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Dr. Kevin Preston welcome to the wild remedies podcast I am so so excited to have you here. How are you today.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I'm doing fantastic. Thank you so much.
And where are you right? now you like you have such a beautiful background. You're just like in a cabin in the woods or what's happening.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know I love cabins in the woods and that's kind of my thing and I manifest these opportunities and so I'm up at silver star in Vernon area and I'm in this sweet little aframe sitting by the fireplace and it's super cozy.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And we got a lot of snow in the last two days. So it's like instant winter now which I love winter I know not everybody loves the snow but I do so I'm feeling pretty happy sitting in the woods here.
I'm a little bit jealous I usually hate winter but I'm kind I'm not looking forward to it but I'm just I'm I don't know I'm driving with the season changes a little bit better than I used to and there's just things that I'm looking forward to. Already feel my body you know, starting to crave warm things. So I'm making soups and like mold spiced juices and things like that and yeah, the the dark I always struggle with a little bit but I'm kind of looking forward to like you know moonlit.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Snowy hikes and things like that this year
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Those are super beautiful too. We get to experience all the the 4 seasons. So I'm really grateful. We get to live here.
Yeah, oh my gosh? Well so I guess you're going to have a bit of of a commute tomorrow morning too. Um, for everybody listening I have a really exciting appointment with Kevin tomorrow morning that I've been looking forward to for a couple of months bright and early at 8 am I have about a 40 minute we both have like about a 40 minute commute so we get to hang out again tomorrow morning I'm so psyched.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, I'm very much looking forward to it as well as is is like the start of the appointment right now.
It is I love this? yeah and everybody gets to come along for the ride. Ah well for and everybody listening I just want to let everybody know? um how I um met Kevin.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Kind of a cool story I heard about you a couple of times from a couple of different people and everybody had like these remarkable things to to say about you and how you heal people from these mystery illnesses 1 person in particular is a friend of my cousin's. And I've known this girl pretty much I don't know for it for years I'd say most of her life because she's quite a few years younger and my cousin's been friends with her for you know since she was a little girl and this well young woman now in particular like she was just such a sickly. Individual her whole life like she was allergic to absolutely everything she her both her and her sister actually um, ended up in the hospital many times she's almost died a few times because of you know these anaphylaxis that she would go into over different food sensitivities and things like that.
And I saw her a couple of years ago when my cousin got married and she was just looked really great and she was thriving and she just kept talking about Kevin Kevin this and Kevin that and Kevin's so amazing and it and I'm like whoops this Kevin guy and she must have been seeing you quite a bit at that point. Um, but she was just saying how amazing you are and how she's feeling so good and all of this healing and stuff that you know she's been experiencing since working with you and I was like okay that's really interesting and in my mind because I don't know you're your traditional chinese medicine doctor in my mind I was just not expecting. You know like a young guy just what when I met you in person. That's not what I expected to see and I was like oh my god this guy's like young and cool and but this is not what I was expecting and um.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
We see.
Ah, we ended up meeting a breathwork retreat that you were putting on with um pam I think and um because some friends of friends were mentioning this Kevin guy once again and I was like I wonder if it's the same Kevin that ah my cousin's friend was talking about.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Ah, could it be.
And it ended up being being you and we connected and had a nice old chat and now here we are and I'm so excited. Not only to chat with you because we've had 1 introductory appointment. Um, which I thought was absolutely fascinating that was like oh my god have to get you on the podcast I think you know you're. Your expertise is just remarkable. So excited to dive in with you about that. But yeah, that's the background story I just wanted everybody to to know and also that I'm going to be doing some work with you starting tomorrow. We're doing some testing. Which I am really excited about and why don't we just get started so people can learn a little bit more about you. Um, let's chat about your background and how you ended up being I mean you grew up on a farm in Alberta right? You told me and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I did well I think 2 things thanks for sharing the story I love meeting interesting people along the journey and it's always fascinating to see how things do come together and connect.
Now doing the work that you're doing now.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And looks can be deceiving right? I think on the inside I'm a little old Chinese guy which is probably what most people expect when they come to see me and I've had patients say that so I'm not making it up like oh I thought you'd be this little old Chinese guy and I'm like.
Um, that's literally when I was expecting.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, that's that's not what's happening in reality. However I just have always been fascinating even fascinated even with my own journey around. How did I come to be in this profession and um Chinese Medicine has just been this beautiful.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Adventure of life and learning so much and certainly with working with thousands of people over the years I've learned so much about health and wellness that I could you know apply to myself and friends and family and loved ones and the the layers just keep going and I got to know you a little bit and I know you've been on a health journey as well. And. There's just like endless layers which can seem daunting in the beginning. But then it also becomes exciting and that's kind of how I look at working with clients now is let's let's get into some of that um territory in the body and get to a deeper level than maybe what they've gotten to before and so. I'm always excited showing up in the office and I'm really grateful that I get to do something that I love and do these like deep dive investigational appointments but we're really connecting with each other and we're you know I say this a lot actually health is a team sport and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Patients actually know their bodies way better than maybe even what they know because of the questions that I might ask and you know even things like just listening to a patient and I'll say like so. What do you think. Created this or what do you think spark this or where did this begin and they'll often say you know what I thought it was this thing like twelve years ago and I was traveling and you know I got sick or whatever it might be and I've never really felt the same since but I've talked to a lot of doctors and they all told me oh no, it couldn't possibly be that. And guess what often happens when we do lots of in-depth testing and you know we kind of work through these layers that often is the case and I'm like you were right? It was that it was that spark it was these things and certainly there's often you know multi factors in every case, but.
Um, nothing.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I'm usually blown away by how much people actually know about their body but they've kind of been convinced that they don't and you know I'm not trying to knock doctors or practitioners in any way. But I've just learned if I just actually sit back and listen they'll tell me exactly what's going on and and they're usually pretty accurate and. You know, certainly there's like mysteries and things where it's hard to kind of put your finger on it but people usually have a bit of an insight or inkling because they know their body. You know you're with yourself twenty four seven you can't get away from that and. There's like experience that you can bring forward and share and then I guess I've kind of trained myself and been trained over the years to really listen in between the words and listen to what is being said and how and then we can track that down and you know certainly getting trained in chinese medicine.
Um, and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Becoming a doctor of chinese medicine was ah a huge part of the the beginning stages of that journey and then learning more and more and more and I'm ah a really curious person. It's probably hard on my teachers asking why like 50 times a class and just.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Needing to know you know that kind of tenacious learning and I feel like you're like that a bit too. Yes, really good questions and I think there's something really beautiful to the curiosity that we can have as humans and when you get curious especially in Medicine you'll start learning like so much more.
Um, yeah, that's beautiful and I think a lot of people wish that they experience that more when working um with ah with a doctor you know you mentioned. When you sit down with patients that you really go in depth with them and I think what a lot of people experience in kind of like the western clinical medical system especially like we have in Canada right now is you're allotted 10 minutes and the doctor's office and you get 1 question if you'd like to ask another one. You need to make another appointment. You're lectured to you're told that it's all in your head and then you're ushered out the door feeling really.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.
Disempowered and it's really refreshing to be able to find somebody who's willing to go in and like do a deep dive with you because you know what I think is really interesting is. The types of things that you've explained to me which I'd love for you to explain the audience is that what you're typically doing with a patient is your you're deep diving diving in a way that you know most Western Medicine Doctors. Don't do um. I Actually haven't even seen this in a lot of naturopathic doctors that I've worked with um, you know there's like been hormone panels and things that you know, um I've experienced with working with naturopaths. But you know you're talking about really doing some deep. Analyses and looking for you know, latent viruses that you may have had as a baby or you know parasites that sort of Stuff. Can you talk about that a little bit more.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, absolutely and I think just to touch on a few of those things I have a huge amount of compassion for practitioners doctors nurses like kind of regardless of title people that work in Healthcare And Medicine it's not always very easy because you have people that are sick and not feeling well and often been not feeling well for a long time so they're pretty unhappy frustrated in pain nobody likes being in pain.
Um, and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know me included and so um I think there's like right off the batta an element of it's kind of I don't even know what the word is it can be just very challenging at times and I'm really grateful that I get to see so many amazing outcomes. And I know that's not really the case necessarily with a lot of doctors and practitioners. So I feel so blessed that I kind of expect to have good results with almost everybody and I can be a bit hard on myself too. I'm still a human if I don't get the results I'm looking for with somebody.
Um, a.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That's also what led me to just become more curious that I must be missing something. There must be more to this picture. What could that be and then it's led me to just become more and more open and the interesting journey that I've been on in healthcare is you know I've been practicing for about 14 years in the clinic. And you know retreats and events and many things so I get to kind of look at the world through a few different lenses I actually spend more time now on those first visits like we're going to do tomorrow because I want more time.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And this is where I have a lot of compassion especially in mainstream medicine right now they don't have time and it's really hard to get deep with somebody in 2 minutes or 5 minutes and you don't really get a chance to connect. So I kind of feel like How good a job would I do if I was with somebody for 3 minutes or 5 minutes and you know I feel like I'm intuitive and I understand patterns really well and I can see things really quickly sometimes but that doesn't allow the nervous system of the patient to. Like come into a regulated space where we can actually just be neutral and connected and then from that place we get to be really curious and then all kinds of things start emerging and so.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
There was kind of this point in my career where I was becoming more effective more efficient I understood more I learned more I didn't need as much time with patients and then it almost came to this point where I was experiencing that like wait I'm rushing now I don't have the time that I want my nervous system is feeling rushed and stressed. That's going to impact the patient in front of me of course and then maybe they're a little bit like thrown off because I'm a little bit late and I really love being on time and it happens you know there's unpredictable nature somebody's. Grieving and just lost somebody and they're sort of having ah a breakdown in the office which I think is really beautiful and they have a lot of tears I'm not going to be that guy. That's like all right ah times up like get out of here and they're they're in the middle of this this huge release or shift. Because that is often where the most healing happens. So Um I like to give myself time and that's when I started Learning. You know what? I I want more time for me, let alone the patient because I want to feel really good about what I'm doing and I want to feel regulated and super clear.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That I can take the time and listen so I started actually booking longer appointments and I think some of the people I was working with and even others I've Met. They're like what do you?? What do you mean?? you're taking longer now like you should be faster and I'm like see that's the thing. What if we go the opposite direction and so in these deeper dive visits that I do right off the bat with somebody then I can hear about their journey I can hear about their life I can hear about how they're feeling and that tells me sometimes more. Then the symptoms that they've been feeling or the medications that they're on. Is you get a full picture of somebody's system and you can really feel it and then they get to know me a little bit too and suddenly they're sharing things or talking about things that I doubt they've ever mentioned to anyone because they share that I've never told anyone this or.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah I've tried to talk to my doctor about this stuff but I don't have time they're Russian I only get the one one complaint and I could share a lot about that and and we can dive into that if you want but I feel like if you had a car that had a few different things that you wanted to get fixed up and you go to your mechanic. And they're like yeah, there's you know, 7 things wrong here but we can only talk about your low tires. You're going to have to come back again. You think what do you mean like just fix it all right now. So there's a lot of reasons why this has happened in conventional medicine and this is also why it's an inspiring for me.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
To Continue to see the healing that takes place in my office and I often don't think that it's even me I Just think I'm listening to what they're sharing and we have time for this, you know, complex case or mystery syndrome to start unfolding and it starts showing both the patient and me what the real. Like roots of illness are and they have aha moments and I have aha moments and we get to explore those together that's healing and so sometimes there's cool. You know, healing miracles that happen and I haven't even really you know air quotes like done anything but I've sat with somebody.
Um, and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And in a really clear space because I feel grounded and then things shift and and happen and and so then we you know we'll dive into testing and the testing to me is just a vehicle to learn more about the patient and speak the language of the body. And that is ah 1 of the things they do is test acupuncture points on the hands and the feet and there's no needles. There's no blood work. Some people call it electrodermal screening meridian stress assessment is another word I've heard galvanic skin response is another one and I remember googling these things.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Years ago and kind of laughing at the the things is on quack watch. It's like all over the place. It's just like such a scam and I'm like well if it's a scam this seems to be 1 of the greatest tools I've ever found in medicine to learn more about my patients and then they're getting well and healing from chronic not treatable or not you know. Typically curable conditions and they seem like they're doing well so I'm going to keep flowing with this because I'm learning so much ah about how to help people and so that's part of the deep dive visit I also use hair analysis inside the office and we've got some cool gear for that. That's. Like modern and digitized and you know sends it to the computer servers in Germany and we usually get it back while somebody's in the office and we get information on vitamins and minerals and antioxidants and all these kind of nutritional pieces of the system and then there is also pieces of like toxic. Um, categories like bacteria viruses parasites mold toxins things like that and then there's an environmental category that could be things like heavy metals radiation is actually a big one that I see more of nowadays too and and ah you know chemical toxins.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
You don't have to stretch your mind very far to understand. There's a lot of chemical toxicity in our environment and it's it's hard to kind of escape so I like looking at all of those things top to bottom to really see what is causing the most disturbance in the body and what do we need to do to.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know, start sorting that out. Um, yeah.
Radiation that that's wild. Do you have any ideas why you think you're seeing that more. Ah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I have some theories some maybe correct. Some might not be but if you think of humanity even in the last let's say a hundred years maybe just over a hundred years. What we're seeing in medicine or at least what I believe we're seeing in medicine now is a bioaccumulation of toxicity and this is something that is very much not talked about in medicine much at all is that we can pass forward toxins and.
Are you.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Those can build up in our genetics and our expression on this planet and they can be passed forward in the fetus and they can be passed forward in genetic material and so you can imagine if you think of our our grandparents for example or great-grandparents the things that they were exposed to that they had no idea About. With the industrial revolution and even if we talk about World War One the invention of bombs and that was very radioactive. Not even Nuclear bombs. But the things that they may have been using like plutonium or uranium in these things that.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
The people making them probably had no idea what this would do to their bodies and so that genetic material can be passed forward and then you have another generation another world war and things like Chernobyl and things like the tsunami in Japan when was that you know. Ten years fifteen years ago and suddenly there's all these toxins in the environment that don't really get that much attention or they do for a short period of time and then we just are like okay that's cool. That's done and what I see in the clinic when I'm testing people is like oh no, that's far from done.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And there's like kids that have tested before where it looks like there's a pattern of radiation in their system and they're 3 years old and they haven't been anywhere. They haven't traveled and in those cases I'm like all right, you know the mom or the dad let me see you and I'll test their system and I'll find oh here's these pieces.
Um, in.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And I've been really fortunate to work with a lot of families where I've been able to even test the grandparents and aunts and uncles and sometimes I've worked with like 15 or 20 people from one family lineage and it is remarkable to see oh this stuff started in grandpa because he worked in a mine.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That was mining uranium and you could see that signature and that disturbance all the way down through and now I'm testing the grandkid who's you know, 2 years old 3 years old and possibly I'm not allowed to diagnose anything I'll just say that it appears that they have a pattern that. Could be similar to radiation toxicity from something like uranium and so there's there's that part. There's this accumulation and then there's all the other unknown or unseen forces of invisible pollution flying a lot. Gives you exposure to radiation and wavelength that may not be kind of healthy over the long term I used to work with a lot of stunt people and in some cases. Yeah I'm testing them and they're like full of radiation and I'm like what do you do for a living. They're like oh I'm a stunt guy and I'm like oh.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, had a Few X-rays and they're like yeah I've had an x-ray like every week or 2 for the last fifteen years and that builds up too and so the amount of diagnostic equipment that is used these days because there's so many more mystery syndromes x-rays ct scans. With contrast with radioactive dye that doesn't always leave the body the way that it might be spoken to the patients about so I'm the guy that finds all this residue and sometimes it's more than residue and.
Um, yeah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I did see somebody from Chernobyl in the past as a patient and she didn't tell me at all and it was kind of discovered and I think this is where the the myth that I'm you know, psychic or clairvoyant or something. And you know, maybe there's some gifting that's developed in my system with this kind of work too. But I'm just tracking patterns. You know I'm I'm tracking patterns that somebody's body is communicating to me in various ways and then when I ask very specific questions. They're like.
Um, yeah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah I have been here or I have been there and yes I did have this exposure. Oh Yes I did work in a lab as a scientist building radioactive isotopes for 20 years and I'm like okay so. There's a bit of buildup in the system is's like did you wear gloves or masks or things and so what I've often found is like especially our parents generation and and my grandparents nobody really had any idea that they needed protective gear.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And I've worked with guys that were like mechanics or or painting like body guys for cars and they had been painting cars for 30 years while lead paint chemicals day in and day out and I'll say hey did you wear a mask and they're like nah you know. We had the door open though and you're just kind of cringing from a medical point of view is like your body is so jammed up with chemical toxicity. It's going to be quite a road to get this right? But that's that's what I see and so there's there's a lot of stuff coming to us these days that. Sometimes I admit it's a little bit hard for me to be optimistic because I'm a pretty happy go lucky person and then I see the amount of toxicity patient after patient and thinking. Okay, how do we work with this, you know more than an individual level and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I'm certainly got lots of irons in the fire and ideas that I have for how can we help humanity in a bigger way and I know there's a lot of other people out there thinking about these things and looking at it Beyond just myself of course so it's worth you know it's worth noting and sometimes we don't always know where things show up in our system but it's there and then.
Um, hey.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Ah, go about ridding the body of these things and you know bringing the body back into Harmony so that I can actually function biologically at a much higher level when it's not being dragged down by so many of these other pieces.
Totally oh my gosh. Okay well there is so much to unpack there and you know what you're talking about is a little bit terrifying in. Well it's It's really terrifying in a lot of senses and it's something that I think about a lot right.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, it is.
But I'm an individual who is acutely aware of all of the things that I'm putting in my body and on my body also because I'm in the wellness industry I am constantly learning about health like that. That's my karma and my dharma in this life right? It's to experience.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.
A lot of hardship in Health you know, starting from a very young age but then being able to teach from that because of the experiences that I've had to go through in order to heal myself which is exactly what we're doing right now. Um, but the toxic load and this is.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
This is fascinating terrifying and it's like humanity right now is being assaulted on so many different fronts right? Like we have you know trauma just from epigenetics right? We have toxin load from Epigenetics. We have. Endocrine disrupting chemicals from our dryer sheets to just sitting in traffic. You know with vehicles running you know every time I'm riding my bike like there's just one little piece that I have to do that's along the road before I go off to the forest and I'm.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Acutely aware of the exhaust that I'm breathing and I'm like there's people that are just riding their bikes around town everywhere just like breathing in all of this car exhaust and I'm like oh my God like that has to be so horrible for your body right? The stuff and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Perfumes and like just the amount of toxins and you know not to mention the technology that we're using all the time you know wi-fi just in itself and now we have five g which a lot of people like to be like okay tinfoil hat conspiracy around the whole 5 g thing. But no, there's like a lot of.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.
Legitimate stuff out there that shows that it's really really, really, not good for you. You know we were joking about those um you know air Airpods before ah we started the interview here and like those things will fry your brain like literally.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Like radiation poisoning just put in them right into your brain almost. It's crazy.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, so if anybody out there listening is still listening and not super triggered of like the world's armageddon going down and believe me I went through a lot of those stages over the last decade or so learning more.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And diving deeper and you've probably had experiences around this and many people listening once you start diving deeper Sometimes it gets uglier, not better and then you dive in further and you're like well if this is true then these other things.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I Don't want to be true but they seem like they are and then you go deeper and it it kind of gets it gets a bit messy and so I struggled for a little while because I I didn't want to talk to everybody about it. Partly for this reason too is like it can be pretty heavy. It can seem like a lot and and people's nervous systems would start you know shutting down as I was talking to them I could see them just kind of curling into a ball energetically of I can't handle this conversation and so.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
For me I thought well okay I am grateful that I know some solutions and I know that there's tools and there's things available that we can. We can treat this stuff and that it is reversible and there's so much that we can do it about it on a macro and a micro level.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And I remember coming across. Um Dr David Hawkins work years ago and he wrote the book power versus force I don't know if you're familiar and and he wrote a bunch of other books well and and part of the development of that book series was ah the map of consciousness and the map of consciousness.
Um I do not actually I'm gonna point up.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Is about human frequency and so they started doing muscle testing you know kinesiology muscle testing to calibrate where people were on this scale of consciousness and as an example, you know for those listening the the low side would be the different emotions like fear shame. Guilt Anger and as you would move up to Scale. You'd come into courage and forgiveness and love and acceptance and the frequency would be higher and what they found and this this made my heart feel so good when I discovered this. Was when they muscle tested people that were at a ah high enough frequency they could muscle test them against any toxins chemicals things known to be really harmful and it didn't influence them. It didn't affect them at all. They didn't test weak to it. But if you're at a lower frequency. Oh yeah, it affected you a lot and so I was like oh here's this key. It's not about what we're exposed to it is about our frequency and our vibration and this is why I think this spiritual community the health and wellness industry.
Um, he he had me.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Us talking about this stuff right now has grown exponentially and it makes ends that nature always finds a cure. You know the creator provides what we need that through this invention of technology chemicals.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
All these things that some people had thought were really good that turn out to be are incredibly toxic to humanity and mother earth all across the board. We are also increasing our frequency because we have to and we want to live in an empowered way then we can choose to increase our frequency by doing our work.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Diving in working on emotions working on trauma seeing people like me seeing all the other amazing gifted practitioners out there to collectively and individually continue to raise our frequency and then I think it's kind of like the adaptation thing. There's always going to be some learning and this happens in nature all the time where you know bats. Are catching the bugs and catching the moss at nighttime and then the moss develop better sonar than the bats and then they're evading the bats for a while and then the bats evolve a little bit more and they're catching the moss again and it's just like this escalation all the way through. But it's constant evolution. And so I believe we're coming into a time just now and in the future I remember hearing Dr Joe dispenza speak on interviews that he never thought he would see the type of awakening that's happening now in his lifetime. He didn't think we'd get there but it is happening. Even if it's in little pockets. We're out there. There's people that are open and curious and asking questions that are really good and through that process we're raising our frequency and the toxins that we're exposed to. They don't affect us so much and so we can like kind of come into this evolutionary path on our own. Because if we don't have that it is terrifying and yeah spent a lot of time in the the workshop so to speak thinking about this endlessly and what are we going to do and how can I help people and how can I help myself and my kids and my family and my community.
Um, he.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And of course these these bigger pictures of the planet and just add it and I know I'm riffing now. But um, you know with with a whole covered piece back in 2020 when the world was kind of shut down. What was really cool to see was how badass mother earth is. That within two weeks three weeks the air across China was more clear than it had been and you know 30 years or whatever it was forty years alphans were coming back into different places where they hadn't been in decades and I was like that's the power that mother earth has and we have that inside too.
Um, and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That if you stop the toxic overload of the system even for a few days. You know people quit smoking. It is amazing. What the body will do it just regenerates on its own and if you give it the right tools and resources. Oh it does it even way better and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
How amazing is that you know mother earth can do that and you know we only gave her 3 four weeks at a time and she was already cleaning up the planet like crazy and fast too for like hundreds of years of toxic insult and she's like.
A head.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That's okay, give me a few weeks and I'll start cleaning this up and so I like to have that as an inspirational element for me as a human that my body is also capable of that that I can clear toxins or that toxins can come and go and they won't influence me if I have a high frequency.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And then I can just keep carving my path in life without having to like fight things and resist things and and be in the battle and the efforting twenty four seven because that's ah, that's swimming upstream pretty tough. So there's a there's a real balance in here somewhere that's of course always a a work in progress for all of us I think but there's hope I hope if anybody listening can feel that like there is hope don't despair. There's there's so much more that we haven't even explored of what we're capable of as humans.
Um e.
Yeah, yeah, Absolutely yeah, yeah, and I think it's important to to name it too right? Even though like those we we really are going through a great awakening right now right on so many different levels. You know systems are being exposed right for a lot of corruption and things and people are just asking more questions. They're seeing that things are broken the way that we have been doing things is not working you know with the industrial Revolution. We are destroying our home and we are. Killing ourselves. We're killing the planet and we are killing ourselves and it's getting really hard to deny That fact, any longer people are people feel like shit most people feel like shit. Everybody seems to have a mystery syndrome these days.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yes.
Right? Like I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue and depression when it wasn't depressed like so many different things that people are prescribed all of these pills and things for and that's this is why I am absolutely so psyched for because.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I Just I know I Ah knew I know I know that there is something else and actually you know maybe what I'm gonna do for the audience is I'm just gonna explain a little bit about what I'm currently experiencing right now and why I'm coming to see you what I'm gonna be you know what we're gonna be talking about tomorrow. And then maybe we can do like a part 2 at some point where it's like here's here's what we did Here's what we worked on I think that would be really cool. Um, because yeah, okay, yeah I Love that. So for me.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah, yeah I'm game I'm game if you are yeah.
Like like and the audience knows you know I've been on a health journey my whole life and you know this backstory but ever since I was a baby there have been health challenges started with the throat infections. All these other things with depression anxiety massive inflammation. And just recently I've had hormonal issues for a really long time too right? and I think this is something that we're going to be looking at pretty closely tomorrow because it's cropping up for me like really aggressively right now.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I did a podcast episode a few back where I was like oh my god everybody I'm so excited I'm finally off of all Pharmaceuticals. So the last two that I was on there was I was on sperona loconee I was also on birth control for many many years so when I started menstruating I think I was fourteen years old at the time 1413 something around there and it wasn't a few months until I started getting really aggressive symptoms so cystic acne you know in the jawline area.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, on my back on my chest and I remember standing in the mirror and just looking at my face being terrified right? like you're a teenage kid in high school like shit's hard enough socially.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.
And you see your face transforming with like these huge pimples and you're like oh my God this this is gonna be awful and I remember my mom my mom and dad they kind of come into the bathroom they're like Ohh yeah you're getting acne and stuff on your back hey they're like yeah that's not a good sign. You're're you're gonna get it really bad and I was just like oh my God okay.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Thank you for that? Yes, yeah.
This is a nightmare. Yeah cool. They're like yeah we yeah we remember we we had it really bad too and I was like cool. Thanks for the rad fucking genes mom and dad great and you know at some point I get carted into the doctor's office and am offered. Ah, shiny little pill to make all of those problems go away and of course I'm going to take that pill. Um, you know also because I'm sexually active and didn't want to tell my parents about it and I was like oh thank god I don't have to you know my my first met my first method of birth control was prayer. So this was hit up.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah, yeah.
Felt great I didn't feel safe enough to ask for it at that Time. So I was happy to have it. Ah for for for that. Um, but it did it cleared up my skin and it was probably doing. Other things in the background that were maybe unwanted symptoms but from the very beginning there was dysregulation there and I tried to get off birth control a couple of times in my twenty s and always ended up again with like the really bad acne and just horrible symptoms.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah.
So now here I am a few months ago going off of all of these medications again I've done so many different modalities of healing and just thought okay that's it. You know this is behind me and now here I am 30 eight years old and just having my monthly cycle and getting a really huge pimple on my chin. Getting some really you know big Cys on my back and I'm like okay it's still like it has not shifted this whatever this is has not been addressed and so you know textbook clinical medicine would be. You know this is probably pc os right? like I've been noticing some. Hair loss around. Um you know, whatever this area is called here the um, whatever like where the male pattern baldness usually happens right? I think that happens for women too with excess androgens. Um.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah, temporal. Yeah.
Ah, like inflammation I'm noticing is coming up pretty aggressively like bloating a lot of weight gain. All of these things like your body could transform so drastically when your hormones are out of whack and for many years you know. Doing all of kind of like a lot of the natural healing that I've been doing I've gone to natrapas and things where we've looked at hormones and there's been different vitamins or you know lowd dose hormones and stuff that have been prescribed in the past and to me like that still just seems like a patch. It doesn't seem like it's a dread like there's something in me that is like no it has to be something else. There has to be something deeper and that's you know what? I'm hoping we kind of discover tomorrow and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, him.
You know I'm assuming you've worked with a lot of women with hormonal issues before what? like what? what have you typically seen and like discovered that have have helped them.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Ah, now I've never seen that before. Um, yeah, so of course it is very very common and the Chinese Medicine view of looking at this would be okay if the hormones are out of balance.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That just means the body's out of balance and if you rewound you know 2000 years they didn't even know what hormones were they just knew somebody was having symptoms of imbalance in their body with their chi with their organs or the meridians because they understood that already.
Um, and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And then they would use herbal Medicine acupuncture various like traditional methods and they'd restore balance back to somebody's system. So when patients come in and you know everything you've shared. Thank you that Okay, you're Experiencing. What seems to be maybe hormone dysregulation or there's like something going on here. There's a variety of symptoms coming up the hormones to me are an effect.. They're not the cause there's something creating hormone disruption and so this is the piece that I like to get into a little bit deeper.
Um, yeah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
It's sort of been almost accepted in Mainstream Medicine and even various aspects of natural Medicine. It's like oh you have all these symptoms because your hormones are off and then you take an intervention to correct the hormones like hormone therapy or something else and like hey you feel better and people sometimes for a time feel better. But the core level issue underneath that is still not addressed and so I believe you're right like it is just a patch and then on the surface level hey my symptoms might may or may not be better. Let's just assume they're better with that kind of intervention. The deeper pattern is being overlooked.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And will continue to compound and usually get more severe and may show up as like something else then and then suddenly you're taking an intervention to treat that and then oh my mood's pretty off now now I'm going to take an intervention to treat that and this is whole domino effect but not in a good way.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And so I suspect what we'll find with you is that there might be these elements of what I would call lingering pathogens and in Chinese medicine. It's kind of a term they they call it like goo syndrome Ge you and it sounds a little bit funny right? But yeah, it's like.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Toxins like lingering pathogens lingering toxins in the body and so some of the elements that we're creating this disruption already at 13 or 14 point those are the things that we'll probably find because likely you may have addressed them in a a few different ways I'm not saying that you haven't had really great treatment along the way. But it also is still showing us. There's more to this picture and a lot of times I find people aren't getting like deep enough or precise enough with those elements that started right in the beginning and most of the treatment that the majority of patients had is all suppressive medication.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
So as soon as the symptom comes up. It's like no let's just push that back down and it's like whack-a-mole at the circus like it just doesn't end and until you actually like get in underneath some of this material and start clearing it from the body or finding like what is the disruption here.
Um, he yep.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Or how many pieces is there to this puzzle. It doesn't fully resolve and so I really like to have ah a bird's eye view and and look at the full spectrum of all of these pieces because they all have a hand in it. But this stuff has been suppressed in your body just like you mentioned you've been on lots of medications.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Each one of those medications typically is never designed to treat the root element so where does the root imbalance. Go nowhere. It just kind of gets compressed deeper deeper deeper and it almost becomes like geology then it's like sediment rock deep in the system.
Here He is.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And yeah, instead of creating diamonds under all that pressure. It's creating illness and disruption and it always reaches the surface at some place or in some way you know that energy has to go somewhere so we can try and pack it down in there. All we want. It's going to show up in some way and so those are the things that I'm usually doing which is kind of opposite. Let's pull the lid off that stuff and let's bring it to the surface. Let's help the body bring it to the surface and then clear it.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And then resolve those layers and integrate them and bring the body back into Harmony with itself and as the body comes into harmony with itself. It may bring more layers up to the surface and then those get to be cleared and so you get to do like a full excavation of current day and then all the way back. And further and further and further back like right to childhood right? to toddler baby and in a lot of cases. We'll go beyond that because then we'll start finding the toxins that you likely got passed and it's not your mom or your dad's Fault. You know they got past genetics and these.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Toxins that they never even knew about as well. But we can often follow these things further back and then sometimes I'm able to guess people's lineage of where they came from or where they live just because I've learned a lot about where some of these exposures come from and you know not to mention the mentally emotional pieces. Along the way that have a very direct bearing on um like bacterial expression viral expression and they can all be locked in there in the body as like this time capsule. So if you were experiencing along at 13 or 14 for example, mental. Emotionally I don't know many 13 or fourteen year olds that aren't experiencing ah experiencing a lot mentally. Emotionally, it's just part of life here. But if you take on like ah a viral expression at that time.
Um, and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know Epstein bar is a great example. It gets used a lot in conventional medicine and and alternative medicine too. People know about it. It's what causes mono or that's that's the the thoughts. Um, you know framework there. Let's say you're going through an incredibly difficult time at 14 for whatever reason you know, maybe bullied at school or. You know your parents are going through a lot of stuff and you're internalizing some of their emotion and let's say you get Epstein bar you get mono at that time. There's been cases where I've seen this pattern show up, you know twenty thirty forty years later in somebody and when we start clearing that. And integrating that into the body. They may get a surge of anger and grief and all these feelings coming up and they're like Kevin what you give me like why am I feeling this way like what the hell man and.
Um, and me.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
We get chatting and I'm like do you remember when you had Epstein Barr and they'll be like well yeah I was 14 and I was like and what was going on at that time in your life and they have this light bulb moment of like oh my god I was so angry then or I was experiencing so much grief and it's so fascinating that. Through treating the viral expression to bring balance back. The emotional blueprinting is now coming out and those imprints that were there and the time capsule is now revealing itself. But then it can be cleared or integrated and put back into right order in the system. So. It's not just like the toxin. It's like everything else associated with that because the emotions can be the toxins at times. Not that emotions are bad. But if they're unexpressed or unmet in the system then they can become problematic and you could have an emotion.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That sparks a dormant virus into being that was laying low on the body and you go through an emotional trauma or breakup or divorce or something like that and suddenly viral load is just rampant in your system. You're like what's going on with that and it's like it was triggered. It was sparked by challenge. And so we'll see we may see all of that so tomorrow's going to be fun. Krista.
Oh my god okay, that's so interesting because I was just thinking after a traumatic event that I went through a few years ago I had this resurgent of like these hormonal symptoms. Even though I was on. You know the hormone blockers like the. Ah, birth control and stuff that I was on so that's really interesting and you mentioned Epstein Barr that I think that is what was cleared from my cousin's friend that I mentioned previously. So the girl that was like deathly ill with all the food allergens. That's what you guys ended up working on clearing.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And now she doesn't have to go to the hospital because she ate you know beans or whatever it is like how wild is that right? So many people suffer with food sensitivities. It's crazy. Oh my god.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, yeah, it can be pretty wild. Yeah yeah, the body's usually just responding to a lot of inflammation and irritation in the system.
As in.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And again you got to follow the rabbit hole a little bit deeper. That's what I've been finding with patients which is ultimately why I ended up wanting more time with them so that we could get to that depth and discover. What's at the bottom of the pile here because it often had never been overturned or even looked at sometimes not even close.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
But sometimes even practitioners that other patients would would have seen they had done a really good job and they were correct of like hey you've got this and this in your body but maybe it just wasn't deep enough or there was a few other pieces that that weren't fully seen. And it it stayed kind of stuck or it didn't clear fully and then sometimes I may discover hey you still got some of these things going on in their body and they're like yeah but I spent thousands of dollars and years like treating that I should be good and I'm like I'm sorry that it may not be.
Me. Ah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
However, it doesn't mean that somebody didn't do a good Job. We all have different Expertise. We all have different gifting I refer patients out all the time to work with the gifts of other practitioners that I feel they're a good match. Maybe in addition to what I'm doing and there's times I might say hey you're not ready for me yet. I Want you to go and do this and this and this and then come back because then you'll be ready and you'll get way more from what I'm going to do with you or vice versa like I said in the beginning Health is a team Sport. So I Love it when people cultivate teams for themselves and it sometimes that Cliche saying like it takes a village.
Are. E.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
But it does and there's many things that maybe aren't my gifting and there's many things that are and wherever those kind of gaps are I'm going to help find that other person or or send them to those other modalities along with what I'm doing because then you see like the most miraculous healing happen.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And that's what I'm there for that's that's what inspires me to you know, show up each day and you know see what can we discover today and whose health can be affected in that way and then their health being much better is going to affect their family and loved ones and everybody in their community. So it does.
Um, yeah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Does have this like wave propagation that's exciting too.
Yeah, well that truly is such such a beautiful gift and I'm so grateful that we get to explore this together. Ah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Ah, you're doing really well because I'm speaking of these things and I I can feel you know it's like there's a lot processing in your system and you know of course we're going to unpack it more. But I guess I wasn't joking when I said our session was you know, starting right now. So thanks for being so open to just.
Um, no kidding.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Chat about these things because yeah, we're we're multidimensional beings and it can be complex sometimes but we can try and distill this stuff down to be more simple of what's in there that that doesn't need to be in there anymore.
Ahead and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
You know it's not common for the next stages of your journey. It's not serving the system anymore and let's offload a bunch of those layers So your body can come back into balance and yeah and cool things happen.
Oh man I am looking forward to you know I just I've always felt like my forty s are just going to be the most fabulous decade I'm going to have the most vibrant health that I've ever experienced in my entire fucking life. And I am so hero because I have just worked and worked and worked so hard at my health and you know we've had this conversation where it's like I got 2 steps forward 1 step back 2 steps forward 2 steps back like it's just kind of you know I'm I'm stuck in this little space and I know that there is something I know there's something more that needs to be cleared and I've done. Of the emotional stuff. A lot of the spiritual things and but there's still you know there's still more to work on that is my journey and you know I think this is going to be another piece of the puzzle and another step forward that hopefully you know allows me to take several steps forward and. No more steps back no more steps back and
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Well and there's this interesting piece because I've heard what you've shared from literally like thousands of patients where it can be frustrating or you can kind of lose hope of I'm just.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Been in my wheels here and I've done so many things and I've seen patients that have spent you know hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last decade and and they're kind of better but sometimes they're not and you know you can imagine how frustrating and how challenging that would be. To not get traction. You know to not get the the breakthroughs or maybe very little but what I found is that you know we got to trust in in the bigger picture somehow that in some ways even though it was a challenger struggle that it it reveals more of who you are.
Um, a.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Cultivates Character Cultivates resourcefulness definitely something I've seen it cultivate his gratitude in the patients that I've seen that have been really sick when they get well and as they get well they have some of the most profound gratitude for being well and being so grateful to be here on this planet.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
They don't take anything for granted, they really live life fully after that because they know what it's like to not be healthy and so there is some gifts that you know I've seen this this next level appreciation of life because of their journey and because of pain and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That they actually still may have got way more progress than what they think because it can be hard to measure sometimes you know where would they be without the treatment. They've done where would they be without all those appointments and and things that maybe didn't seem to give them the answers of the results. But it. It can again. It's hard to track it. It may actually have had equate an impact and sometimes I feel like I'm the guy at the end that comes in and you know takes it to the next level but that a decade of practitioners before me and the person. We're working their asses off and then I'm seeing this one piece or these 2 pieces that haven't ever been addressed and as soon as you connect those dots boom the whole system just comes online and you know sometimes I am the guy that's been working with somebody for a number of years.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And others and and it's that slow and steady and they get there and it's a tremendously rewarding journey Even if it's challenging at times so I would say that all that effort is not lost even though sometimes it feels like it is because I can usually tell when people have been doing treatment because I can see it in their body I can see it in their readings. And there's all this beautiful groundwork and infrastructure that maybe just hasn't quite like come together in that cohesive way. But it's close and they're they're actually not as far as what they think or not as far as what they feel from feeling a huge increase in their vitality.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And the way that they're living and the way that they're experiencing so it does count you know and what people eat in their diet and sometimes they're like Kevin I couldn't have a better diet I don't drink I don't smoke I don't do anything I do yoga like I meditate I do every single thing that is supposed to make you healthy and I'm not.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
But I tell you what like their treatment goes way faster. They recover way faster like it does count for sure. So anybody needing a bit of hope on that but like keep going you know and and trust your body That's the the other thing that I've seen with patients if you can.
Um, yeah.
Totally. Is.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Connect in with yourself enough. You know who to see like you can feel where you're supposed to go. You can feel who you need to talk to and you don't always get a hundred steps. Ah ahead, you may just get that next breadcrumb of I got to talk to somebody. There is something that that grabbed my attention with something they said.
In his.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And I'm going to follow that up So follow the energy and you'll find your people and it could be me. It could be many other people you know coaches and you know counselors or you know there's all these teams of people out there waiting to help you but you got to ask and you got to follow your own energy and then yeah it does come together. So.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Good job sticking with your own journey for so long and yeah I can't wait to dive in with you even more This is going to be super fun.
Ah, yeah, well and you know and and there has been so much progress, right? like I was Bedridden like I I was barely functional for years and years and years and what you mentioned about this feeling of gratitude. It's funny because every time there is. A big shift in my health like for example, when I discovered that gluten was basically making me suicidal and eliminated that from my diet I was just like Wow like you know it was It was quick. It happened within you know 1 to three months that it was just like I went from.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Having a very very difficult time functioning and getting out of bed in just extremely low mood all the time to just being like oh you know like I just I'm having consecutive days of feeling good and having energy and. You know and then focusing on gut health and all of these things that have done along the way have just created so much resilience and so even though I know there are pieces that are still off and again like I'm very sensitive to this too right? because it's something that I'm always quite hyper focused on. Um, you know there are things that you can be doing right now. That can put you in a better state than where you currently are and yes doing all the investigational stuff. Especially if you are suffering with mystery syndromes right? like there is there. There's always more to to investigate there and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah I mean I wanted to dive in a little bit more on some tips that maybe you could give folks because we talked about you know, a lot of people suffering with talks and overloads and things like that like do you have any. Quick ticks are things that people can be doing right now in order to eliminate some of those toxins or are there any sort of like cleanses and things that people can just even like pick up from the health food store just to kind of get started and then after that what is the next step like obviously. People might want to get connected with you or you know if say they don't live anywhere in in our area are there other people that are doing what you're doing because they feel like what you're doing is kind of special and there might need to be like. More of you that need to pop up around the globe.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Yeah I think that there does need to be more depth of medicine you know in every profession. So if any practitioners or doctors are listening I just.
In there.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
I'd love to invite them to to shift. Maybe the way that they view things and take more time with their patients and yes, maybe they'll make a little bit less money for a little while. However, it always actually comes back around and then often becomes more successful. Than what you can imagine because you're really meeting people at a meaningful level and the results speak for themselves. So It is the most rewarding to see people heal and have these you know where maybe they were in a wheelchair when I met them and now they're not because.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
They had Ms or something and I'm not saying I can like cure Ms That's not what I'm saying I'm just saying I can help people restore health and when you restore health to the cells and the organs and the body. Really interesting things, happen and illnesses and disease seem to start dissolving in their systems. Even if it's not typical so I get to see a lot of atypical things. So as a practitioner if you want to get atypical results in the best way possible. Take your time. You'll see more. You'll feel more you'll connect more. You'll feel more rewarded at the end of the day.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
You'll get better results. The patients will get better Results. So I Just see it as ah, a win-win and I think this is kind of the growing pain that maybe health in general needs to go through or medicine I should say that we may have to take a few steps back to go forward and I know it's already. Really next impossible for people to get in to see their doctors but I've met a lot of doctors and I've actually worked with a lot of doctors that probably wouldn't share that they came to see me but they're not healthy, either not all of them.
Um, and.
Interesting. Yeah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Because they're stressed they're rushing and a lot of them are really beautiful humans. They want to help but working in a system that ah is not conducive to their health is not going to be an effective place to be so the rates of Burnouts and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Frustration and their own health suffering is actually really really high. So I always thought if I can't do my job and my mission that keeps me super healthy in the way that I want to work that resonates for me and I invite everybody to follow what resonates for them.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Then you'll be healthier in your job and you're going to be more effective for your patients. So the tips would be invite your practitioners to meet you challenge them a little bit. You know, even if that's hard.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And the practitioners out there. Challenge yourself to show up for yourself and your practice better. What really calls to you. You know how much better could you be in your work if you were healthy and aligned and happy and so finding practitioners that are vibrating at that level.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That's the next evolution that we're going into and there's more showing up all the time. So I'd say take your time finding the people that you want on your team and it may take some some time or some appointments and yes some money to to seek that out, but it's worth. It's worth doing.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
It's worth being thorough to to meet those right connections or feel that resonance with the practitioner of like yeah they're going to help me I can feel it and it's not necessarily what they're saying I can just feel that resonance that they actually embody what they're speaking. They don't just talk about it. And so that's ah, a big one I think returning to the breath and these things that are simple and free. There's a reason Breathwork has become incredibly um, popular and I'm not saying that in a bad way.
Um, name.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
It's become more and more talked about more well known because people are having incredible experiences and it's your own breath. It's your own body. It's your own physiology and I think it's reminding people. How powerful we really are so don't underestimate this amazing. Biological suit light bringing force that we have and what are the main tools that we have we can move our bodies. We can breathe. We can come into stillness even when it's hard so that's what I've been finding for myself the last few years. The more stillness I can come into. The deeper my breath is the deeper. My breath gets the more still I get and the answers start showing up and insights start showing up around these questions that you might have have in your own life around your health or what do I do next and if you don't know where to go. Take a few minutes and pause in your life and take a few deep breaths and just give yourself that time and your body will actually start off and revealing and speaking to you and if your body hasn't spoken to you for a little while then.
Um, and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
That's even more incentive to get still and get quiet and get curious and so um, yeah I know those aren't like remedies that you can take necessarily but in some ways they are and you can find them. You know right here. So the other side of it would be. Really clean. Water is underestimated. There's a lot of toxins in in chlorinated water in city water and you know if people want to dive down that rabbit hole I invite them to what's 1 thing you take in every single day or you should take in every single day that is clean, healthy water and.
A help.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Then on the other side start looking at where's your toxic load quotient for the day and what are you taking in and this can be a little bit sneaky and I think this is part of the the overconsumption of humanity especially in North america new houses new cars, new clothes. All those things those are really sneaky ways to be exposed to toxins and even though I can admit like I love the new car smell I haven't had new car smell myself for a long time but it's very toxic to the system. Unless of course you're rocking a high frequency.
A that is.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And new clothes always wash them before you wear them because they're bathed in chemical toxins most of the time before you put them on I've seen people break out in hives and rashes from like putting new clothes on that. They've never washed before I've worked with patients that were in the building trades.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
The sawdust or the paint or the other fumes that off gas from things like vinyl flooring very much overlooked and you got a headache at the end the day after laying flooring and just think ah, what's what's up with that. It's like well this new product that's been shipped in boxes sealed containers has often been. Like fumigated so that no bugs came over in the sea can that it got shipped in or or something like that and that's pesticide that's toxic and you're like breathing that stuff in. So. These little known things. new furniture new you know new homes you know there's a lot more awareness about this stuff now of building green. You know, using products that are are low Voc which is volatile organic compounds. But you can tell when you walk into somewhere if they've just like painted or or got and a lot of new fresh. Um, material in there plastics and things you can smell it that's toxic offcasting um like it's it's nuts right? And and again I'm not trying to trigger anyone. It's like everywhere. But if you just look around and and this is you know I'm kind of feeling my ancestors right now.
Um, and crazy and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
They lived in the same house for like 50 years you know my grandparents so there was not much off-gassing happening because there was nothing new coming into the house and so I think some of the older things that were were built were amazing.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
And you know maybe there's some stuff like a coal furnace that wasn't so amazing that was toxic too. So I'm not saying we haven't made a lot of improvements but the question is are some of these things improvements. So I'd say check your consumption habits which isn't always what a lot of businesses. Want to hear is that I go nobody's going to buy all this new gear now. But.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Like look around you and see what you have that? Maybe you don't need or before you buy that new thing maybe just check and see if you really need that and simplifying your life can be really profoundly affecting of your health not just from a toxic point of view. Um with like physical toxins. But.
A a.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Mental toxicity. Don't utter your life either simplify and especially right now because it's been such a big challenge for most of humanity for the last two three years the more you can simplify the better. It's going to be so. Declutter yourselves in in all the ways would be someone with advice. There.
Um, turn off the news. That's my tip. But yeah, get rid of the fear porn. Ah.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Simplify yeah, anything that's not essential get rid of it hundred percent yes
That'll raise your frequency like 40 notches right there. Ah I love it. Well I'm going to leave it here for now we are at time but thank you so much for this enlightening conversation.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Um, overnight overnight. Yes.
You're just ah yeah I just feel so blessed to have met you and I'm so excited for our appointment tomorrow and to update everybody listening about what we find what we discover and how we're going to work through some of these things. Um, how can folks get.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
So Dr Kevin Preston Dot Com is our website Dr Kevinpreston Dot Com and that's the same handle on Instagram I am on Instagram too and I'm not always on there a ton but I'm around and the other thing about.
In touch with you.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Being of service in relationship to everything that we talked about I've got a ah few elements that I've been working on and 1 of them is building some courses that really speak to these pieces and and kind of go deeper. It's probably not going to be available till the new year and in 2023
Um E oh.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Maybe even springtime you know I'm still busy treating a lot of patients these days too. But that's the inspiration that's coming through is I can only see so many people in a day I am just 1 guy and you know I've got a beautiful clinic in Vernon Bc and I've got other people that I get to work with there that are.
Um, single.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Like powerhouse. Amazing people too and we're kind of working on the backend of the website right now. So there'll be a new website probably in the next 2 to three weeks as well different than what's available now at the end of october here that we're we're speaking 2022 and we do have other big retreats and events that we're going to be doing more of as I mentioned I've done a lot of events the last few years and in the last few months we've done 2 big events. They were like one day mini retreats and we had over 120 people at each one and we've got. Ah yeah, and.
I Came to one of those I think the equinox right? Yeah and.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Well we did yank yanks this in? Yeah yeah, we did equinox back in September and there's power in groups. You know there's power to be had in groups in terms of healing and so this is a way I'm I'm really loving exploring more of is reaching a lot more people in one day and bringing more tools and.
Um, in.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
We've got some irons in the fire for sure for next year for some some even bigger events than that that I'm so excited about so there's a variety of ways you know you can see me in the clinic I tend to be booked out. Months in advance which again I'm really grateful for. But yeah, there's lots of tools in the meantime so these are some of the things I'm developing to be able to to kind of meet the demand you know meet the needs and um, yeah, in the meantime we'll keep doing my thing.
Um, Yay I Love that I'm so glad you're doing courses I think that's brilliant idea.
Okay, everyone. Well now you know how to reach out to Kevin if you feel so inclined and stay tuned for for part 2 and we'll keep you updated on on this progress I feel like there's just going to be so much valuable information you know, especially for anybody who is dealing with similar symptoms that I'm dealing with which I know. A lot of people are so again. Thank you, thank you so much and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.
Dr_ Kevin Preston
Sounds good. Thank you so much Krista thanks to everybody listening to and yeah, many blessings. We'll see you.
See you.
The One About healing the Masculine through Men’s Work with Mike Elliott
The One About Leading with Soul to Save our Species with Kerri Hummingbird
The One About Spirit Babies & Starseeds with Deanne Crewe