not? It's crazy because you guys. It's so funny I feel like I've built this entire but like wild remedies I've built this entire business based on faith I have just been following the signs.
Vika Bradford
That has.
Right? Like I was brought through this whole process of illness and illumination through you know epiphacy or epiphanies with health and wellness and working on myself in all of these different ways and then had all of these really incredible. Experiences spiritual experiences that kind of drop these breadcrumbs on this path that I've been walking for 7 years now like it's been a really long long journey for me. There's no overnight success. There's none of those things. It's been. Hard but I just had so much faith like who builds businesses off of faith like it's kind of right I don't it's like and and I think it's so incredible and.
Vika Bradford
I Do I know.
Ah, really beautiful. Feminine way of doing business that can be really potent, especially when you have witches in your back pocket that are fucking reading your so astrology chart and talking to your spirit guides and all the shit like I knew four or five years ago that wild rem's can be this incredible success and all of these things because it was prophesied I know what's coming but I didn't know how long it was going to take I didn't realize that it was going to be such grind but it is I mean there's no such thing as overnight successes but it really was a test in faith and so you can have like these periods.
Vika Bradford
Um, Moon Night breath.
Of stickiness or you know, um I think sometimes too if you're on a path that requires a lot of strength you're going to be tested along the way right? and so to build something.
Vika Bradford
Big and powerful and something that's going to make a lot of impact you have to be ready for that. So you have to go through the initiations which fucking sucks at the time knock in line. Yeah yeah.
Vika Bradford
It It sucks so bad. Yeah, and you want to burn shit to the growl but like you just keep following that that North Star or whatever it is that like the bread crowns and somehow it all keeps working out somehow.
Yeah, yes, well the energy feels fresh and I am hopeful again and just full of creativity and it feels so great and I really appreciate you for supporting me during this process. Yeah.
Vika Bradford
Oh and I love it too because like peeking at your chart here. Um, you feeling particularly that Mars retrograde like it stationed right when it when it retrograded it was going through your ninth house going back back back and it stationed on your chyron I believe it stationed. At ° and your Kyron's ° gemini. So like that it like it would have gone over the wound and you you may not even have noticed because like you know it's starting to slow down. Maybe you didn't even notice and then it like you were in the stickiness being like I can't move so. Frustrated and then like lambed on your wound like on your kyron being like hi like revisit the wound and then move forward like launch pad forward. So it's cool to see like the impact it had on you. Um.
Yeah, so basically it was extra extra fun for me.
Vika Bradford
Based on your placement.
Vika Bradford
It was extra fun. It was actually fun meet for me too. My Mars is at ° so like extra fun for me too. I was actually it was a pleasure to experience that retrograde because as a gemini mars I am very because of Mars is like fast. Okay, it's moving fast is quick. It's agitated. It's like Let's do this It's this this fury energy when you put it in Gemini. Oh my god it's like crack cocaine like the nervous system is just wild nervous system never comes down. You're popping around from like 1 thing to the next one of my friends said geminis are like tasting the buffet of life and I was like that's my Mars just like tasting the buffet of life. I have like 54 books right now I want to read I'm reading all of them somehow at once I've got like 9000 tabs open so when mars went into retrograde in Gemini I was like like my everything slowed down and I wasn't angry.
Um, in.
It's okay.
Vika Bradford
And I like okay so my Mars is like it's in the eighth or the ninth so like I I can be in these like fits of rage or just like a righteous bitch and so the 2 of them. She just went inward and she was like we're going to be quiet for a second and I afterwards when it went back in like it went direct I was like oh the raging bitches back. So. I actually had such a joy being slowed down for once. So it's interesting like it plays out differently for all of us I was like I'm just going to lay back or is everyone else is like I need to move forward. Yeah.
Um, yeah Huh Oh God That's so funny. Well I'm glad you got a bit of a rest good.
Vika Bradford
I did it was great now. Mine's going to progress into a um, my natal Mars is going to progress into retrograde in a couple years and I was actually terrified for it I was like oh no I'm going to have no momentum. We have no inertia now I'm like maybe I'll just stop being so angry like like now I'm pumped.
Oh interesting. Yeah, nice and chill I love that yeah hundred percent yeah and these things are gonna I mean again, we're gonna go through this energy in 2 years right so
Vika Bradford
Take it right? So like these things are not the end of the world. We just work with them in our own way.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, there'll be another one. It won't be in gemini. It'll feel completely different I don't even know what the next one will be but um, it'll feel completely different but we'll have some sort of that inertia slow down where once again, we're like I can't move.
You had.
Vika Bradford
And for some of us that will be a blessing and then for some of us. It'll be really frustrating.
Um, amazing. Okay now I want to get back into the theme right? So let's talk about finding purpose and power through our chart. So for purpose like do you generally.
Vika Bradford
North K yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like go straight to north node stuff or is there other things that you look at.
Vika Bradford
There's a few different things that I look out for destiny points North Node's definitely one of them I also look at the sun as a destiny point or like a life school they're rising is another life school and um, anywhere you have a stelium so that means like in some.
Vika Bradford
Theories it's 3 or more planets. Some people say it's 4 or more planets including aspects. So like you're rising their your mid heaven. There's a place called the icy and there's one called the descendant. So including those you you you would have a stelia which means you like basically you have a cluster of planets in one sign. Um. And that is like a potent life focus. Let's say so if you have like say it like me I came in with like a crap ton in Leo including asteroids you just it. My leo house is just like it's just yeah asteroids a whole other level There's like I don't know.
Oh asteroids.
Vika Bradford
Thousands and thousands of I think there's like 200000 asteroids so like this can get real complex real fast but my leo house is like it's a party so when you see something like that you go. Okay, this person was very intentional about coming in with a certain energy force like.
Oh breath and then.
Vika Bradford
So I think ah I see that as a destiny point as well. It's like why did you come in with so much leo right? You clearly had a a choice on that one? Um, so yeah, the sun the North node the rising a stallium or like a cluster. Um.
Vika Bradford
Anything else I would say here those are the the ones I would say for purpose I would look at yeah oh in the mid heaven. The mid heaven as well. Yeah, so there's like several ways we can play with that one depending on like.
Okay, okay, cool.
Vika Bradford
The type of purpose we're looking at all of them have a different flavor. Yeah, so for you, you don't have many you have 1 stallium which is and and this is without asteroids that would bring a whole different layer to this.
Okay, cool. Um, what does that look like in my chart.
K. He.
Vika Bradford
Um, but that one stallium is inagegitarius you have your south node your uranus your mars and your neptune so like very intentional sagitarian energies if I was to put your so your chart in a whole signs that would put it I'm just actually gonna do that right now just to see which house that shifts it into. With me listeners. Okay, um, so that puts that cluster into your third house. Okay, so like we know there's a focus again gemini so we see these repeated signatures your north no gemini your cluster being in the third house Gemini. You have.
and and 9 trust
Vika Bradford
Mercury Sun Mercury Mercury as would have God you got some mercury going on here right? or we see confirmation confirmation and then the year like your son is in virgo. So this means like you came here to like if think of the sun for a second. The sun is to become like we're becoming something. Um, it's.
Vika Bradford
Life force. It's fuel. It's um, it's really about learning and energy we get I saw a beautiful post from my mentor at my first mentor actually today that was saying um. And I got to figure out where she was reading this but up until one hundred and fifty years ago if you talked to someone and said like what's your your sign they would respond with their moon sign. Not their sun sign and Sun signs. Yeah, they only became popularized sometime in the nineteen hundreds where someone was writing for like ah the queen or something.
Ah, and child site.
Vika Bradford
And began doing horoscopes based on the sunshine but it actually makes absolutely no sense to do it that Way. So um, so your sunshine is like you are becoming this. You're learning to be it. You don't come in naturally feeling that way unless you have that cluster or. You know, a lot of that energy in your chart. You might feel a little bit more natural like you have a bunch of mercurial things in your chart so you might feel more naturally virgo than someone who didn't so it's like you're becoming that energy. They're rising similarly you're becoming it. You're learning it. It's like.
Vika Bradford
Um, it's like your crash course here on Earth is that and that's part of your destiny right? like you didn't just come to earth as a libra rising for no reason and you came because you're kind of studying libra traits here on Earth which is as you mentioned earlier relationships right? so. Again, A common thread come through. Um your mid heaven is cancer. So like that's your destiny point that we're thinking about your career your status your your I like to call it your personal legacy like what you're going to leave behind when you you know ascend or.
Um, yeah ahead.
Vika Bradford
Move off this plane so being in cancer like that energy for you is' going to be nourishing. It's going to be nurturing. It's going to be caring, um intuitive all these Kesarian traits. It's going to be mothering. It's going to be like all about.
Vika Bradford
Ah, like oh just this mothering caring nature of supporting people and nourishing people which is like I always think about food when I think about cancer which is also very tourist signature but like the fact that you're even doing such a nourishing thing with your your legacy here right? and it's intuitive and it's.
Um, and then.
Um, um, that's so interesting because that's something that I haven't really considered like I don't see myself or my personality as someone that is very.
Vika Bradford
All these moon energies too right? and.
Mothering or nurturing I don't know like maybe some people see me differently but the way that I see myself is like I don't know sometimes I feel like I'm a little harsh I don't know what.
Vika Bradford
Um, so you it'd be interesting. So totally well like it's interesting too because if you start to ask people. They may see you differently the mid heaven people often see us as our mid heaven.
It could just be my lens and like maybe that is where I'm moving towards in life I don't know.
Vika Bradford
Ah, whereas there is a point exactly below your mid heaven called your imom Koali or your ic which is like your root system and it is a very deeply subconscious version of you and that is in cancer or sorry that's in capricorn so that is the more harsh cold.
And. Oh interesting.
Vika Bradford
Virgin right? And so when we tap into our I see that's one of my favorite points in the whole chart and we realize that this is like a very very deep repeated past life Signature ancestry all this stuff and we see it like mind's an aquarius when I tapped into it I was like holy shit This is me like.
Vika Bradford
To a freaking tea this this aquar signature and for you that capricorn is like everything you just described it when you're like I don't see me like that. It's like you are seeing yourself more as your root system than your you know. Mid heaven which we're climbing to the mid heaven right? We're moving toward it. We're not naturally unless there are placements there which you don't have any. There's no natural affinity to be it. It's just that. That's the mountain you climb.
That's interesting and that's a really powerful thing I think to work with and to understand because from Okay, so an example for me and what I'm working with right now as as more relationships come into my life. Okay. So've had a lot of isolation in my life previously and you know just focused on my own thing Lone wolf and a lot of aspects that's starting to change I'm seeing the relationship stuff starting to come in and I want to be good at relationships. But. It's not something that is supernatural for me like I can see I can see room for improvement right? Especially when I have been the Lone wolf for a while. And so I can be hypercritical, especially if I'm thinking of myself or observing myself in a certain way and kind of like second-guessing like oh maybe I shouldn't have said that or you know maybe I need to be a little bit more sensitive in this way because I can be very direct or kind of like no bullshit.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, totally.
In a lot of senses. Ah so yeah, so that's really interesting that that's something that can be identified and worked upon.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, exactly yeah like and that's really the basis of everything I do is like figuring out these signatures and then do we need to nourish them more like when you're talking about your not fully identifying with that mid heavening cancer. Okay, that's that's something we need to Nourish right? Or if we're overid identifying with something like being too stuck in say a capricorn signature is like okay now we definitely didn't need to nourish the cancer because that's the opposing Energy. It's medicine for the capric record right? or does the capricorn.
Vika Bradford
Needs something else to soothe it. So when you see for instance like someone like me with a really really big Leo Signature and all my leo placements are very karmic. They're very ingrained. It's like it's my moon. It's my south note. It's like my jupiter so it makes it all bigger and then my my mid heaven. And when you look at all of that if I was to open my own chart I'd be like okay okay because that that soul with a lot of Leo energy when it's overnourished. It's like that that's going to be the temper tantrum person that's going to be the person who is the freaking drama like I always describe myself as the person who. Like I was the disney princess flailing myself on the bed like crying and in like a fit right? That's so Leo and when I figured it all out I was like for god's sakes like I'm so deeply ingrained in my leo right now and she is just having a freak Contemporaryantru. So then I look to my chart and I see I have a huge aqua in signature too.
Next minute.
Vika Bradford
But neither of them were nourished properly. Neither of them were activated or acting properly so I had to medicate both of them I had to medicate them with each other and then I had to pull from other things too to be like okay Leo you need a freaking calm down aquarius you also need to calm down. And I had to like pull into other parts of my chart to be okay, how how do I soothe this.
Well, what are some like what? what did you do? What are some tips like okay so like first people need to have a chart reading to like figure out what's going on right? but like what other resources and like because this this takes like a shit 10 of self-awareness like this is the ultimate personal growth y'all because like.
Vika Bradford
Hundred percent yeah Yeah
You can buy all the books and all the shit but like until you know these aspects of yourself and then know these aspects of other people too like I I know business owners that get the charts of all of their employees.
Vika Bradford
My path. Yeah I would.
Yeah, so that people can be working well together and all the thing like it can be. It can be a really potent tool. But yeah, like what is the best framework to have this self-awareness and then be like okay like where do we start? what to work on first.
Vika Bradford
Totally yeah.
Vika Bradford
Oh yeah, yeah, and that's like it's funny because I'm actually working on slow but surely slowly but surely a download has come in to create essentially a journal to do exactly just what you you said because I think this needs to happen.
Vika Bradford
Because what I do with my students mostly in my membership also in my certification is we walk through house by house and we study ourselves to the extreme and to understand why do I operate the way I operate what is this energy doing and how is it impacting my life So like for me.
No okay.
Vika Bradford
But all that leoness I had to be very aware of my my dramatics. My emotional manipulation. My um, my instant reactions to things like like my husband describes me all the time I have a I have a really short fuse. But when I burst it's over really quick but I have to have like a firework dramatic explosion of just like are you kidding me like that. That's what came out of you and then it's done like I don't hold on to things but I had to watch that to be like whoa like who's reacting here because it's always my Leo Moon my Leo Moon and I'm like okay well what do you need right? So like medication for me in my chart is actually leaning into my Aquarius and becoming the detached observer when I'm really upset is like my medication is take a fucking moment.
Vika Bradford
Figure out what you're actually upset about don't say things you don't mean Gemini Mars and like watch your tongue geminirs and I have to come back into myself become the observer. That's my medication and then when I'm the observer I go interesting, very interesting and then I don't react. And then I can process so as we study ourselves through the lens of astrology which for anyone listening is like it's forever. Let me just tell you that I've been doing this for so long and I'm still finding pieces of myself every day like this year I'm leaning into an entirely different house system.
Yeah, so.
Vika Bradford
And that is radically making myself see so many things about me as a kid where I was like oh there it is oh there it is because you start to study the pieces of yourself, but it's so slow. So like for anyone listening start with like you know your big 3 start to study them study the house study. The you know whatever the keywords go into Pinterest, whatever it is find the keywords of those signs like your sun moon and rising and then the house of them and start to like put them together like what does it mean to operate as a liber rising what does it mean to have your sun in for you. In virgo in your twelfth or eleventh house depending on what house chart system we're looking at like what does it mean to have the sun in the Twelfth House what does it need to have the sun in the eleventh house and you just start to like just to figure your shit out like just questioning well like what does that feel like for you.
Behave and hate.
Vika Bradford
And those will start to Unravel Bigger questions. Yeah.
Yeah, okay, something that just popped into my head is like I feel like some critics would be like oh you know people who are super into astrology and all this stuff. It's like this form of like self-absorption. Or whatever, right? but to me understanding yourself and the people in your life and using this as a tool to heal is so.
Vika Bradford
Potent and it's what is required at this time like I feel like there is such a huge surge of interest in astrology because we're going through a period of time where we need to fucking heal ourselves. We're having so many things come to the surface right now you know.
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah.
The last three years with the insanity and how many eyes that that has opened throughout the world right? understanding all of these like crop systems and all of these things. The food that we're eating um and all of the chemicals and talkxic like all of this stuff is coming to a hand right now and.
Vika Bradford
Gap depth.
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah.
Vika Bradford
We need to heal dramatically and this is on another level and I don't know why it came to me but I'm just going to speak to it because it seems to come up more and more lately. But I was listening to a podcast recently of this woman who does like spirit baby communication. So some people might know what I'm talking about.
Vika Bradford
In her.
Um, for folks that don't This is essentially a process where you're working with an intuitive person who is able to tap into the energies of the children that you are meant to potentially birth in your lifetime or father or however, that works it can be connected both ways.
And this woman said something really interesting where she related to the high incidences of infertility that are happening right now not only due to physical circumstances but also due to the fact that the children the spirits that are coming in now. And I'm I'm already seeing this like a lot of people have kids that are already very in Tune or have psychic abilities. They're just they're on a totally different level. They're being called like the crystal children but there are these these souls that are wanting to come in that.
Vika Bradford
Cannot tolerate. They cannot go through the process that our generation has had to go through of unfucking themselves like the work that they need to do right now on the planet they need to just be here and be nourished and not be traumatized by their parents. It's the way that.
Vika Bradford
We have you know it wasn't like it was on purpose. It's just been generations generations and generations of trauma piled on top of 1 another our generation is the one that is just full of this all of this information realizing? Oh my god we're sick we need help. We need all of these things we need to unfuck ourselves.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
With all these different layers and we're literally not even going to be able to bring the next generation through without doing that healing work. So I find that really fascinating about how all of those things spiritually are connected.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
They are.
And so it's it's it's important. There's so many different levels of healing right? and really understanding yourself is really fucking important. It's really important.
Vika Bradford
Seriously yeah, no and like you're saying all of this and a I saw that article the other day I don't know if you saw it I could I posted my story that was like people who study astrology are like less intelligent and more narcissistic and I I just laughed because I agree completely when you study yourself.
Um, yeah, lower eyes. Yeah yeah.
Vika Bradford
You become the best version of yourself and when you become the best version of yourself, you become less narcissistic if anything so literally like you are we are healing generations with this. We are healing our relationships with this no one in this world with me studying themselves as deeply as. You know I am and my students are and you know you are is in or like are living in toxic relationships because we're all working on our communication. We're all working on our way of Love. We're all working on how to do things better How to heal How to you know how to love better.
Um, a.
Vika Bradford
If that relationship that we're in is not operating on that level most of us are leaving them because we are choosing better right? and and we're choosing better for the children coming in. So it's interesting because the astrology like right now we have Kyra moving through aries which is the wound itself. It is.
Um, if.
Vika Bradford
Our loss of self our loss of sense of self and everyone right now for the last however, many years. It's been a while that this has been going on doesn't know who they are. It's either. You don't know who the hell you are right now or you know you're figuring it out right now there's 2 camps 1 is lost and completely delusional.
Can we.
Vika Bradford
The other is figuring it out and then we have neptune and pisces which is delusion. It is fog so the world is literally in a delusion right now. So the you know the many of us figuring out who we are in the fog like power to us. But then the rest of everyone else is like I don't know who I am and I'm in a fog so I'm just delusional lost and then. We also have urinus and tourrus since two thousand I think 18 which is radically you know redoing our food system our sustainability. The reason we're seeing everyone starting to wake up to the poison. We're putting in our bodies is because of uranus and torus and the nodes in tourrus.
Vika Bradford
And Scorpio right now. So I'm like sitting back you know and everyone's having these conversations and I'm like that's why that's why that's why that's why and these spirit babies coming in like I see it in the you know the people in my life. The the difference between the people bringing. The babies things magic babies like they're straight up magic babies versus I swear like you could just see it in their energy. You can see it in the birth process. You can see it like the way that the people are coming in no versus.
Um, have you have you seen like any like done any charts or anything for parents with you babies like really wild looking or something like or does it look different. Okay.
Vika Bradford
So I have to look at yeah think it don't look like it's not like a look. It's just like you can just like it's an energy like there's just an energy coming off with these babies like 1 of my best friends? Oh um, I mean no, they'd look no and.
Sorry I meant like the charts like did the charts look like they're yeah, not the physical peer like how like can you see magic in the astrology chart somehow like okay and.
Vika Bradford
Different and the like the babies don't look weird one ah hundred percent like my um, my best friend had her baby in the summer and I actually got to be there when we were driving across the country and I like well she was um.
Vika Bradford
What is the word. Oh my gosh experienceing contractions and everything like that I was doing raio on her for like hours until she was ready. It was it was a beautiful day and then her little baby her and we call her name's Carly we call Carly magic baby all the time she cameimmen with so much water energy.
Vika Bradford
Literally like I pulled up the chart and I was like oh my god magic baby like it's like pisy scorpio cancer picys scopial cancer is so much water energy in water houses and I was like oh my god this is a magic baby and her first um for her little son I think he's four this year 3 or 4 4 um, he's also when I read his chart you know in 2020 I think I was like magic baby. Um, and then my was 2 of my close friends just had their baby as well. So I have to look at her chart but I was just like no, it's a magic baby just based on them. So I'm like I see the difference in. Um.
Vika Bradford
What is being gestd I'm now my so my spirit baby's been talking to me since June and she needs to shut up but like they are not ready but I'm also just like okay, never wanted to have babies and now she's just been like yammering on. But and now I just have to accept that this little magic baby wants to come in because yeah, we're doing this work we we are. We're all doing this work so that they don't have to do what we're doing is literally like you said I fuck ourselves. Yeah yeah.
Um, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay wild. Um, we go have to do like I'm gonna have to have like a spirit baby person on.
Vika Bradford
Um, you have to be back.
Yeah, because I think you know I yeah this conversation is coming up a lot. Um and this infertility aspect is like yet well because it's something that we need to know right? I Don so have so many people in my community that are trying to conceive and they can't.
Vika Bradford
Um, and there I don't know why? yeah ah literally yeah like.
Vika Bradford
Okay, wow.
And they're trying all the supplements and they're doing all the shots and pharmaceuticals and all the shit and like what if the secret to unlocking that is like some personal development and energy healing. You know? yeah.
Vika Bradford
Now. The work a hundred percent and like even layering that onto the fact that like listening to people like Joe Dispensza and stuff like that like we can think it's physical as much as we want to, but sometimes it's just not. It's just energetics and that's not even like a.
And yeah.
Vika Bradford
Ah, powerless thing that's about take your power back thing because I mean do the physical stuff. You're going to do but also check in with your energy check in with your emotions check in with your trauma like is that holding you back because that can take as much of a toll as physical things.
Um, yeah, and I think timing and destiny also come into play too with stuff that you're waiting for.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, totally Maybe they're not ready like maybe they don't want to come in right now. Maybe they're like maybe give me a second. The world's a little scary right? like variously Um, so like there's so many factors in.
Yeah, no kidding I don't blame them.
Vika Bradford
I Think like it's so hard because as a person who never wanted to have kids and now it's like coming up I like think about those things right? where I'm like well what if it just can't happen but I have to operate on a place where like if it's meant to it will and like if it's not that's not fun either. But like.
Um, a.
Um, yeah.
Vika Bradford
Timing and and taking the pressure off of things I think that's the biggest thing with um fertility stuff is like women. We got to take the pressure off of ourselves because that's a lot a lot.
And then it does.
Vika Bradford
And like when we can lighten that like our bodies can lighten. Our frequencies can lighten. Our experience can lighten and I think that will assist what is meant to happen.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah I've always struggled identifying with all of that because for for myself like I Still don't feel like I'm going to have children I don't know I've never even gone down that path that hasn't been anything of interest to me.
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah.
Vika Bradford
Are. Yeah.
I have had 1 intuitive say something about like a seed that's yet to come but like I don't know I feel like if you're gonna have kids like you really should want to right? and for me I like yeah okay god I don't know. Yeah.
Vika Bradford
And I always said that too and then this summer came and I was like what is this and then it just it was like a switch like where it was like it wasn't even my decision anymore.
Oh and okay, interesting. Yeah.
Vika Bradford
It's like it's not even in my hands anymore. Even one of my best friends she is um, extremely psychic and she read my cards recently she was like it's not even your choice anymore I'm so sorry it's like okay.
Oh really? So next time we have another interview. It might be a completely different situation.
Vika Bradford
Got she said I'd probably find out in the fall. So I'm just kind of chilling with that where I'm just like it's not even my choice. It's not even like I can't even she was she was literally like and I feel it to where she's like you can't stop it. It's like oh.
Oh wow.
Um, okay, Wow. Ah.
Vika Bradford
It's super interesting. Yeah, it's not about me anymore.
Ah, well and I think that's part of the mothering process right? like it's not not about you anymore. Yeah I mean okay, well.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, surrender not about you anymore wild It did it really did we can we get here.
This interview took a fucking left turn I didn't think we'd start talking about babies. Ah I don't know right? Oh my god so like all of yeah, can you imagine I just like end up with like 3 kids or something in my early forty s.
Vika Bradford
You're I blame your cancer Midhaine now.
Vika Bradford
3 kids in a barn and like.
And like yeah and then I'm like mothering and having all these grand I don't know I do not see that for myself but it will be funny.
Vika Bradford
God No, but it can even just be like the act of nourishing you know through your legacy. It could be the act of mothering through like just the act to be a mother doesn't even mean like.
Vika Bradford
It It does it means having a baby but it ah you can also mother in other ways, right? You can also do Kans Syrian things without being a mother. You can be like that surrogate mother. You can be that nourisher that protector that like think about oh lioness for a second like that mothering protective energy of um.
Um, yeah.
Vika Bradford
It's also like creating lineage protecting and creating lineage so you could be creating something or gestating something that is meant to stand the test of time. So there's so many ways we can take that cancer energy and spin it out of just you know having.
Are the.
Vika Bradford
A actual physical child.
Yeah, hundred percent yeah yeah and I do see that I notice more opportunities kind of coming through where I feel yeah I feel kind of like that where that nurturing energy can come through and.
Vika Bradford
Shine something for me to work on. Yeah, okay, do you have any okay I want to learn more about this so you just talked about what is it that I see.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, the emom coali or I see it won't show up on any chart readers unless you have something like Astro Gold but what you'll see if anyone wants to look into this is you're going to see in your chart reader your mid heaven. All you need to know is it is exactly opposite your mid heaven.
Um, and.
Vika Bradford
Okay, so the exact degree of your mid heaven. So yours is ° cancer you would note exactly opposite ° cancer is ° so anyone who wants to know this placement.
Vika Bradford
Look for your mid heaven. Whatever it is. It's the exact opposite in the exact degree does that make sense.
Okay, yeah, okay so you know how you recommended that really cool book for the northknown stuff. Are there Any cool books about this. Okay, yeah, no, you are for sure because like I want like a little thing because I don't have time to go in and do a full course like I would love.
Vika Bradford
Um, no I'm just going to have to write one. You're Goingnna have to write one.
Vika Bradford
A hundred percent
Love love to do one of your courses well with all the shit we have going on right now I'm just like I'm like half as doing like herbalism courses and all this stuff and yeah I'm just yeah, there's a lot of creative creative guarantee happening now it like in another fucking timeline I'm literally doing that course right now cause i'm.
Vika Bradford
Can do it.
Vika Bradford
A lot. It's a lot and my courts is a lot like I want to. It's huge.
Also obsessed with all of this stuff and want to know so much about it. But at this point I just have to rely on other people's advice at some point I will have the time to do that. But.
Vika Bradford
Totally totally totally for some pretty decent. Um Google like if you google I see in Capricorn or whoever you know if you're listening Google the opposite of your mid heaven.
Vika Bradford
For me that's I see or em mum koali I am UMCOEL I emumm well I had to spell that out while I wrote it. Um, if you Google that there is some decent resources. Pinterest is also like another you can find some decent starting points I love.
Really yeah.
Pinch Us really.
Vika Bradford
Yeah I live on pinterest my pinterest is like so much fun guys I'm on Pinterest um, but it's right? So just get into pinterest and Google and and then put in the pinterest bar like Capricorn I see or emmquellla if it doesn't come up on Pinterest go to Google I know there's a few.
I Love pinterest too like I fucking Love Pinterest but.
Vika Bradford
Decent Google articles in there. Um, and just kind of like explore the rabbit hole of it knowing that it's like your root system. It's your sub conscious. It's your ancestry. It's your like generational traumas in there your generational karmas in there. It's a whole bag of.
Vika Bradford
Information that you can kind of draw from to understand like if you were a root or sorry if you were a tree. What would your roots be. That's your icy. What's holding the tree up. Yes, it's also your home and like what makes you comfortable and like.
Um, caf.
Vika Bradford
How you feel how you feel comfortable what you adore in your home with what makes you feel safe. That's also your I c too like what keeps the roots in the ground. It's one of my favorite points in my entire chart and they it it honestly.
Interest. Okay I'm so excited to dig into this.
Vika Bradford
I Feel like it changes a lot of people's understanding of safety and of grounding because it's like that's like a really deep deep place where you're like okay these are my roots. It'll also show you like. Okay, where do I operate in my lows because your lows are there. It's sub conscious similar to your moon right? where you're just like there are some lows There is me getting stuck. There is some low as Energy. Let's dig myself out of that one? yeah.
And New texts.
Okay, all right. These are ah awesome tips I love it. So first episode north node so much stuff to uncover now we're looking at this icy midhaven thing. We're gonna have to do another one where we focus on something else.
Vika Bradford
And absolutely yeah, okay, so right now. Okay, it was to follow me Vika Bradford on all plap actually no I just changed it I'm lying to all.
But in the meantime Kay how do people follow you take your courses do all the things.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford astrology on all the platforms I put that astrology in there because it just makes everything up pular is like what do you do? I'm like it's right there but um so Vika bradford astrology Pinterest tiktok Youtube what's the other one Instagram my website is vika bradford.
Vika Bradford
Ah, dotcom. And yeah, you guys could join me in my certification level one starts on the spring equinox level 2 will be coming out in the fall you could join me in you know a course or 2 I'm always running you know little things like this like learning about the ic or learning about the mid heaven. As well as my membership's probably the easiest way to start working with me right now we're studying the chart slice by slice in in the chart. So we're like doing. We just did the first house which you'll get all the replays for this month we're going to the second house. The third house that we're studying ourselves based on. Do I operate this way so you can work with me like that or just get in for a chart reading. That's probably 1 of the other easiest ways to see how it is to work with me.
Amazing and I highly highly. Recommend folks. Highly recommend. Okay, awesome. Thank you, thank you so much for coming on to get again today and yeah I think there's so much wisdom that people can get from this episode and.
Vika Bradford
Shin chinji.
I'm really excited for folks to connect with you and learn more about your work because you're fucking Amazing. Love it all right? everybody if you love this episode and you got some value out of it. Make sure you screenshot and share on the socials and let us know what you think and we will catch you on the next episode.
Vika Bradford
Didn't know I Love you. Thank you.
The One About healing the Masculine through Men’s Work with Mike Elliott
The One About Leading with Soul to Save our Species with Kerri Hummingbird
The One About Spirit Babies & Starseeds with Deanne Crewe